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Why does the Husband Not Need Permission from his Wife?

It was a looooong time ago ya'll were discussing this - so it must be about time for me to contribute. About 40 years ago my wife (yep, just one) had an affair. She claimed it was because she wanted to find out if she could enjoy it - she didn't, but it broke our marriage bond. But we had two kids so I did not divorce her, neither did I go out and get a real wife. In fact, it was only back then that I started to study the subject of Polygamy. By the time I was confident enough that poly was good, and right another 20 years had passed. By then I didn't want to "hurt" her by bringing someone else into the home. So I waited. Finally, she divorced me - Praise the Lord. Without divorcing her I was suddenly free (as the church people looked at it) - but I still have not brought in another wife. I have a concubine still (the other 3 have gone their own way with me not asking them to join me in marriage), but no wife. Whose fault is that? Mine of course. I have not been "brave" enough to do what I know everyone I know thinks is sin. Instead of doing what is right, I have let others' opinions, very unbiblical opinions govern my life. Now finally, an old man actively looking for a wife or two or more doesn't have a very good chance. But I'm still trying because I am finally determined to do what I should have done 40 years ago when she didn't care about me, but I cared too much about her and the kids to do anything. Don't feel sorry for me - I made my own mess by thinking of my kids and their need of their mother. And she was a good mother, and now a good grandmother. Just never a good, or even fair wife.
Thank you for sharing this.
The problem is a lot of men assume that scripture to be empowerment, a privilege given to them, when it should be a responsibility, a burden. But most do not see it that way, and most will fail.

Agree with responsible and burden portion. Certainly isn't a privilege.

My experience with men "leading" at like a school project, is that if I want something done well, I need to do it myself. And if I look at the bros with their $80,000 and boats on 60 months leases, they are not leading, they are an example at how to fail in life.

That sounds like dumbasses who did not have good fathers to me.

I am not sure you can just file most people into a descriptive categories.

Would say that your blue collar remark would fall into that same category

Cars are considered more a macho thing, but I quite enjoy car culture. It might be a bit audacious, and arrogant, but I recon that I could beat anyone here on a track day, especially in a manual transmission car, but then again my dad taught me to heel and toe when I was 6 or so in a kart.

It is I suppose a bit about machismo with some but I would argue that for most it is because men are generally better at and more interested in mechanical reasoning and are more apt to be risk takers. Testosterone and adrenaline etc. That said, I feel the peculiar desire on occasion to unscrew the head of some of the hotrod bro types who seem to be under the impression that reving their motors to show off their obnoxious mufflers will make the girls swoon. Ugh
Before the remark about carts I was going to suggest that it might be fun to test that notion at some gathering if facilities were near by but I might end up eating my words. Presuming that you have continued to practice regularly. That said, I will still happily put my basic wrenching and fab skills against yours and perhaps wager a bit on a drift focused lap or so.
Rules are no sissy crap made after about the mid sixties and a bottle of vintage Krug champagne on the line.

Most import question though is do you know the basics of auto maintenance and can you pull off the Rosie the riveter look?

Silliness aside, men do like it when they can share an interest with woman that is traditionally a male baliwick.
Happily my wife is the type to have pitched in when I was modding my model T several years ago (even doctored the wound when I got my leg stuck to the exhaust) and will likely jump in on the current GPW project which is on the slate now.
Would you spend this much time arguing if your given role was, say, to clean a pig stall.
This is your assumption. Interesting that you find yourself under attack when nobody is trying to attack you on purpose.

People do not become leaders just because they read it in the bible that they are to lead, that will not change a personality.
Some roles include leadership like officers in army. Only possible complain is them being bad as this aspect of role, not trying to lead.

What would be the other one?
For sex, as mother, as companion, someone to make jokes, food preparer.

There are many potential roles for women.
Well I do enjoy Taekwondo, sometimes a physical fight can be a thrill.
And 2/3 years younger men can still beat you.

Male teenager is well able to manhandle adult women.

Indirect, can work in many situations - for men as well actually - which in work environments can work very well for example. In certain scenarios however being "cuddly" is dangerous, and one needs to be ready to kick someone.

I guess in environmental work being cuddly is an asset, Hence the WWF has a panda as it's mascot and not a snake.

First, we aren't talking about life and death aituation. It's about social situations like going to cafee.

I will admit I get a certain amount of pleasure out if it. I guess it is similar to a sporting competition like a marathon. 'Participating is half the fun" nah that is lie people tell themselves, everyone is in it to win.

