I agree, but you don't think this is happening in churches and families across the country.They are acting like neither parents or Christians. Actions not words.
I agree, but you don't think this is happening in churches and families across the country.They are acting like neither parents or Christians. Actions not words.
We don’t eat store bought pork either.We eat pork but it's raised right here, slaughtered right here, and processed/cured right here.
I agree, but you don't think this is happening in churches and families across the country.
Just found out the granddaughter of the pastor of a church we used to attend is transitioning. They were a pretty tight knit family. It’s sad to see, I believe she’s somewhere around 12-15 years old. On another note, he pooh-poohed my advocating for christians to homeschool and he personally shunned me after he and I had a discussion about biblical marriage. It’s a fairly conservative church as far as modern churches are concerned and claim to hold to sola scriptura.There have been a number of testimonials of parents who were blindsided by their teen suddenly transitioning. The schools were pushing this and hiding it.
But I've seen enough Christian homeschoolers and Christian public schoolers to know which one's fruit is rotten. The difference is night and day. Even amoung conservative, fundamental or evangelical churches.
My daughter went to a well known private Christian school her junior and senior years. There were gay kids attending and even one Satanist! Some folks send their wayward kids hoping the school will "straighten out" the behavior. Yep, homeschooling all the way...There have been a number of testimonials of parents who were blindsided by their teen suddenly transitioning. The schools were pushing this and hiding it.
But I've seen enough Christian homeschoolers and Christian public schoolers to know which one's fruit is rotten. The difference is night and day. Even amoung conservative, fundamental or evangelical churches.
There are kids doing wrong wherever you go. But you have a greater chance of them not abandoning their Christian principles if you put them into places that teach God's word. I put all of my kids into a Christian schools. I homeschooled them for a while, but I wanted them in a school and I trusted the school administrators. They got chapels multiple times a week. They were required to memorize scripture. They were required to take Bible classes. I sent two kids to conservative Christian colleges. They were not perfect, but they were fine in these environments. For me it was not necessary to home school them. They are active in their churches today.My daughter went to a well known private Christian school her junior and senior years. There were gay kids attending and even one Satanist! Some folks send their wayward kids hoping the school will "straighten out" the behavior. Yep, homeschooling all the way...
As mentioned in the beef article, there have been successful experiments with milk...odds are (and it's odds, by no means absolute these days) that cooking your beef/pork thoroughly (well done, not medium) would destroy the problem. But it's the milk that's a bigger issue.For those that still don't believe Scripture was right about both marriage, and what is 'not food',
Dr. Mercola has some interesting insight:
How Long Have You Been Consuming Gene Therapied Pork? - LewRockwell
For the last couple of years, I’ve recommended not eating pork due to its high linoleic acid (LA) content, but there’s an even bigger reason to avoid it now. Since 2018,1 pork producers have been using customizable mRNA-based “vaccines” on their herds, and this has slipped completely under the...www.lewrockwell.com
Beef Producers Panic Over mRNA Vaccine News - LewRockwell
Last week, I reported that pork producers have been using customizable mRNA-based “vaccines” on their herds since 20181 — without telling the public. This issue really only rose to the surface after attorney Tom Renz started promoting new legislation in Missouri (House Bill 1169,2 which he...www.lewrockwell.com
(and note - he doesn't even mention the most important stuff...)
Disney, eh? And combined with a little (or maybe a lot of) paganism. (Why do I suspect they'll prefer the term "polygamy" for a similar reason?)
My daughter went to a well known private Christian school her junior and senior years. There were gay kids attending and even one Satanist! Some folks send their wayward kids hoping the school will "straighten out" the behavior. Yep, homeschooling all the way...