Except it’s not adultery.first wife can sue you for divorce and justify it by demonstrating your adultery
Except it’s not adultery.first wife can sue you for divorce and justify it by demonstrating your adultery
Treating some women as broodmares can be a necessary process of integrating them into a family. In the West the woman is always free to leave but if she wants to be part of a patriarchal family then she has to live by those expectations.
For some women this is exactly perfect. It's what they need is to have the uncertainty of secular feminism replaced by the certainty of religious patriarchy.
For others not so much. Most of them would never join such a family in the first place.
Yet the truth remains that for some women this life can be just what they needed even if they chafe against it at first.
MeganC, help me out here... What does it look like to treat a woman as a broodmare? We have horses and when one is treated like a broodmare they are usually left in the pasture and never worked aside from having foals. These broodmares tend to get a bit hard to handle as they are not accustom to being told what to do. Never led, they learn to lead themselves wherever they want to go. Never handled, they tend to shy from human touch...
I suspect that this is not meaning of a broodmare in your statement. How would you define treating a woman as a broodmare?
I would be so honored to have a SW that would be willing to live a natural life make babies with me. My current wife gave me two. That was all that she could do. She would have loved to give me more but that is not how it played out. She is a great mom to them and I would hope that if I married another she would be also. But, broodmare? Nah, I would want to have AND TO HOLD. I would want her close not far off. I would want her to desire my companionship and touch. Not out to pasture because it is hard to tease and pester someone if they are not there to enjoy it.Well...there is this book all the leftist girls REALLY can't stop talking about. Something about breeding pens, orange man, red cloaks and big bonnets. It is very complicated.
For sane woman, I am fairly certain means, get your new wife pregnant immediately and keep her so for a while.
Oh the horror of living a natural life together and growing the family etc etc
I would be so honored to have a SW that would be willing to live a natural life make babies with me. My current wife gave me two. That was all that she could do. She would have loved to give me more but that is not how it played out. She is a great mom to them and I would hope that if I married another she would be also. But, broodmare? Nah, I would want to have AND TO HOLD. I would want her close not far off. I would want her to desire my companionship and touch. Not out to pasture because it is hard to tease and pester someone if they are not there to enjoy it.![]()
You’re confusing the metaphor; your brood mares would probably treat the stallion quite well. An artificial outside authority has a harder time inserting itself. Being a brood are is making your horses more atune to the natural border.MeganC, help me out here... What does it look like to treat a woman as a broodmare? We have horses and when one is treated like a broodmare they are usually left in the pasture and never worked aside from having foals. These broodmares tend to get a bit hard to handle as they are not accustom to being told what to do. Never led, they learn to lead themselves wherever they want to go. Never handled, they tend to shy from human touch...
I suspect that this is not meaning of a broodmare in your statement. How would you define treating a woman as a broodmare?
That is a very good point! I was inserting myself into the metaphor as the outsider as that is how it is with real horses but, it is a metaphor. lolYou’re confusing the metaphor; your brood mares would probably treat the stallion quite well. An artificial outside authority has a harder time inserting itself. Being a brood are is making your horses more atune to the natural border.
We should strive to be kind to everyone, our wives and children included. But NEVER at the cost of subordinating ourselves to them. That would be introducing confusion to everyone involved.
Side Note: It can be uncomfortable to us men to fully embrace our proper role when it means putting ourselves first over the demands of others. In Western culture, it is expected that men are to bow down to the desires of the females and children around them. To truly be a man may seem like it is self centered but it is the natural order that God established. Our societal norms has to be reversed starting with our individual lives first. Others will learn from observation and forums like this one.
It’s modern day Ashtoreth and Baal worship. “Happy wife, happy life.” If the husband does not submit to his wife’s will - she can simply go to the state (Baal), and they together can make life miserable for the husband. This has completely engulfed western society and thinking. So that’s why there are broken households and kids growing up broken as well. No father figure in the house. He has been kicked out. Just like they kicked out the Heavenly Father in the public schooling - so too in homes throughout western civilization.
Ahh... Feminism has entered the convo... Hello there...Sorry, but that seems like a very red neck, blue collar world view.
In the end leadership is not dependent on a penis or vagina, but the success one has in life. Now, different people, groups might have different criteria. For some it might simply be money, for others it might be how mich time they can negotiate with their employer to not work (we have one annoying employee who spends half the year in Costa Rica, he he talented enough that we give him that freedom)
@Maia has been with us for a while now. She is not a feminist.Ahh... Feminism has entered the convo... Hello there...
Welcome to Biblical Families! There is an interesting concept known as headship God established roles for families. Within a family, husbands are the leaders and not the wives or children.
The Most High
The Husband
The problem is a lot of men assume that scripture to be empowerment, a privilege given to them, when it should be a responsibility, a burden. But most do not see it that way, and most will fail.Ahh... Feminism has entered the convo... Hello there...
Welcome to Biblical Families! There is an interesting concept known as headship God established roles for families. Within a family, husbands are the leaders and not the wives or children.
The Most High
The Husband
most do not see it that way, and most will fail.
I can understand your objection to being lumped in with the feminists, but you keep giving examples of some men who are not doing things right as if they exemplify patriarchs.How is that a feminist mindset?
I have read that most Americans earning $150,000 per year are living paycheck to paycheck. Now, I realize that $150k is not what is used to be, but still if you are not able to get by with 150k you have only to look into the mirror and see the responsible one. A lot of that IS going to be because of McMansions, boats, and car payments.
One cannot be leader of a household when one is financially illiterate. Considering that the average American net worth is a negative number, there are very few leaders in the USA.
I can understand your objection to being lumped in with the feminists, but you keep giving examples of some men who are not doing things right as if they exemplify patriarchs.
Feminist seek to subvert the roles that God gave husbands and wives. This is in direct opposition to God's order as he established it making feminism in opposition to God himself. This is why feminism is evil. It causes people to either lower their authority to that of their wives or it causes their wives to raise themselves up above their husbands authority. Either way it throws the balance out of whack and men fail to lead and take responsibility for outcomes. This was evident with Adam as he wanted to blame Eve for giving him what he knew was forbidden fruit. That was a failure of leadership on his part.How is that a feminist mindset?
I have read that most Americans earning $150,000 per year are living paycheck to paycheck. Now, I realize that $150k is not what is used to be, but still if you are not able to get by with 150k you have only to look into the mirror and see the responsible one. A lot of that IS going to be because of McMansions, boats, and car payments.
One cannot be leader of a household when one is financially illiterate. Considering that the average American net worth is a negative number, there are very few leaders in the USA.
Just like women, men must be looked at one at a time.Because if I look out at the world, that is my assessment, I do not say they do not exist. I just came back from the Paddock Club of the Formula 1 GP in Las Vegas there were many men there who, I presume, could be leaders. Generally not the drivers, there is something......Je ne sais quoi, something missing from them.
And if he has a 60 month car payment plan, who should be the head of the household??Sorry, but you cannot have a bro with a 60 month car payment as head of the household.