As long as I can win it - which will not be all the time, granted - I do not mind.
As women you will find husband and more girl friends by being feminine.

When coming home, what do you think your husband will want. Another fight for dominance or happy time together? You can't win dominance fight against man if he is feeling OK.

You are literally asking for taming screw treatmeant on honeymoon, if not before.

I am unconcerned about people's assessment. Well, there are maybe 30 people on this planets who's opinion about me I value. There are certain people where I strive to get them to view me as a pain in the ass.
Why are you collecting enemies? Friends come and go, while enemies accumulate.
While most of your positions make a lot of sense in the natural, what you aren’t factoring in is the spiritual side of reality.

On the spiritual side I presume I would be more open to letting the man lead. I guess I would go to what church he goes to etc. Although.....if he goes insane and decides to join the Jehovas Witnesses, or become a Hutterite or something....no. Communism is not for me.
The bottom line is that often women will rule via the power of the dark side when they think that they are being logical.
I do have a bit of Sith in me! I think in the Star Wars universe I would be a grey Jedi, one who can dip into the dark side without succumbing to it. Mace Windu was a grey Jedi, hence his purple saber, a mix between the Jedi blue, and the Sith red blade.
That said, I will still happily put my basic wrenching and fab skills against yours and perhaps wager a bit on a drift focused lap or so.

I have wrenching skills, but not really fabrication skills. I have played around with a metal 3D printer we have at a company.
Rules are no sissy crap made after about the mid sixties

You would consider modern cars like the Porsche GT3 sissy? I would disagree. Or a modern electric car like a Porsche Taycan which can be literally painful if driven aggressively, with the way it combines acceleration with braking, and cornering speeds. Your head gets thrown around, front, back, left, right.

But I like a 1960s Lotus Elan.

Most import question though is do you know the basics of auto maintenance and can you pull off the Rosie the riveter look?

Silliness aside, men do like it when they can share an interest with woman that is traditionally a male baliwick.
Happily my wife is the type to have pitched in when I was modding my model T several years ago (even doctored the wound when I got my leg stuck to the exhaust) and will likely jump in on the current GPW project which is on the slate now.

I know maintenance.

It was sad when some idiot Youtuber rolled a Model T down a hill some months ago. That was a car that survived two world wars, drove people to weddings etc. only to be destroyed for laughs.

For sex, as mother, as companion, someone to make jokes, food preparer.
I like cooking, however in out house it is more a group effort, since often the stuff we make is to complex for one person, so often someone does the Entrée, someone the main dish, someone the dessert.

My specialty is a filet in a balsamico brown sugar sauce as a main dish - The difficult part is the sauce, if not boiled enough it is to acidic, boil it to long and you have a sugary mess - and tarte tartin.

And 2/3 years younger men can still beat you.

Male teenager is well able to manhandle adult women.

If at the same fitness and training level as me then I would have to concede yes, however I am quite fit. I spar with boys my age, I win some, I lose some.
As women you will find husband and more girl friends by being feminine.

I can be feminine if I want. I often have my hair in braids for example.
You can't win dominance fight against man if he is feeling OK.
You are literally asking for taming screw treatmeant on honeymoon, if not before.

I have mentioned my love for gardening, and interest in chemistry. A quite lethal combination of interests. 😉

Why are you collecting enemies? Friends come and go, while enemies accumulate.
Which is why one should always burn bridges down behind you.
I have wrenching skills, but not really fabrication skills. I have played around with a metal 3D printer we have at a company.

You would consider modern cars like the Porsche GT3 sissy? I would disagree. Or a modern electric car like a Porsche Taycan which can be literally painful if driven aggressively, with the way it combines acceleration with braking, and cornering speeds. Your head gets thrown around, front, back, left, right.

But I like a 1960s Lotus Elan.

Oh my yes those are as sissy as it gets.
I am talking in terms of power steering being a bit on the limp wristed side.
Naught but man and machine. All seat of the pants.
I will admit that my old ramrod T would have been piss poor round the Nurburg ring but it was loads of fun and when I crused around my neighborhood all the kids would come funning to ask for a ride around the block. A couple times I had three kids in the front with me and a couple of cute moms and two more kids in the truck bed all having a big time.

The modern supercars don't have any appeal to me. Sure I imagine I would enjoy the opportunity to experience them but if I imvent something brilliant and became a billionaire, I still would not have room for them in a significant stable...likely a full museum if I had those means. I am not over fond of the anesthetics of the supercars generally and am a bit of an intentional luddite in a fair number of things. Cars, cultural trends, taste in architecture etc.

