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If flu isn't problem, covid also won't be.

What happened to the flu during covid? A flue season that Anthony (I am the Science!!!) Fauci explicitly predicted to be a severe one? Weird that it seemed to just disappear.

You might want to go back and do a proofread and edit on that last post.. Given that this is coming for me who fumble fingers and is tue victim of amusing autocorrect, that says something.
Possibly true if you only look at measures of vaccine efficacy in short term.
Like the 'definition' of vaccine itself, the 'measures' change to fit the narrative.

"Efficacy" no longer means "at preventing infection" (they now admit that, since it's undeniable.) It means "antibody production." Whether or not it matters to the host.

The NOT-vaxx (mRNA) turns the victim into a literal "spike protein production factory." (Thus, 'shedding', too. And, yes, that definition, too, is subject to change.) So, yes, their immune system produces antibodies - to what it has been modified to produce within itself. And often destroys the immune system in the process; hence, long-term issues, from fertility to turbo-cancers. And opportunistic infections. And "challenge test" failures. (Cyokine storms, et al.)

And autoimmune issues literally through the roof.

The real bioweapon was not the Fauci Flu - it was the Zyklon-B injections that followed en masse.
Back before mRNA became a political issue it was acknowledged that mRNA itself is just a delivery mechanism for CRISPR and CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing technology.

And most important in these pre-political scientific documents was the scientifically accepted fact that:

Gene therapy medicinal products shall not include vaccines against infectious diseases.


Further, when Moderna Therapeutics ran their 2016-2017 clinical trial with human subjects in California the results were problematic.

The State of California's Committee for the Protection of Human Subjects (CPHS) allowed limited human testing of supposedly inert mRNA messenger or carrier and there were fatalities involved. The test was then stopped.


Before the CPHS documents were scrubbed from the web they showed that mRNA and CRISPR/Cas9 were promising with regards to genetic diseases such as Tay Sachs (15% of test subjects in a 2019 test were cured of Tay Sachs) and Sickle Cell Anemia (31% of test subjects in the same 2019 test were cured of SCA) and again the CPHS document restated that mRNA and CRISP/Cas9 were ineffective for vaccination purposes...which is consistent with what mRNA COVID "vaccination" recipients discovered when even eight injections of the Not-A-Vaccine were found to be useless in preventing infection by COVID-19.

The problem is the side effects which included myocarditis, kidney failure, blood clots, liver failure, stroke, macular degeneration, and neuropathy.


mRNA is still not a vaccine. No matter how much someone wants to believe in it this will never be true. It will never be effective against viruses because that's not what it was designed for. It was designed to treat genetic diseases such as Tay Sachs and SCA.

That said, if anyone wants to get these shots then you go right ahead. Get all twelve of them. Please do!

And say "Hi!" to Jesus for me. ;)
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As long as you are consistent
If you vaccinate a child and they have a reaction and die ( the parent can go to hell?) then too someone should answer for it, not to mention have a chat with a judge.
With freedom comes responsibility
Oh, I missed this comment.

Nope that is not how it works. If one uses a proven method to prevent death then one is not liable if an anomaly happen. Vaccines save more lives then some cases where mishaps occur.

An example. One of my Uncles is alive because he is an idiot. He was driving at high speed, lost control of the car, which was crushed under a tractor trailer. The Police allegedly asked where the body. The idiot is alive because he was not wearing his seat-belt, and was thrown out of the car, which saved him from being crushed underneath the trailer. Is the logical conclusion now that it is better to not wear seatbelts. No. Yet this is exactly how many of you here are arguing regarding vaccines. While there are unfortunate situations where people were for example decapitated by their seat belt, in the end there is no doubt that they save lives.
Because you have never faced situation of your child developing autism directly after vaccanation only to be shamed and finding no recourse is possible.

According to CDC, today's children should take 50+ vaccine before 18th birthday. While number of adverse reactions has grown at the same time number of vaccinations per child has grow. Not only autism is suspect, also auto-immune diseases are on list of caused by vaccines.
One of those situations were 1000 studies say they don't and one study says they do, and some people believe the discenting study

Do you know that vaccines contain mercury and aluminium, both pure poisons?

Did you know that mineral water can contain trace amounts of uranium?

And vaccine history is suspect. They were found and developed during industrial revolution. Same revolution which has enabled enough income and production to stop famines in Europe?

