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Trump Assassination Attempt

It has not been a week yet from attempt to assassinate. And the attempt to assassinate sneakers already sold out.

Cope and seeth maladaptive psychopaths. I am enjoying their boo frickety hoo'ing. The more they do this idiotic crap, the more normal people look at them and cringe.
I just know that ANYONE with integrity on this forum, much less a "real man," would NEVER be so self-righteous as to try to tell any other man that they don't deserve their own wife.

I have no reason to say this to anyone on this forum but there are men I have met who are total shitbirds and whose wives are angels and those men should get down on their knees and prostrate themselves before their God and give loud and heartfelt thanks to Him for having given the shitbird a far better partner than he deserves.

To clarify, some men deserve the Godly wife they have.

Others? They deserve something else.

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Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, about this latest Deep State Plot passes the 'smell test'.

EVERY single aspect, story, narrative, and set of 'facts' is contradictory, and stinks of Idiocy Beyond Belief.

But I have yet to see ONE simple fact - and it has bugged me since day one:

(AND - if someone has the info - and can verify! - please do so!)

WHERE the HELL WAS the firefighter Comperatore when he was shot?

Amidst ALL of the photos, videos, THOUSANDS of eye-witnesses, and press 'coverage' - I have yet to see a single map which shows where the OTHER victims were, and what the lines of the shots must therefore be. WHY? (Maybe it's obvious...more than one potential reason.)
Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, about this latest Deep State Plot passes the 'smell test'.

EVERY single aspect, story, narrative, and set of 'facts' is contradictory, and stinks of Idiocy Beyond Belief.

But I have yet to see ONE simple fact - and it has bugged me since day one:

(AND - if someone has the info - and can verify! - please do so!)

WHERE the HELL WAS the firefighter Comperatore when he was shot?

Amidst ALL of the photos, videos, THOUSANDS of eye-witnesses, and press 'coverage' - I have yet to see a single map which shows where the OTHER victims were, and what the lines of the shots must therefore be. WHY? (Maybe it's obvious...more than one potential reason.)

One man who was shot and killed has since been identified as firefighter, father and husband, Corey Comperatore. His location was on the set of bleachers to Trump’s right.
Mike Adams has a detailed audio forensic analysis of the gunshots (others are working this as well) which indicates THREE shooters total.

He suggests the third shooter (rounds 4 and 5) are from ANOTHER source, at the same distance as the patsy on the roof (who fired rounds 1-3). Perhaps UNDER that roof...

Later rounds are, he suggests, from bolt-action rifles at longer distance (+/- 750 yds.) There is video on line of a "shadowy figure" on the top of the water tower, separately.
More questions: Where is "Crook's brass"? How many of 'em? How about the autopsy/med reports on the other injured civilians? Are they larger caliber? ANY of that info would make some things obvious.

Don't expect the Feral Bunglers of Investigations to EVER tell the truth.

PS> Even without the brass or the bullets, to check projectile paths will require more than just approximate locations of the various 'collateral damage.' Wind data, too.
By the way, this whole situation is sign of weaking regime and vibe shift.

Not the Trump assissination itself, but have you noticed nobody got cancelled for some truth spreading. C'mon, in corona party time such people would be under livehood threat.

Heard some lady from large retail was cancelled from her job because of social media posting "sorry, it was miss".
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