Peter the Apostle could have been seen as a MGTOW, choosing not to Marry
Firstly, I am proudly MGTOW and married to my two beautiful wives,
Secondly, Actually MGTOW has many parallels with Scripture, that the man is ultimately responsible for himself and subject only to a Monarch, Democracy is a human institution not a Biblical one, and can be seen today with the unbalanced laws favoring women over men where as Scriptually, Man was created in God's image and woman was created of Man, which clearly created God's intended Hierachy between man and women, with the rise of democracy we can see more and more evil being legislated, for example the wanton murder of unborn children whilst still in the womb and the rise of Divorce.
Thirdly, the rise of MGTOW came about as a response to Feminism twisting the laws and pushing a matriachal society upon men, MGTOW does not have a problem with the traditional forms of marriage, and to claim that God's purpose was for man and woman to be mated, well this isn't really the case Peter the Apostle could have been seen as a MGTOW, choosing not to Marry... From what we read in Scripture, Jesus himself did not marry physically. So in no law is it Required that a man gets married, rather a man who choose not to marry could be a recipe for problems in the future.
Eventually we're going to have to get around to defining terms in a culture that resists such efforts. I suppose there's some ambiguity around what "men going THEIR OWN way" means. I confess that my very casual acquaintance with the subculture has me picturing the kind of guy that has given up on women because he has given up on the matriarchal law order and culture. On a spectrum of FPS games to PUA, there would be some nerdy guys that are into video games and maybe porn, some more macho guys that are mostly into getting laid and bragging about it to their friends, and in the middle a bunch of guys that just do their own thing and occasionally try to get lucky or maybe even fumble their way into 'a relationship. So for me, so far, being "proudly MGTOW" and "married to my two beautiful wives" presents as a paradox, yet I get what Xexonix is saying and will make room for that in my brain.Firstly, I am proudly MGTOW and married to my two beautiful wives
It's taken from a verse about vengeance and twisted to make a statement usally used to shame a person while simultaneously judging them.Well, whatever happened to judgement is mine sayeth the Lord?
Like "woman's right to choose" even though there is a father who contributed to that situation?the worship of women.
Like "woman's right to choose" even though there is a father who contributed to that situation?
There are not many that go for the pro-choice thing; I'm talking much broader, more systemic issues. It is a whole topic into itself.
The churches worship of women touches a lot of different areas and depths. But with respect to MGTOW one of the big ones is men realizing that women aren't actually perfect saints that are more moral and spiritual than men. In fact the truth is the very opposite, and the scriptures testify to this as well.
I meant the broader culture's worship of women in that any choice they make to abort is sacrosanct and infallible. I wasn't linking that to MGTOW.There are not many that go for the pro-choice thing; I'm talking much broader, more systemic issues. It is a whole topic into itself.
The churches worship of women touches a lot of different areas and depths. But with respect to MGTOW one of the big ones is men realizing that women aren't actually perfect saints that are more moral and spiritual than men. In fact the truth is the very opposite, and the scriptures testify to this as well.
I don't think it as well defined as you would have it. I have even seen Christians identify as MGTOW. But no, modern polygamists would not be in it.
But MGTOW and polygamists should be natural bedfellows. Multiple wives implies someone going without a woman, preferably willingly. And MGTOW is not a long term solution, humanity still needs reproduction; and artificial wombs is a foolish and dangerous pipedream.
MGTOW does well highlighting the problems in modern society and putting existential pressure on women. What is lacking throughout the entire mens movement is a doable proposal for marriage 3.0. Polygamy offers the potential of a patriarchal family that can do a better job of leading wives, raising non-damaged daughters, and offering men an optimistic alternative to the current dichotomy of sleeping around vs. dead bedrooms.
If anything, MGTOW needs to be a potential culture killer. The culture is diseased and dieing anyway. It either needs to die and be replaced or be faced with an existential threat that leads to repentance. I would prefer it be modern monks than cataclysmic disease or war. We really are living out Isaiah in many ways. Right now the only viable alternative on the table is the Muslims and Mormons taking over. And thats not my idea of a bright future.
It appears your following the ideas espoused from patriarchy, not MGTOW. MGTOW is anti-marriage.I am married to two women is BECAUSE of MGTOW teachings, the biggest issue with monogamy today is the loss of classical roles of dominance
The culture it's killing is the floundering culture that tries to uphold biblical principal. Its the culture that believes in Patriarchy that is on life support. MGTOW like Feminism wants to do away with marriage because they both see it as oppressive for diffrent reasons. As for modern culture being diesaed and dying. We all know that modern culture is all about apperance in some form. How people appear to others has become more important to society than how we treat others, what we believe or what we do. Gold and jade on the out side, rot and decay on the inside. Sooner or later its going to colapse. If Biblical principled men go the way of MGTOW and accept its philosophy what are we left with after the colapse.If anything, MGTOW needs to be a potential culture killer. The culture is diseased and dieing anyway. It either needs to die and be replaced or be faced with an existential threat that leads to repentance. I would prefer it be modern monks than cataclysmic disease or war. We really are living out Isaiah in many ways. Right now the only viable alternative on the table is the Muslims and Mormons taking over. And thats not my idea of a bright future.
We really are living out Isaiah in many ways. Right now the only viable alternative on the table is the Muslims and Mormons taking over. And thats not my idea of a bright future.
Highlight the section you want to quote, then click on reply.Sorry I haven't figured out how to do quotes yet
Much of what you say is exactly right but I do agree with Kevin that we as Christians shouldn't identify ourselves as MGTOW, a movement who's main statement seems to me to be a modern translation of the phrase, "But Lord the woman who you gave me..."