So actually better food security was doing heavy lifting with vaccines contribution being zero. Statistical data in anti-vaccine books shows death from diseases falling before vaccine introductions. So it's obvious something else was already lowering mortality rates.
So you are saying that small pox was eradicated not via vaccines but because of better food production !?!?!?! # Picard facepalm.
Sputnik and AstraZenica were not "conventional" vaccines in any way. They were genetically modified DNA vaccines using a viral vector to insert the DNA into the cells. Similar sort of technology as the mRNA ones, just delivered as DNA instead of mRNA. Not "conventional" at all, which would be dead or weakened coronavirus. There wasn't time to develop a conventional vaccine, which is why all of them were novel technology. Of course, you'd know this if you were an immunology professor...
As I mentioned earlier viral vectors have been used since the 1970s, so I would view them as a conventional method. Ok, the genetic modifications are novel, however I doubt they did anything groundbreaking.
Was this news spread by semaphore or telegraph?
I doubt it went past medical journals at the time.
And falling fertility rates, which have started falling, after vaccine introduction are proof of vaccine damaging reproductive system.
Oh come on now you are better then that.

My parents give us siblings a topic we need to research two, three times per month. Everything from music, to biology, physics, christian religion Hindu religion etc etc. If we had used that argument we likely would have gotten a slap across the face. Correlation does not imply causation.
What happened to the flu during covid? A flue season that Anthony (I am the Science!!!) Fauci explicitly predicted to be a severe one? Weird that it seemed to just disappear.
The social distancing masks etc. did wonders against the flu as well.

Take a look at China. I think we can now say beyond reasonable doubt that COVID escaped from a Chinese lab. Look how they Chinese reacted, they literally welded the doors of apartments shut. China would have known more about COVID then other countries at the time.

What we learned is that COVID does not need to be lethal if one has access to ICUs. That is what all the masks and social distancing was about, preventing the ICUs from becoming overloaded. What happens if they are we saw in Spain and Italy.
The social distancing masks etc. did wonders against the flu as well.
It failed totally. How were cases raising when measures were introduced?

If such measures were good they would be uaed before to stop regular flu. It's BS.

Take a look at China. I think we can now say beyond reasonable doubt that COVID escaped from a Chinese lab. Look how they Chinese reacted, they literally welded the doors of apartments shut. China would have known more about COVID then other countries at the time.
So you agree with dictatorial methods?

What we learned is that COVID does not need to be lethal if one has access to ICUs. That is what all the masks and social distancing was about, preventing the ICUs from becoming overloaded. What happens if they are we saw in Spain and Italy.
No, what accually happened is refusal by hospital to learn how to use temporary labor as any seasonal industry knows. And real reason is to provide some BS to lock you down.
Oh, I missed this comment.

Nope that is not how it works. If one uses a proven method to prevent death then one is not liable if an anomaly happen. Vaccines save more lives then some cases where mishaps occur.
Final and ultimate medical measure is all-cause mortality. It's not used for vaccines. Therefore vaccines can still kill and maim more than they save.

If you measure wrong things, you will get stupid conclusions.
An example. One of my Uncles is alive because he is an idiot. He was driving at high speed, lost control of the car, which was crushed under a tractor trailer. The Police allegedly asked where the body. The idiot is alive because he was not wearing his seat-belt, and was thrown out of the car, which saved him from being crushed underneath the trailer. Is the logical conclusion now that it is better to not wear seatbelts. No. Yet this is exactly how many of you here are arguing regarding vaccines. While there are unfortunate situations where people were for example decapitated by their seat belt, in the end there is no doubt that they save lives.

One of those situations were 1000 studies say they don't and one study says they do, and some people believe the discenting study
There are no known studies at least by me.

It's anectodal. Too much anectodes too be thrown away as accident. And officially, it can't never happened which means no research is being done.

Did you know that mineral water can contain trace amounts of uranium?
Uranium is naturally in water. It's inserted on purpose in vaccine.

You see, only good measure of immune reaction is antibody production which is last backup body has. (I was wrong before: escalation ladder is innate immunity, t-cell, then b-cell which produce antibodies).

So good immune system won't call lymphocites, never mind actually produce antibodies. But we can't see that, therefore only solution is to damage body more so that innate immunity is forced to call backup and produce antibodies to claim vaccine works.

So you are saying that small pox was eradicated not via vaccines but because of better food production !?!?!?! # Picard facepalm.
Nope. I claim better food production had greater influence than vaccine. Stopping underfeeding will do wonder for health.

And I forgot guys who save more lives every year than doctors. Sanitation inspectors. Having toilet is still best and most effective public health intervention ever. Reason why people have stopped dieing from stomach infections (number one cause of mortality from prehistoric times).
Oh come on now you are better then that.
My parents give us siblings a topic we need to
research two, three times per month. Everything from music, to biology, physics, christian religion Hindu religion etc etc. If we had used that argument we likely would have gotten a slap across the face. Correlation does not imply causation.
What is other possible explanation? There is none.

