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I don't disagree with the points Megan made, especially with respect to being patient enough to hesr and consider other perspectives but I have tried to be more gentle about it as she is apparently young and has been clear that she was trained by her parents...who justifiably will be seen as ultimate guides and authorities...to stick within particular lines.

She appears to be smart and working on a good education, my hope is that she considers that there will always be data counter to what is pervasive and well accepted.

Am rather hoping that as i have not bothered to study the topics which are the respective bones of contention, that there will be the opportunity to hear her opinions on nutrition... it being a current fascination and area of study.

We do not wish to be seen as bullying and what not...building bridges and what have you.
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We do not wish to be seen as bullying and what not...building bridges and what have you.
Good points.

But, it's very true that if I had a daughter or other loved one considering taking the Poison Poke - or the coming MPox/BirdFlu/WHO plandemic injection - I'd do whatever is necessary to talk her out of it. Death is permanent. So is sterility, disability, myocarditis, stroke at age 40, and so many other things.

I'd rather she thought I was bullying her than that I didn't care enough to try.
You can't trust a government that has time and time again shown that they don't have your best interest at heart. From the excessive taxation (sales tax, state income tax, federal tax, property tax, bridge tax, car tax, and so forth), the questionably approved "food" ingredients found in our food supply (high fructose corn syrup is one example), the border crises, the perversions allowed in public schooling, the perversion and wickedness pushed through Hollywood, and so forth. This is a government you should never trust - ESPECIALLY when it comes to your health, and the health of those in your household.

Also, this isn't unique to the United States. What covid showed is that all these western governments are corrupt. From little Croatia near Italy to England to Canada to Australia. They all repeated the same talking points, and many of these countries are also pushing the same agendas; and have their own illegal immigration crises.
You can't trust a government that has time and time again shown that they don't have your best interest at heart. From the excessive taxation (sales tax, state income tax, federal tax, property tax, bridge tax, car tax, and so forth), the questionably approved "food" ingredients found in our food supply (high fructose corn syrup is one example), the border crises, the perversions allowed in public schooling, the perversion and wickedness pushed through Hollywood, and so forth. This is a government you should never trust - ESPECIALLY when it comes to your health, and the health of those in your household.

Also, this isn't unique to the United States. What covid showed is that all these western governments are corrupt. From little Croatia near Italy to England to Canada to Australia. They all repeated the same talking points, and many of these countries are also pushing the same agendas; and have their own illegal immigration crises.
The only reason someone needs monopoly of force is to gaslit you into believing this is great idea:


You pay for propaganda too.
Good points.

But, it's very true that if I had a daughter or other loved one considering taking the Poison Poke - or the coming MPox/BirdFlu/WHO plandemic injection - I'd do whatever is necessary to talk her out of it. Death is permanent. So is sterility, disability, myocarditis, stroke at age 40, and so many other things.

I'd rather she thought I was bullying her than that I didn't care enough to try.

Oh I am trying to show that we care as well but via asking questions.
Just different approach.

Don't know her and by extension don't feel confident that she will not feel as if we are a bunch of loons as opposed to people who have done a bit of research and thst by extension the whole plural thing must be rife with naught but bedlamite types.
I feel confident that as she is bright that if she were to choose to question a bit thst she would quickly reverse her opinions at the double time. So...soflty softly sort of a vibe
Believe what you want. This discussion is so sad, that I am going to remove myself from it.
Maia, I think there is an issue when you conflate vaccines with this supposed Vaccine for Covid which you have to get multiple boosts for, and it still fails. It is one thing to argue that vaccines can save lives, but it is an entirely different argument to claim that this mRNA thing which has a spike protein in it that has been showing up in the heart tissue of people who have had heart failure after taking the jab. When is the last time you heard death tolls from Covid? At this point, we have gained herd immunity. It was deadly when it first arrived, especially for people with comorbidities, but once you have had it and recovered, it is a safe bet that subsequent occurences will not be fatal.
It looks like this one ran its course folks! Anyone interested in the original topic or should we lock this one?
Yeah yeah, back to the original topic. I have heard this microchimerism claim touted several times. Can someone point to the study in 1869, which was asserted to have shown this? Also I posted the link to a study where it was purported to have been shown, but I haven't had time to look through that study. Those of you who are making the claim, ought to be able to point to where it is in that study, or if there is any other study, give the citation. We need to resolve once and for all whether this is true, or something that we have (not myself personally) latched onto, because it supports our own presuppositions.
Yeah yeah, back to the original topic. I have heard this microchimerism claim touted several times. Can someone point to the study in 1869, which was asserted to have shown this? Also I posted the link to a study where it was purported to have been shown, but I haven't had time to look through that study. Those of you who are making the claim, ought to be able to point to where it is in that study, or if there is any other study, give the citation. We need to resolve once and for all whether this is true, or something that we have (not myself personally) latched onto, because it supports our own presuppositions.
My understanding is that all of this is a little bit of misdirection. A woman retains the DNA of the children she bears. In the case of sons that means she retains whatever portion of her son's DNA that was contributed by his father. Its not like a woman carries the mark of every man she's ever slept with like some kind of biological scarlet letter.
I did a search on this topic of Men's DNA found in women, and I thought it vital to share this article. We need to be aware of this, and stop using this as the basis of our arguments.

I don't know if a woman stores a man's DNA or not. To be honest I've always been dubious of the claim. I didn't even bother with reading the Reuters article because, well I can only read and process so much text in a day and I have to prioritize.

I do know that seminal proteins cross the lining of the vagina/uterus and enter the blood stream. At least some of them also cross the Blood Brain Barrier (commonly abbreviated as BBB) and at least some of those have a nootropic effect. Known science does indeed suggest that a lot of women "just need to get laid" just as many men have commonly said about "grumpy" women since before I could remember. (But the researchers aren't going to dare state it outright because they don't want to get fired.) I suspect regular sex would probably cure a lot of depressed/anxious women. But that is seminal proteins and not the sperm or the DNA. It's also probable that some of the man's DNA fragments will get into her blood stream as the sperm cell membranes break down inside her, releasing his DNA. I doubt those DNA fragments will cross the BBB but I could certainly be wrong.
I don't know if a woman stores a man's DNA or not. To be honest I've always been dubious of the claim. I didn't even bother with reading the Reuters article because, well I can only read and process so much text in a day and I have to prioritize.

I do know that seminal proteins cross the lining of the vagina/uterus and enter the blood stream. At least some of them also cross the Blood Brain Barrier (commonly abbreviated as BBB) and at least some of those have a nootropic effect. Known science does indeed suggest that a lot of women "just need to get laid" just as many men have commonly said about "grumpy" women since before I could remember. (But the researchers aren't going to dare state it outright because they don't want to get fired.) I suspect regular sex would probably cure a lot of depressed/anxious women. But that is seminal proteins and not the sperm or the DNA. It's also probable that some of the man's DNA fragments will get into her blood stream as the sperm cell membranes break down inside her, releasing his DNA. I doubt those DNA fragments will cross the BBB but I could certainly be wrong.
What is certain woman's macrophages will eat 99.9% of sperm. Party time for them.