• Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.

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You can't be a trombone player and not like The Music Man!
If a bunch of Baptists all ask me for a Baptist section, like the Hebrew Roots have a section, I can easily make it. Same goes for any other denomination. My only stipulation is that there needs to be a practical reason for it, a reason it would be useful to the community to organise the forum that way, and it needs to be something people will actually use.
I’m not sure we need the Hebrew roots section except possibly as a pressure relief valve. It does get used but we can always break up brawls by sending the respective combatants to their assigned corners. Baptist’s probably aren’t going to have those kinds of flare ups.
The same as what makes a perfect wife in monogamy.

Perfect wives are the result of the diligent cultivation of the husband; the molding, shaping of an imperfect person into the sanctified helper he needs her to be. So the most important characteristic for a women is to be teachable and eager to please.
Beautifully spoken. "Teachable and eager to please" 🙌🏿 5 stars
Would love a Baptist section. I have an independent Baptist background.
But what would it be used for? What topics would you discuss there that would be better there than on the rest of the forum? I'm concerned it would just clutter the forum with a section that was never used - and that I'd then have to make a dozen more sections for other denominations and they'd all be used just as little.
But what would it be used for? What topics would you discuss there that would be better there than on the rest of the forum? I'm concerned it would just clutter the forum with a section that was never used - and that I'd then have to make a dozen more sections for other denominations and they'd all be used just as little.
How much existing section for Messianic Jew is used? I don't see much usage. Probably new section won't be much used since existing isn't.
How much existing section for Messianic Jew is used? I don't see much usage. Probably new section won't be much used since existing isn't.
That section serves a very specific purpose, in that the Torah / non-Torah debate has been a problem here in the past, and this is intended to allow some separation of viewpoints so both can be stated somewhere without needing to always be debated. Whether or not it's the right solution, and whether or not it's been implemented well, it is intended to be a solution for a specific, known and repeated problem.

What existing problem would be addressed by having a Baptist section?
How about a section for those who believe in concubines? *ducks as a wild revolting man appears swinging a walk behind tractor*
A section for the pre-trib, cessationist, dispensationalist, predestination, sovereign electionists would help avoid having to debate those issues every time they came up. 🤔 ;)
You stole my thunder brother!
What makes a perfect wife in polygamy
Every virtue is a benefit in every case - in order to give a useful answer, I'll focus on what I believe is most specifically beneficial to being a wife.

The most general virtue that applies specifically to a wife, I believe Scripture has already answered: the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit; as the question most specifically would be asking what makes a woman attractive to obtain and treasure by a godly husband, this is given to describe what makes a woman beautiful and precious, whom God marks as "of great price" for a man to have. If you have this spirit, God is the one advertising you. ;)

Here's the passage from 1Peter 3 for context:
Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives; while they behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear. Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel; but let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price. For after this manner in the old time the holy women also, who trusted in God, adorned themselves, being in subjection unto their own husbands: even as Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him lord: whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do well, and are not afraid with any amazement.
To clarify, a meek and quiet spirit doesn't mean quiet in physical volume and the presence of one's personality: one wife may be unobtrusive as a church mouse, and quietly neglect and passively ignore any duty to her husband; another wife may quickmarch to a bashing drum, shrieking "SIR YES SIR!", and by doing so demonstrate a truly meek and quiet spirit.
A section for the pre-trib, cessationist, dispensationalist, predestination, sovereign electionists would help avoid having to debate those issues every time they came up. 🤔 ;)
Yup, let’s just have a new group for each separate thought that anyone has so that we never have anything to discuss and will never disagree.

Oh wait,…… this site is about families living biblically, as opposed to being a place for meetups between all of the splinter religions that make up so-called Christianity.