What better Democrat candidate? I am almost always wrong about politics but it will be very hard to find a suitable candidate at this point. Biden was the nominee because they didn’t have anyone better.Sadly, that debate may have lost Trump the election. Because it will give the Democrats the excuse they need to change candidates. Although the polls are clearly showing a Trump victory at present, they are close enough that a better Democrat candidate could swing them back in the other direction. This is how you win a battle but lose the war. I hope I'm wrong though, I am an eternal pessimist after all.![]()
Kamala Harris was their best option and she’s a disaster. She comes across as congenitally insincere and unserious. She has terrible likability, is polling worse than Biden and has burnt bridge after bridge.
Gavin Newsom is the governor of a failing state that has wildly embraced the trans ideology, plus he doesn’t bring any electoral advantage. The Democrat base is going to react badly to a straight, white male savior and he damaged himself further with the base by trying to move towards the center at the start of the “campaign”.
Gretchen Whitmer is probably the best option, mostly because she shores up Wisconsin, but she has baggage too and there’s no indication that she has broad electoral appeal. Remember that Trump is an incumbent. She is untested on the national level and isn’t wildly popular even in her state.
Buttigieg has only been elected mayor of a small city and I don’t think America is ready for a married gay president with an adopted child. I think there would be an “ick” factor there that wouldn’t show up in polls.
Michelle Obama would be a terrible campaigner. She’s said some absolutely ridiculous things and she recently lost her mother. I don’t think she would do it and if she did it would fire up the Trump base as much as it did the Democrats. On top of that I think many voters would balk at putting a woman with no credentials in as commander in chief. And this is going to sound ridiculous but how does she dress? She can’t pull off a pant suit. It would be very hard for her to look presidential and I’m not even kidding.
RFK would have a shot but Worm Head writes itself and the base hates him.
Joe Manchin would be dangerous but again, the base despises him.
I just don’t know who they pick. Most Americans look at the primary process as a test. Anyone skipping it has to have outside credibility and I just don’t know who that is.