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Is the USA Babylon the Great? Should Christians leave?

Eristhophanes said:
My vote isn't the United States, but rather New York City.

If you look at Rev. 18, the great city is overthrown in 1 hour because a "great stone" like a millstone was cast into the sea.

If you want to find the "great stone" look no further than the west escarpment of Cumbre Vieja on the island of La Palma in the Western Canary Islands. If you Google "cumbre vieja" you'll get lots of interesting results, indicating that Cumbre Vieja is the greatest threat to the US in existence today. When (and I believe it will be a "when" and not "if") the doomsday scenario happens, the tidal waves will start hitting the East Coast of the US six hours later and the duration will be about an hour, fitting Scripture perfectly.

Wikipedia has some of Ward and Day's research, but it's interesting that a couple of factors were left out and their "worst case" scenario is only about half of what it could easily be. And everyone who makes light of their research (pretty much everyone, because it's just too scary) tries to say that their worst case is highly unlikely. Because nobody takes into account what scalar weapons can do.

Most of the people who write about this have no clue as to the magnitude of this and they talk about "lead time" and "evacuation" as if that's even a possibility. It isn't. So many people would die in New York that the only thing that could be done would be to quarantine the area and let the bodies rot. Which would certainly fulfill Rev. 18.

And, of course, everyone's go-to thought is nukes to kick off the party. While nukes would work, my vote is scalar weapons for a variety of reasons. A few years back I wrote a series of novels about this and based on the research I did, I can assure you that for the US it's an extinction event.

Eristhophanes: I do not believe that it is New York City; I believe it is the United States. I do believe the Russians will attack with both nukes and scalar weapons. You should read this: http://www.yahushua.net/babylon/nyc.htm. Moreover, read this http://www.cuttingedge.org/detail.cfm?ID=1083. http://beforeitsnews.com/prophecy/2013/ ... 51546.html

New York could well be the centre of it, but I see Babylon as something bigger, because:
Jeremiah 50:16 said:
Cut off from Babylon the sower,
and the one who handles the sickle in time of harvest;
Not much wheat is grown in New York City, it's grown in the wider countryside, so the wider countryside is to be at least part of this destruction.
FollowingHim said:
New York could well be the centre of it, but I see Babylon as something bigger, because:
Jeremiah 50:16 said:
Cut off from Babylon the sower,
and the one who handles the sickle in time of harvest;
Not much wheat is grown in New York City, it's grown in the wider countryside, so the wider countryside is to be at least part of this destruction.

Did you read any of the websites that I posted FollowingHim? The entire country is probably going to be destroyed according to the Bible. It is certainly not the Catholic Church as is popularly assumed.
Sun - I skimmed one or two, saw they were basically along the lines I was already thinking and didn't have time or inclination to read more as I'd likely already agree with much of it. Good resources for anyone who's got questions about this, thanks for posting them.
I have to be honest, I don't see America in the End Times at all. Unless we ended up being the lost tribes. I think Babylon will end up being literal Babylon. The anti-Christ will be the hidden imam. Of course I don't think God wants the thing to end anyway. He wants us to last for as long as we can and populate the universe. He adores us and His creation. It's Satan who wants the whole thing to end because he hates God so much and just wants to hurt Him.

But God isn't going to rescue us this time. This time it just ends if we don't keep it running. That's my thoughts. Usually the simplest, most straight forward answers are the best.
It is thought by some the Iraq area is the prince of darkness kingdom. The kings and kingdoms of the area was offered to the Messiah during his temptation.

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Lila, the enemy of our souls is the father of lies. All bastardizations of "religion" are his children.
Even if there was no earthly connection, they are connected. To me it is no revelation. No big deal.
I heard the other day that certain branches of true satanism will only allow someone to be a satanic priest if they have first been a catholic priest. As Steve said, there are ties between all of Satan's deceptions.

Catholicism is difficult, because there are many very genuine Catholic laypeople who do genuinely follow Yeshua, but they are in an organisation where many of the leadership appear to be heading down a rather different path. It's hard to criticise the Catholic church without people thinking you're criticising every individual Catholic layperson.

Here's a quick hilarious and very true illustration of the Catholic church today:
Lila's right though, there is an alleged direct link. Mohammed's wife was living in a convent when she married him and his brother in law, who wrote down his ravings, was a Jesuit. The theory goes that the Pope wanted to boil the frog so to speak and make a half way step between paganism and Christianity so the Arabs could be converted.
ZecAustin said:
Lila's right though, there is an alleged direct link. Mohammed's wife was living in a convent when she married him and his brother in law, who wrote down his ravings, was a Jesuit. The theory goes that the Pope wanted to boil the frog so to speak and make a half way step between paganism and Christianity so the Arabs could be converted.

