Whoa! That is soooo close to reality for one of my wives. The left pictures before God saved her, and the right after God saved her. A total transformation.

Whoa! That is soooo close to reality for one of my wives. The left pictures before God saved her, and the right after God saved her. A total transformation.
Just googled red sole shoes, apparently they're a trademarked thing. Ads for them are around $800-$2K. Assume an average of a grand to make numbers easy. I counted at least 50 pairs, image is cropped. $50K in stupid shoes. Imagine mucking out a stall in a pair of those, or weeding the garden. We just got done burning brush, those heels woulda sunk 4" in the ground out here. I guess they'd be good for some comic relief!The one on the right will save you a bundle and feed you well. The one (leech) on the left will take you straight to the poor house before hunting up a new victim to bleed. (Any woman on here care to opine the value of that shoe rack? I can only imagine.
I shouldn't laugh, but the vanity and vexation of spirit" that shoe rack represents is staggering. Material keep up with the fashion... so called, has always seemed a waste.The one on the right will save you a bundle and feed you well. The one (leech) on the left will take you straight to the poor house before hunting up a new victim to bleed. (Any woman on here care to opine the value of that shoe rack? I can only imagine.
I've been reading Chaucer's Canterbury Tales (written around 1380, very early English literature), and in it he describes a woman who reminds me a lot of you @LovesDogs. When reading this, note that at the time spelling had not been standardised and it's all written phonetically, so ignore the spelling, say it aloud and it will mostly make sense!
I love it! Also it's so true, we always need something to baby lolI've been reading Chaucer's Canterbury Tales (written around 1380, very early English literature), and in it he describes a woman who reminds me a lot of you @LovesDogs. When reading this, note that at the time spelling had not been standardised and it's all written phonetically, so ignore the spelling, say it aloud and it will mostly make sense!
Ther was also a Nonne, A Prioresse,
That of hir smyling was ful simple and coy;
But, for to speken of hir conscience,
She was so charitable and so pitous,
She wolde wepe, if that she sawe a mous
Caught in a trappe, if it were deed or bledde.
Of smale houndes had she, that she fedde
With rosted flesh, or milk and wastel breed.
But sore weep she if oon of hem were deed,
Or if men smoot it with a yerde smerte:
And al was conscience and tendre herte.
Translation notes: Pronounce "ee" as "ea". "hem" means them (the t was added later). "wastel breed" is fine bread or cake. A "yerde" is a rod, "smerte" means smartly / violently. The rest should be self-explanatory.
I find it hilarious to find a single woman with a load of dogs being described over 600 years ago. Women are the same in all ages! If they don't have children, they collect dogs or cats! But it is also great to see this being chosen to show evidence of her lovely character - not as a criticism in any way.
Maybe left girl is more feminine?
Barefoot and pregnant never required so many shoes....People have to have hobby.
Maybe left girl is more feminine?
Is it women who are obssesed with their looks. I'm certain she has clothes for every situation.
Barefoot and pregnant never required so many shoes....
True!.....but I prefer shoes in our kitchen visited by many men in BOOTS!Barefoot and pregnant never required so many shoes....
Feminine girl will have feminine hobbies.Barefoot and pregnant never required so many shoes....
New shoes every month.Not spending a year's salary on impractical shoes?
Naturally, presuming that they are good books.If she bought new book every month most people here would be in admiration state.
You do understand that those shoes are $1000-$1500 per pair, right? That's a heck of a hobby!New shoes every month.
In few years time it would be nice collection.
What is bad with shoes as hobby? Better than drugs, more useful than playing Call of Duty whole day, beats promiscuity.
If she bought new book every month most people here would be in admiration state.
They may be fakes honestly.You do understand that those shoes are $1000-$1500 per pair, right? That's a heck of a hobby!
I don't agree with spending a ridiculous amount on shoes, clothes or purses. But I think you have a point as well, I don't think there's anything wrong with a woman having her own style and enjoying herself. Why should a women's entire wardrobe be based around canning, cleaning stalls and gardening, sometimes we just want to look nice.Feminine girl will have feminine hobbies.
What is better than collecting shoes in today's culture? Knitting, maybe?
EDIT: Clarification
That just seems nuts to me. That is far more expensive than high quality work boots made with space age materials, that are extremely durable, water proof yet moisture wicking, warm or cooling, with excellent traction and all day comfort... I guess the price is based more on the target audience than what the product actually is.You do understand that those shoes are $1000-$1500 per pair, right? That's a heck of a hobby!
Even if we took the financial ridiculousness out of the equation, who needs that many pairs of the same shoes that look exactly alike? Why not just have a few nice pair and call it a day lolThat just seems nuts to me. That is far more expensive than high quality work boots made with space age materials, that are extremely durable, water proof yet moisture wicking, warm or cooling, with excellent traction and all day comfort... I guess the price is based more on the target audience than what the product actually is.
The value of anything is only determined by the $$$ someone will pay for it.You do understand that those shoes are $1000-$1500 per pair, right? That's a heck of a hobby!
Yes, because guys won't spend moonbeams on their workbooks so manufacturers can't charge moonbeams for them.That just seems nuts to me. That is far more expensive than high quality work boots made with space age materials, that are extremely durable, water proof yet moisture wicking, warm or cooling, with excellent traction and all day comfort... I guess the price is based more on the target audience than what the product actually is.