The culture it's killing is the floundering culture that tries to uphold biblical principal. Its the culture that believes in Patriarchy that is on life support. MGTOW like Feminism wants to do away with marriage because they both see it as oppressive for diffrent reasons. As for modern culture being diesaed and dying. We all know that modern culture is all about apperance in some form. How people appear to others has become more important to society than how we treat others, what we believe or what we do. Gold and jade on the out side, rot and decay on the inside. Sooner or later its going to colapse. If Biblical principled men go the way of MGTOW and accept its philosophy what are we left with after the colapse.
The church lost the culture war. Patriarchy is already dead. Biblical marriage is outright illegal. MGTOW is not a threat to true Christians. It is a threat to the old order, the matriarchy, the churchians, the order that is dying.
We are playing out the scenario of the first chapters of Isaiah. If there isn't a repentance there won't be a survival, something else will arise in our place. We are already being conquered. MGTOW will perish in either scenario. It is a reflection of the current conditions and transient. MGTOW won't win, its a death cult. But it can set up the conditions to shock the women into repentance and turn from their ways. It is exactly something like MGTOW that leads 7 women to beg one man to marry them (under promise of no financial support required). You almost couldn't write a better prophecy for today.
Really, I don't quite understand the desire to attack MGTOW. Attacking them only highlights the problems they justly complain about. You won't win by slandering them, calling their path sinful, or blaming men for marriage failures. What is needed are better solutions. Showing people a better way.