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What do you consider modesty on a woman? What makes a woman appear NOT modest?

Yet it is overwhelmingly the case with pagan lesbians that they don't shave or groom anything.

I think there is a healthy argument to be made for good grooming. Likewise, the popular culture that wants women and men fully shaved is trying to make women and men appear like prepubescent girls and boys. This to me is evidence of a dangerous undercurrent of pedophilia that is prevalent in popular culture.

Which reminds me; Now that President Trump is declassifying the JFK, MLK, and RFK assassinations I'd like to see him declassify the Jeffery Epstein client list.
Of course good grooming and hygiene is a duty we have to YHWH in honor of creating us and gifting us with hair in specific places as Male and Female at the age of puberty.

Having your hair or beard drag on the floor is simply impractical, but hair that is too short on a Woman often gives her the appearance of a young boy and Men with hair too long from the back often can be mistaken for a Woman.

Beyond this, certain lengths are up individual preference.
You can eat fur-balls if you want.
Ephesians 4:

"29Let no corrupting (aka filthy) talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear."

You speak of matters that are private in a marriage.

I rebuke you.
To prefer Men to shave seems to Feminize them to make them appear more like Women as this is a gift from our creators to significantly differentiate us from Women.
Numbers 8:5-7 Then the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: “Take the Levites from among the children of Israel and cleanse them ceremonially. Thus you shall do to them to cleanse them: Sprinkle water of purification on them, and let them shave all their body, and let them wash their clothes, and so make themselves clean.
Having your hair or beard drag on the floor is simply impractical, but hair that is too short on a Woman often gives her the appearance of a young boy
Deuteronomy 21:10-12 “When you go out to war against your enemies, and the Lord your God delivers them into your hand, and you take them captive, and you see among the captives a beautiful woman, and desire her and would take her for your wife, then you shall bring her home to your house, and she shall shave her head and trim her nails.
Ephesians 4:

"29Let no corrupting (aka filthy) talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear."

You speak of matters that are private in a marriage.

I rebuke you.
Alright, let’s back off. @frederick that was a coarse joke and we all know how much we hate those around here.

@FlameThePassionate you have no scriptural basis to try and control someone else’s grooming habits and frankly it would be a little weird if you were that invested in the topic. This is not an area that is in need of theological discussion, or any discussion really. It’s a private matter and no one needs no anyone else’s preference on the matter.

No one is interested in knowing the details of anyone else’s genitalia. Alright. Moving on. Anymore discussion of this issue gets deleted.
and if you have a problem with odors then Mitchum has a great product for you! Running water is great too when you drink and bathe upstream from the herd. I trim the facial hair so I am not chewing it as the same time as my burger.
and if you have a problem with odors then Mitchum has a great product for you! Running water is great too when you drink and bathe upstream from the herd. I trim the facial hair so I am not chewing it as the same time as my burger.
I wear deodorant as my odor is strong and unpleasant (I use more natural deodorant when I can afford it).

I also trim my beard hairs over my lips to make it easier to eat. I consider this part of good grooming and hygiene.

There is a Commandment not to destroy the borders of your beard in the written Torah, but I see that as a reference to the style the Egyptians had where they would specifically shave only the side burns. Reminds me of the specific commandment not to shave a bald spot on the to of your head.

I would never prefer to shave my beard completely, for the same reason I would never dye my hair a different natural color (occasional unnatural colors when temporary are fun sometimes, but they tend to stain everything so I avoid them now): I appreciate the gifts I've been given, even my few white hairs as a sign of wisdom and I find grey and white or silver hair attractive on women.
I wear deodorant as my odor is strong and unpleasant (I use more natural deodorant when I can afford it).

I also trim my beard hairs over my lips to make it easier to eat. I consider this part of good grooming and hygiene.

There is a Commandment not to destroy the borders of your beard in the written Torah, but I see that as a reference to the style the Egyptians had where they would specifically shave only the side burns. Reminds me of the specific commandment not to shave a bald spot on the to of your head.

I would never prefer to shave my beard completely, for the same reason I would never dye my hair a different natural color (occasional unnatural colors when temporary are fun sometimes, but they tend to stain everything so I avoid them now): I appreciate the gifts I've been given, even my few white hairs as a sign of wisdom and I find grey and white or silver hair attractive on women.
top* of your head