There is a large section of the Midwest we've never had a retreat in, including: Kansas, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, Dakotas, Nebraska, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Illinois. We have done extreme southern Missouri a couple times.
That's a big area, and while some folks have traveled from those areas to further retreats, I wonder how many new folks we could meet by coming closer to them. At this retreat we had the privilege of meeting
@ABlessedMan and his family, and they are very interested in helping host a Midwest meetup, something we've been wanting to do as a group as well.
So we need to gauge interest before making plans. Our big summer family retreat will likely be in August again, and likely in or near Tennessee again also. Too far for some Midwesterners likely.
So who would be interested in a retreat, either mid May or perhaps into early June, in the center of the MidWest - maybe Nebraska or nearby? (Where ever we can find reasonable hotel options.) Are there particular dates that would work better than others for you?
Maybe we could find something like this in Sturgis: instead of a hotel?
So we need your input: are you likely to consider coming to a Midwest event, and what would make it more attractive in terms of location and date range? Sound off here, or we won't be doing it!