This might come under toxins etc, but I'd also add to that list, infertility. Whether that is from using contraception (hormonal or barrier), or from vaccines or whatever.Sedentary lifestyle
High sugar intake (+high carbs in general)
Excessively processed foods, including high fructose corn syrup and trans fats
Over medication
Vax damage
Environmental toxins and pesticides
GMO foods
Nutritional deficiency (minerals, vitamin D, fiber, maybe protein)
Sexual immorality
Depression due to not knowing God and overall sinful lifestyle
Children keep you young. For a woman, the hormones released in pregnancy are massive, and they keep you looking younger much longer (I'm proof of that!). And breastfeeding is incredibly good for you, drastically decreasing the risk of breast cancer etc.
And for both women and men, just having a child around is very good for you emotionally and physically in terms of playing with them etc. And while there will always be exceptions to the rule, studies show time and time again just how important children are. Look at any study involving older people and what a difference it makes if they're involved with their grandchildren.