Re fabrication, I don't dislike the notion of 3D printing but not had time to adopt it as a hobby. I had in mind more things like welding, bending and use of things like an English wheel.
I come up with the big dosh to toss about on cars of the more expensive stripe and I would have a hard time not thinking more in terms of a larger acreage and more infrastructure for future generations and self sufficiency.
I might admit to wishing I had not sold my blown GTO... hey ho. I got bit by the parenting bug and got rid of my fun car and my motorcycle.

Oh, in re Lotus. The Elan is pretty. My only experience with them is making some money off a kid in his dad's Esprit turbo. I had a fairly modded Grand National at the time eich I eill also admit to missing. He could have dusted me off if it were anything but a straight line drag. Looked good for its type. Like most of the type though I don't see how one can be comfortable in them. Shoulders could not fit in all those fitted seats and seem like they are designed for people under six foot

I know maintenance.

It was sad when some idiot Youtuber rolled a Model T down a hill some months ago. That was a car that survived two world wars, drove people to weddings etc. only to be destroyed for laughs.

Glad you can turn a wrench and presumably change oil and tires etc. Important skills for an adult to be a well rounded person.

Re some yob putting model T over a cliff. Don't tell me the channel as I would be tempted to engage in some sort of hate campaign and harbor fantasies of yelling his retarded ass farther off the cliff than the car managed.

If at the same fitness and training level as me then I would have to concede yes, however I am quite fit. I spar with boys my age.

What style(s)?
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I think she is genuine. Perhaps not your cup of tea...
I am not sure if you were directing this to me or to Transformator..

My take on her is effectively the same as yours.... "being what she claims"
I’m probably wrong, but I keep getting an AI vibe.
I am not sure if you were directing this to me or to Transformator..

My take on her is effectively the same as yours.... "being what she claims"

Just general commentary and not directed towards anyone in particular
Ironic. You post about Ba'al and Ashtoreth, and at the same time you have a belief in seeing patterns and symbolism in numbers, which is on the same level as tarot cards, which would be considered false worship by many.
Are we not instructed to look at a person’s fruit? The signs and symbols will quickly tell me what side someone is on.

Just a recent example:


The Rothschilds own the “Economist” magazine. They’ve placed the planet Saturn on top. Saturn is a sign and symbol for Satan/Lucifer, which people like Elon Musk (and his mother) worship. So I know not to trust a single thing that comes from Elon’s mouth because his father is the father of lies. We are to be wise as serpents and gentle as doves.


And his mother makes all the signs and symbols that point to Luciferian worship;


Part of the club. You dont become a man worth 350 billion in this world without being part of the club, The same club that Satan offered to son of YAH on that high mountain.

Matthew 4:8-9
8Next the devil took him to the peak of a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. 9“I will give it all to you,” he said, “if you will kneel down and worship me.”
You dont become a man worth 350 billion in this world without being part of the club

Why concede that much power to evil people? If you encounter success then run with it. If evil people conspire against you then seek them out and destroy them. If they are so arrogant that they think they rule the world then your assault on their privilege will come as a surprise to them.

If Donald Trump can do it then so can anyone else. <<< This is the thing these evil people feared us realizing in Trump's victory.
Are we not instructed to look at a person’s fruit? The signs and symbols will quickly tell me what side someone is on.

Just a recent example:

View attachment 9247

The Rothschilds own the “Economist” magazine. They’ve placed the planet Saturn on top. Saturn is a sign and symbol for Satan/Lucifer, which people like Elon Musk (and his mother) worship. So I know not to trust a single thing that comes from Elon’s mouth because his father is the father of lies. We are to be wise as serpents and gentle as doves.

View attachment 9248

And his mother makes all the signs and symbols that point to Luciferian worship;

View attachment 9249

Part of the club. You dont become a man worth 350 billion in this world without being part of the club, The same club that Satan offered to son of YAH on that high mountain.

Matthew 4:8-9
8Next the devil took him to the peak of a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. 9“I will give it all to you,” he said, “if you will kneel down and worship me.”
Elon claims to be a "cultural Christian", which I take to mean he does not actually believe that the historical man Jesus of Nazareth is truly the only begotten Son of YAHWEH, the Light of the World, the One to whom all authority in Heaven and Earth now belong, who died in the place of sinners, rose from the dead, ascended to heaven, is seated at the right hand of the Father, and will return to judge the world, and claim His redeemed people.

