I should be more specific.
I should be more specific. We're talking about two different, but related parties.
When I speak of a multipronged approach to population reduction, I'm speaking about the current satanic globalist regime. They're not the USSR, their forebears created the USSR, in ways they are international socialism in sheeps (democracy) clothing. Seeing them that way helps to see through the NGO rhetoric but it is also to fall prey to seeing this as about isms. It's not about isms. Communism and democratism are merely ideological weapons to them.
Failure of economic development wasn't planned. Famines were more "happy accident".
The historic USSR (and their many contemporary movements) absolutely did cause intentional famine. It was a tool they used for destroying certain ethnicites, eliminating opposition, and for laying the groundwork for their New Soviet Man social engineering. It didn't just happen, it took a lot of work to accomplish the Holodomor in Ukraine and neighboring countries. These are the breadbaskets of Europe, those people don't just starve by accident. It took brutal efforts on the part of the NKVD to make that famine stick.
Those who ran the USSR hated the peasantry. Much like in Mao's China they were seen as useless eaters in the way of progress and industrialization.
Watch and learn. There are parallels to America today. The elites who run this country view those in flyover America much the same way; useless eaters in the way of their plans for a technocratic 4th industrial revolution. And they are following the same playbook today, even including setting up a famine. You see it in the efforts in the last year via 'avian influenza' and food processing facility fires to reduce the food supply. But they also decades ago laid the framework for the enforcement mechanisms needed to make a famine stick in the American breadbasket.
And we shouldn't forget the spiritual here. Beyond ethnic issues and ideological issues and social engineering issues what's really at play here is Satan's long war to destroy mankind. Mass death isn't an unintended side effect or happily necessary means, it's an end in itself.