Sometimes it seems like you are trying to see how insulting you can be and get away with it. What you are accomplishing is showing how little you really understand.
@PastorLarry I apologize for the insensitivity being displayed here.
I was passing my non answered threads and I just couldn't pass this.@MemeFan, you don't have a clue what you are talking about and are being an insulting arsehole. Shut up.
Reality is that being nice to spare feelings is way more damaging that direct in face truth telling. Truth telling hurts once and pain goes out, especially fas,t when taking "painful advice" makes you like better.
Keeping someone in his illusions is actually not providing exit from often mental bondage. We don't have to pull them out (that's their job), but offering exit is good per se.
At least @PastorLarry at least deserves to know key reason for failure of his marriage. I was my mistake not to stand against you and tell him hidden dimension. What dimension?
To anyone looking at his description of marriage it is obvious there were severe issues with attraction between him and wife. Severe enough to made marriage not viable.
Remember, attraction is measure of how much children making is desirable. Without this there is no couple, only roommates. Why stay married to roommate? It makes no sense.
What makes sense is actually find someone else better suited for children making. We don't have infinite time.
What was my "sin"? Telling @PastorLarry how to generate attraction.