There are two parties mentioned in the new covenant in that passage.There are two parties in the new covenant.
As to Ezekiel 37. That entire chapter is a specific passage specifically regarding national Israel and the Trying to shoehorn everyone’s else into His covenant thru their house is conflating our covenant with Him with their covenant with Him.
Agreed. I think you may have misread the post. My point is that the Masoretic’s credibility with me is nonexistent now. This does not mean they changed everything, but certain topics that I know they jacked with, my default now is extreme caution. I cannot just accept it at face value whole heartedly.Be carful VV76. This way is littered with wrecked ships and ruined faith. We can know what is the original text quite easily between the Septuagint and the New Testament and quotes of the Bible in in other sources. There’s no need to start questioning the Virgin Birth and what not. That would be folly.
I hate that it’s that way for me now but I can’t pretend otherwise.
I just ran across another instance the other day in Psalms 110:3 where they’ve changed it from God swearing verse 4 from before the morning star’s creation to the womb of the morning which massively degrades the importance of the origin of the Priesthood