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Trump Assassination Attempt

Now that the Big Lie(s) around AmeriKa's Praetorian Guard are coming unraveled - and the acoustic data is becoming a Big AW$#it - the spin must follow:

Who could IMAGINE such a "one-in-a-million" shot? A: Anyone who knows more about firearms and long-distance shooting than 99% of what passes for 'journalists.'

However, they "buried the lede" --
"But the agent felled the gunman with a single shot after a local tactical team had fired and missed, a source close to the investigation told Fox News."

However, the fact that they would even venture close to this major "Far Right Conspiracy Theory" (at least broaching SSRIs, but not MK-Ultra) - raises eyebrows (so I smell at least a potential rat):

(BTW - THIS headline is just a bit 'yellow' -- not what it seems, too much ado about nothing)

This would explain why Crooks’ body and blood pool are not in the location that the media keeps marking as the location of the shooter.

Curiouser and curiouser.
I have no reason to say this to anyone on this forum but there are men I have met who are total shitbirds and whose wives are angels and those men should get down on their knees and prostrate themselves before their God and give loud and heartfelt thanks to Him for having given the shitbird a far better partner than he deserves.

On the old for the family site my ex wife encountered one of the pure shitbird types who deserved nobody.
This sachet of powdered clown shit was shooting messages to my wife about how I didn't deserve someone as pretty as her and how he could let her live in the basement of his lake house and that when he and his wife were there on weekends they could have three way shenanigans.

Aaaahhhh...nothing but class the degenerate type who pretend to be interested in plural marriage.

Apropos of nothing but who remembers me recently wishing these conversations we all have could be at a nice cozy pub with a convenient fight pit for when disagreements break out? No reason at all for asking...just a weird little quirk of mine and my silly notions with respect to good manners and sanctions for not using them.

Still not going to read the background about the argument in question as I do not wish to get involved but thinking on it, 100% without it being a reference to anyone here, the more I think about the remark I have read and what Megan said...there are guys that don't deserve their wives at all. Still not a reference to anyone here, just brought up a bitter memory and the still extant desire to go all caveman in response
the still extant desire to go all caveman in response

"Beware the fury of a patient man" is the quote by John Dryden. Some take it to mean that it is unwise to test the patience of some men lest they explode in an uncontrolled rage.

Myself, I see this as a caution against provoking the kind of man who is not prone to taking rash and often self-defeating actions.

No, this kind of man thinks about his response and he plans for and waits for the opportunity to visit justice upon his tormentor.

The justice, when unleashed, is swift, certain, and final. And due to the proper patience and planning no one will suspect a thing.

In any case, be the patient man.
On the old for the family site my ex wife encountered one of the pure shitbird types who deserved nobody.
This sachet of powdered clown shit was shooting messages to my wife about how I didn't deserve someone as pretty as her and how he could let her live in the basement of his lake house and that when he and his wife were there on weekends they could have three way shenanigans.
Sort of like that, when I was in polygamy Facebook groups I had problems. I'd often get messages from men and women who were interested in me. I had messages from women asking if I was interested in becoming part of their family. I had literally never talk to them, didn't know anything about them, and if they had taken 2 seconds to click on my page they would see I was married. It was so weird. I left those groups and thankfully all the messages stopped. But how odd to message someone you don't know and ask if they're keen on joining your family.
No, we have a motivation for the propagandists to convince the Useful Idiots that such is what their version of a "MAGA Terrorist" Trump supporter is SUPPOSED to want!!!
The Narrative
Sort of like that, when I was in polygamy Facebook groups I had problems. I'd often get messages from men and women who were interested in me. I had messages from women asking if I was interested in becoming part of their family. I had literally never talk to them, didn't know anything about them, and if they had taken 2 seconds to click on my page they would see I was married. It was so weird. I left those groups and thankfully all the messages stopped. But how odd to message someone you don't know and ask if they're keen on joining your family.
I don't get who they think they will attract or how it could possibly become a "family" that they are trying to create
I can get behind fast qua fast but nothing remotely like that. Last situation I had like that I had to decline her request firmly multiple times. Made me very uncomfortable.
Best forensic audio analysis and video I've seen:

by Dr. Chris Martenson

Interestingly, I first saw THIS link in a piece from the Daily Mail, about Bill Ackman, who tweeted how convincing it was - then caved in and deleted that:

It gets even better:

By the way, potential assasins must recon their target and location of attempt. They can be noticed doing this.

And this guy provided plenty of opportunity to be noticed.
I heard that he did at least two drone flights. In my opinion, there is no possible way he just wasn’t noticed. It was a coordinated attack with someone or multiple people on the inside.
He's a patsy, and thus a distraction. The real shooter (at LEAST one more) was evidently in the building right below the distraction, so that the bullet flight times (and probably calibers) would be very close.
It gets even better:

By the way, potential assasins must recon their target and location of attempt. They can be noticed doing this.

And this guy provided plenty of opportunity to be noticed.
Here I was thinking modern drones could not fly...as in will not lift off...in FAA designated no fly zones. Places like over a SS protected ex president's rally

Weird right?
He's a patsy, and thus a distraction. The real shooter (at LEAST one more) was evidently in the building right below the distraction, so that the bullet flight times (and probably calibers) would be very close.
There is aerial footage from right after the shooting and there is a window in the second story right behind, above, and to the left of Crooks’ location… and the window is open.