According to 1st John, this means that Elon is currently subject to the spirit of Antichrist. He is of the world. He is like the grass of the field. He might look flashy, but will soon pass away.

Those of us who actually believe Christ have already overcome the Antichrist (as evidenced by the fact that we believe God's Son), and we will overcome the world, the flesh, and the devil. We are of God, and the One who is in us is greater than the one that is in the world (see 1st John 4:1-5, 4:14-15, 5:4-5, 5:11-13).

See the clowns for what they are, laugh at them, and fix your hope entirely on Christ the King.
I assume Trump is also currently subject to the god of this age, but that doesn't mean that the Sovereign Creator of Heaven and Earth isn't using him as a rod of iron to smash some of Christ's (and our) enemies.

Hopefully Trump (plus Elon and others) will repent and believe on Christ. Otherwise they will also ultimately end up in the trash bin of history.
If there was ever an administration filled with Christ followers then this is it. When eternity arrives for him, he will have zero excuse.
If there was ever an administration filled with Christ followers then this is it. When eternity arrives for him, he will have zero excuse.
I doubt it. I don't want to start debate what exactly is Christian, but when you into account weaking of mainstream faith, well there could be real issues.

Start with doctrines. For example favouring peace. Does current admin sees Ukraine wars as loss and stupid idea and Israel-Gaza conflict as good war? Or they will try to push peace everywhere?

By the way, Hegseth has recently said US is willing to war over tariffs with China. Doesn't look like peacemaking.
Are we not instructed to look at a person’s fruit? The signs and symbols will quickly tell me what side someone is on.

Just a recent example:

View attachment 9247

The Rothschilds own the “Economist” magazine. They’ve placed the planet Saturn on top. Saturn is a sign and symbol for Satan/Lucifer, which people like Elon Musk (and his mother) worship. So I know not to trust a single thing that comes from Elon’s mouth because his father is the father of lies. We are to be wise as serpents and gentle as doves.

View attachment 9248

And his mother makes all the signs and symbols that point to Luciferian worship;

View attachment 9249

Part of the club. You dont become a man worth 350 billion in this world without being part of the club, The same club that Satan offered to son of YAH on that high mountain.

Matthew 4:8-9
8Next the devil took him to the peak of a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. 9“I will give it all to you,” he said, “if you will kneel down and worship me.”
What you fails to see is that club is cartel. And cartels are metastable. They will break under some conditions.

This is now becoming willfull blindness not to notice Western ruling class is broken. Just watch Eurocrats histeria over Zelensky treameant. These guys are pissed because guys like Trump, Elon and others aren't willing to sacrifice USA for their cartel.
What you fails to see is that club is cartel. And cartels are metastable. They will break under some conditions.

This is now becoming willfull blindness not to notice Western ruling class is broken. Just watch Eurocrats histeria over Zelensky treameant. These guys are pissed because guys like Trump, Elon and others aren't willing to sacrifice USA for their cartel.
The whole world is a stage. They are actors playing their part. Above the world leaders you have the central banks. Above them you have smaller groups like the council of 300, and club of Rome. And it gets smaller and smaller as you approach the top. Their goal is the new world order. Trump is playing his part in their goal. You have to dis-mantle the current system. The new system will be AI governance. Elon even tells the people, but people refuse to listen:


And who better to lead America to the AI revolution than Donald J. Trump? He’s perfect because the right believes him, and the left will do whatever the talking heads on CNN say.

And who created AI? People that hate the Bible or people that love the Bible?

Further war or division is also bullish for the nwo. Because the great premise for the new world order is a one world religion, a one world government, and a one world leader.
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The whole world is a stage. They are actors playing their part. Above the world leaders you have the central banks. Above them you have smaller groups like the council of 300, and club of Rome. And it gets smaller and smaller as you approach the top. Their goal is the new world order. Trump is playing his part in their goal. You have to dis-mantle the current system. The new system will be AI governance. Elon even tells the people, but people refuse to listen:

View attachment 10225
View attachment 10226

And who better to lead America to the AI revolution than Donald J. Trump? He’s perfect because the right believes him, and the left will do whatever the talking heads on CNN say.

And who created AI? People that hate the Bible or people that love the Bible?

Further war or division is also bullish for the nwo. Because the great premise for the new world order is a one world religion, a one world government, and a one world leader.
Keep blackpilling.

I'm starting to think you are beyond salvation in this matter. Even obvious victory for 95% people you would call defeat.