Men already have a Master that is his King, Lawgiver, and Judge. We don't need a woman to fulfill a role she wasn't designed to be
Maybe you don't, but unfortunately sometimes other men do. For instance, I have a friend who has been married for 25 years. She has a very aggressive personality; in my opinion, she oversteps with her husband quite often. I'd never respect a man who let me treat him the way she treats her husband. However, her husband is a little "slow" and a bit of a goofball who probably couldn't even tie his own shoes without her guidance. And from what I've heard, he was like this in his marriage prior to her and has been this way his entire life. He doesn't seem too keen on changing. Her husband gets offended at anyone who suggests they do anything differently within their marriage. He's made it clear that he likes "bossy" women, and he prefers their marriage the way it is. He sought out a woman with her personality type because she is what he needed.
It drives me absolutely insane to watch. By no means do I think it should be the norm, but they're hardly the downfall of society. They've managed to do something that neither you nor I have, which is have a successful marriage for 25 years with four beautiful, well-adjusted children.
Point being- their marriage works for them, and in the end, that's all that really matters, regardless of what any of us think about it.
The destruction of the family unit is the seed of equality that the adversary planted, and the union of the church/state
They're both kind, caring people who would do anything for those around them. They have a legal marriage certificate and had a wedding in their church. Shockingly enough the church didn't catch fire and the world didn't end.
I'd argue that people with such stern black-and-white opinions, such as your own, are also contributing to the destruction of the family unit in a more minor way. Your opinions make marriage nearly unattainable for some men and women. I'd much rather see people who have marriage on their minds and hearts seek a less-than-biblically-defined marriage than to be forever lonely, family less, and childless because they're not masculine or feminine enough to full fill their pre-designated roles.
Sometimes it appears as though you're promoting your version of biblical marriage to the determent of marriage in general. Nearly any form of marriage between a man and a woman is good and
he who finds a wife finds a good thing.