The story I heard was that the Qur'an was written by a renegade rabbi.

It couldn't have been a Jesuit because Loyola didn't come along until the 1500's and back when Islam was running wild through Arabia in the 600's, the Pope was pretty much clueless. We're talking about a period of Church history that was characterized by internecine feuding and fighting. Only a hundred years later in 711 Islam swept into the Iberian Peninsula and later attacked from the East. They were eventually stopped, but from 711 on they were the deadly enemies of Christendom and were not expelled from the Iberian Peninsula until 1492, after almost 800 years of fighting. The Turkish (Muslim) attacks in the East were not finally defeated until 1683, at the gates of Vienna. The history of that is fairly amazing, but it was the direct intervention of the Pope that made the victory over the Turks possible.

That's not to say a Jesuit wouldn't have done something like that, they are fanatics when it comes to obeying the dictates of the church, but to say that the church had a hand in creating Islam is pretty far out there. But don't underestimate Jesuits. The KoM have some damn fine fighting men and they're sneaky little bastards too. In other areas such as the Protestant churches, they infiltrate, observe and sow discord. I guarantee you that all of you have seen it happen although you don't know who did it. Their signature is hard to spot, but it's usually there.

Jesuits, as a rule, are extremely intelligent, highly educated and dedicated to their cause beyond belief. They are also arrogant beyond belief, although they can hide it well when it suits them. The KoM have a 5th set of vows that allow them to kill heretics. They are well-represented in the various intelligence services of the western world, but trying to predict what they'll do is a fools errand. As a testimony to their effective use of propaganda, most Protestants refuse to believe that the Church of Rome considers them to be heretics under a sentence of death for their apostate heresies. And treats them as such...

One of the things that has always fascinated me is how reasonable people can view the Church report on the FBI's COINTELPRO operation and agree that the reported techniques were both taught and used by various branches of the government on various "dissident" or "extremist" groups, including creating said dissident groups themselves in order to attract, identify and gather evidence on dissidents. In order to later destroy or control them. In fact, there is a large body of evidence that the IRS created the "Your Heritage Protection Association" which was the largest tax protest group ever in the US, as well as the following spin-off organizations... but those same people will refuse to believe that such tactics could or would be used on or in churches. After all, who would do such a thing?
FollowingHim said:
Here's a quick hilarious and very true illustration of the Catholic church today:

I guess that was a satire which I again didn't get. The video I suggested was at least factual comparing all the similarities in between the worship of Catholicism and Islam which I found startling as this indeed isn't really talked about.

ZecAustin said:
..Mohammed's wife was living in a convent when she married him and his brother in law, who wrote down his ravings, was a Jesuit. The theory goes that the Pope wanted to boil the frog so to speak and make a half way step between paganism and Christianity so the Arabs could be converted.

This context also took me by surprise, at the same time I think it explains a few things which seemingly some other comments mark as "nothing new" like I was a broken record. How shocking.
Lila, lighten up, you seem very tense and uptight. The world's getting darker by the day, the only way we'll get through it is if we keep positive and maintain our sense of humour. Nobody's attacking you.

Yes, that was satire. But also factual. Satire is simply a way to present truth by cutting clean to the heart of the matter, in a way that is understandable to anybody, while also amusing so you remember the truth being taught (because emotions make a memory far more vivid). The emotion of humour aids memory of the facts. The tagline of that youtube channel is "teach the faith by making fun of stuff". He's certainly got me thinking deeply about a few things.

And if people think there is "nothing new" in what you are saying, that means they already know it, and may even be agreeing with you, so much that they see no need to discuss the matter further. How could that possibly be "shocking"? I like it when I find out someone already knows something and I don't have to teach it to them.
FollowingHim said:
The tagline of that youtube channel is "teach the faith by making fun of stuff". He's certainly got me thinking deeply about a few things.
Good on you. To me (and I'm sure there are others alike) it gets confusing as it's not for sure which statement is true or the one being made fun of in a satire like that. (or is everything said - made fun of in it not true?)
When trying to discern the false from true I think the last thing is to mix in satire. Like I said it may work for you but not everyone is such a thinker like you.

FollowingHim said:
And if people think there is "nothing new" in what you are saying, that means they already know it, and may even be agreeing with you

Nothing wrong with knowing something already but the reaction didn't reflect that in my opinion. It was rather clearing the table of it and continuing as before.

PS: I don't think I'm tense, just serious which I think is to the point if it's about serious things.