Japanese Leader Apologizes to the Unvaccinated: ‘You Were Right, Vaccines Are Killing Millions of Our Loved Ones’​

Kazuhiro Haraguchi, the former Japanese Minister for Internal Affairs, has become the first major politician to apologize to the unvaccinated for the tsunami of deaths occuring among the vaccinated population.
Earlier this week, huge numbers of Japanese citizens took to the streets to protest against the crimes against humanity perpetrated by globalist organizations such by World Health Organization (WHO) and World Economic Forum (WEF) during the pandemic.

During an opening speech at the protests, Haraguchi delivered a powerful and emotional apology for the huge numbers of deaths now occurring as a result of the deadly mRNA roll-out.

Haraguchi began by addressing the grief and loss felt by families who have lost loved ones who were coerced into taking the COVID jab. With a deep sense of sincerity, he extended his condolences and took responsibility for the failings of those in power.I apologize to all of you. So many have died, and they shouldn’t have,” he said.
Believe what you want. This discussion is so sad, that I am going to remove myself from it.

Not asking for a reply or an argument. Just viving a recommendation.

You said you parents would give you a topic to research.
Is it unreasonable to consume the data from the other side? To see if there may be something to the counter arguments?
Fine fine fine
Just going on memory but isn't microchimerism mainly associated with various types of flys?

Something something buzzkillers for lame punchline and rimshot
Believe what you want. This discussion is so sad, that I am going to remove myself from it.

I put a laughing emoji here because if you can't handle people you don't know opposing you on an internet forum then let me assure you that this life, poly, is definitely not for you.

You will lose friends, you will lose family, you will face ongoing rejection, and regardless of what arguments you might use almost no one outside of this forum will entertain your ideas. I don't think you can manage that.

As to the poly community not going along with The Official Narrative about the mRNA shot you have to understand that we oppose The Official Narrative on a lot of things. So why should you be so surprised and disappointed that we don't believe every last thing that Lord Fauci and his minions once espoused and that he has now repudiated before Congress?

  • Fauci himself admitted that his mask mandate was not backed by any actual science.
  • Fauci himself admitted that his mRNA mandate was ineffective.
  • Fauci himself admitted that 'social distancing' was a total fiction and it was not backed by any actual science.
  • Fauci himself admitted that he lied to Congress about his involvement in the COVID-19 gain of function research in Wuhan.

Sweetheart, most of the people on this forum were right about this and we held our ground because we're used to fighting The Official Narrative that gets trumpeted out of the media and the political class.

We in general oppose The Official Narrative on:

  • Poly Marriage
  • Christian Marriage
  • Home schooling
  • Government approved religion
  • Homosexuality
  • Transgenderism
  • Islamic Immigration and Colonization of Christian lands
  • Self defense
  • Socialism
  • Feminism
  • Abortion
  • Making our own medical choices
  • Growing/raising our own food
  • and more.
Oh, and we don't go along with mRNA being a vaccine when not even Dr. Fauci is now making that assertion.

But you feel free to believe what you want and please don't let me stop you from getting all the mRNA you want.

Vaya con Dios mi amiga.;)
I put a laughing emoji here because if you can't handle people you don't know opposing you on an internet forum then let me assure you that this life, poly, is definitely not for you.

You will lose friends, you will lose family, you will face ongoing rejection, and regardless of what arguments you might use almost no one outside of this forum will entertain your ideas. I don't think you can manage that.

As to the poly community not going along with The Official Narrative about the mRNA shot you have to understand that we oppose The Official Narrative on a lot of things. So why should you be so surprised and disappointed that we don't believe every last thing that Lord Fauci and his minions once espoused and that he has now repudiated before Congress?

  • Fauci himself admitted that his mask mandate was not backed by any actual science.
  • Fauci himself admitted that his mRNA mandate was ineffective.
  • Fauci himself admitted that 'social distancing' was a total fiction and it was not backed by any actual science.
  • Fauci himself admitted that he lied to Congress about his involvement in the COVID-19 gain of function research in Wuhan.

Sweetheart, most of the people on this forum were right about this and we held our ground because we're used to fighting The Official Narrative that gets trumpeted out of the media and the political class.

We in general oppose The Official Narrative on:

  • Poly Marriage
  • Christian Marriage
  • Home schooling
  • Government approved religion
  • Homosexuality
  • Transgenderism
  • Islamic Immigration and Colonization of Christian lands
  • Self defense
  • Socialism
  • Feminism
  • Abortion
  • Making our own medical choices
  • Growing/raising our own food
  • and more.
Oh, and we don't go along with mRNA being a vaccine when not even Dr. Fauci is now making that assertion.

But you feel free to believe what you want and please don't let me stop you from getting all the mRNA you want.

Vaya con Dios mi amiga.;)
@MeganC you are so on roll no emoji is good enough for you.