There are extreme shortages in manufactured goods also. I am about to instal a number of device that I manufacture, which use a wide range of very common components - pipe fittings, common containers and so forth. When I designed this equipment, I specifically designed it to use extremely common, widely manufactured components to ensure I would always have supplies available.
I am finding it very difficult to get what I need. I have secured supplies for this one large job, but am very unclear on what I'll do if another similar job comes in in the near future.
For one example, I use a very common kitchen storage container as a fluid vessel in this device. I use this common kitchen storage container specifically because it is mass manufactured and sold under the generic "house brands" of multiple different stores - same container, different sticker - so the supplies are massive. And it's so common that usually you'd go into any such store and there would be hundreds on the shelf at any branch.
Two weeks ago I went hunting, and found one. I needed twelve. Placed an order for twelve at that store, and it took them almost a week to track down twelve for me from other branches.
Another example: I use very common 12v sealed lead acid brick batteries to power the electronics. Most common battery available.
The supplier I use thought they'd run out, but when he checked he found they had exactly twelve in stock - again the exact number I needed.
I am positive that God is providing for me right now, but I feel I am simply buying up the last of the stocks in local warehouses. Imports must be way down.
Fortunately, I imported excess of the components I import directly months ago, due to the risk of war with Taiwan. But I'm depleting my own storeroom also and will have difficulty restocking I expect.
This flows into food production and everything else, because food production requires pipe fittings, spare parts for machinery, containers for finished products and all manner of other things - in addition to fertiliser and fuel. Our local bee club has been telling us that containers for honey are even hard to obtain!