One time:
So far, so good. In fact, "adding to," and "subtracting from" His Instruction (commandments, in this case) is explicitly prohibited no less than 3 times in Scripture.
Enough said, but it is important. And it is the ONLY proper way midrash from later letters, for example, can be properly understood in context.
The father (at least twice, explicitly) has explicit VETO power over a daughter's (and wives') vows. That is not, repeat NOT, the same as "requiring permission." But it's arguably a good idea, certainly demonstrated by practice and tradition. (Even with brothers attempting to fill in.) Just not "required."
Yes, this has all been "done before."
(Samuel: I bristle at "show me the verse" for reasons you know well. Since YHVH 'changes NOT, and is the "same, yesterday, today, and tomorrow' that should be a more straightforward task than it sometimes seems to be here. I contend He meant it.)