I'm certain many are thinking not again this topic. I have come to conclusion that actually theology here doesn't matter.
Since theology is based on single verse from Romans and this isn't enough to develop any "proper theology", key reason must be something else.
That something else is man's reproductive strategy. Either man considers action between ladies good for his reproductive success or not. This is exactly why there is divide between go-go guys and sceptics.
Think, if you ask sceptic why is he against *ahem? Well, we don't think consciousnessly about reproductive strategy, so any reasoning we use hides this reality from us.
Think a little. When a man sees pretty woman, what is he thinking? Pretty, nice, good hair. Certainly not good woman to be impregnated asap. So, there is part of our motivation hidden from consciousness.
Return to our sceptic. Easiest way to stop discussion and not to explain more is by making it into regilious taboo. And here infamous verse saves the day.
Yes, Bible is justification for what sceptic really wants do. Btw, go-go guy is ... the same. He wants action and sees no ban into that infamous verse.
Since theology is based on single verse from Romans and this isn't enough to develop any "proper theology", key reason must be something else.
That something else is man's reproductive strategy. Either man considers action between ladies good for his reproductive success or not. This is exactly why there is divide between go-go guys and sceptics.
Think, if you ask sceptic why is he against *ahem? Well, we don't think consciousnessly about reproductive strategy, so any reasoning we use hides this reality from us.
Think a little. When a man sees pretty woman, what is he thinking? Pretty, nice, good hair. Certainly not good woman to be impregnated asap. So, there is part of our motivation hidden from consciousness.
Return to our sceptic. Easiest way to stop discussion and not to explain more is by making it into regilious taboo. And here infamous verse saves the day.
Yes, Bible is justification for what sceptic really wants do. Btw, go-go guy is ... the same. He wants action and sees no ban into that infamous verse.
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