As I read through early scriptures I run across the word "Abomination". It was taught to me that it meant "sin" so therefore eating clams and ospreys and horses and dogs was sinful. I just didn't know really what this "sin" was. Upon recall the old book, "None of These Diseases" I remembered the cleanliness aspect and it starts to make sense. I always want to know the why behind the wherefore. If we can loosely substitute the word dirty or unsanitary in place of abomination it then begins to make more sense. If eating clams and oysters is unsanitary, why? They are filter feeders and their job is to remove the dirty dead decaying stuff from the water(presumably from people and animals defecating in the waters), process it to be less harmful to aquatic critters. When the clam is eaten it is the filter that is consumed and all the crap with it. Not very sanitary. So, armed with that as a background, what are the other things that are considered abomination and why? This of course is a bit of conjecture based on the rules of sanitation. GO!