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January 20th 2025 - Donald Trump is BACK!

How about his pick for the Treasury position? A homosexual - which makes him the highest-ranking LGBTQ official:

Two sides of the same coin.

He's not honest. He tickles the ears, and throws a bone or two every now and then.

The investigations were part of the adversary's deception. To deceive the conservatives into thinking "Trump is on our side." So they can vote for the candidate the adversary wanted them to vote for. All these investigations were huff and puff.

He's a billionaire. Musk is a billionaire. All part of the club. Now since the deception has worked - the leftist Bill Gates is impressed with him (after having a 3-hour meeting)? The leftist media likes him more? Person of the Year?

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I hope people don't let their guard down, he's not bringing good things in the long run to this nation. To the Christians that live in the USA, get ready!
How about his pick for the Treasury position? A homosexual - which makes him the highest-ranking LGBTQ official:

And why that matters?

I don't ever remember Trump claiming he is Christian or he wants Christian restoration. Only USA restoration.

He is on our side since alternative was woke single mindness. When alternative is tyranny, those against tyranny are for you.

Besides finance skills and understanding capital markets are key attributes for Treasury position, so whom he prefers in bed.

Why are paying attention his sexuality like woke people? I thought that was voted out on bailot box.

He's not honest. He tickles the ears, and throws a bone or two every now and then.
Which implies Trump is mostly giving loses to conservativescby pushing woke and green energy agenda, while giving some bone from time to conservatives.

Meanwhile most conservatives aren't getting tired from winning.

Something's wrong.
That's not a good thing. I don't know how many of you have been targeted by Christians when they feel you have threatened their doctrines of devils but this is just likely protection for Rome approved Christianity. I would think its highly likely things like polygamy will be highly detestable and persecuted if false christian morality is pushed on us. Imagine trying to expose a Christian leader as a false apostle and face legal charges because your anti Christian. Just like anti semitism laws are a bad thing.
And why that matters?

I don't ever remember Trump claiming he is Christian or he wants Christian restoration. Only USA restoration.

He is on our side since alternative was woke single mindness. When alternative is tyranny, those against tyranny are for you.

Besides finance skills and understanding capital markets are key attributes for Treasury position, so whom he prefers in bed.

Why are paying attention his sexuality like woke people? I thought that was voted out on bailot box.

Which implies Trump is mostly giving loses to conservativescby pushing woke and green energy agenda, while giving some bone from time to conservatives.

Meanwhile most conservatives aren't getting tired from winning.

Something's wrong.
Trump does claim he is christian .
This remains to be seen what it will be. Situation to watch, not to raise alarm bells. Nobody's existence is being threathened.

Some here should for their own benefit shut sometimes alarm system. You aren't being hunted constantly.

By the way, President and Vice President have decided to hire again DOGE staffer nicknamed Big Balls despite his (allegedly) racism comments.

Vibes have changed. Read the room guys.

This is perfect example of inability to read room. Trump is cleansing wokes from government. Did wokes persecute Christians? Yes, they did. Therefore, most probable whole purpose of office is stopping existing members of government from existing habit of persecuting Christians.

Nothing more. For anything more why don't find real evidence instead of imagining worst. Imagining worst is good defense against enemies and people who hate you. Does Trump hates and/or is enemy of American Christians? No.

So, again, cool off.
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I remember writing some time ago that good analysis must include motive of people. Or maybe it was that understanding motive is so revealing.

Ask yourself what is motive. Use that a lot. It will explain much of society and make understanding world easier.

Sometimes someone just hates you and is using verbal spaghetti to deceive you. Sometimes someone is on your side and is trying to help.
This remains to be seen what it will be. Situation to watch, not to raise alarm bells. Nobody's existence is being threathened.

Some here should for their own benefit shut sometimes alarm system. You aren't being hunted constantly.

By the way, President and Vice President have decided to hire again DOGE staffer nicknamed Big Balls despite his (allegedly) racism comments.

Vibes have changed. Read the room guys.

This is perfect example of inability to read room. Trump is cleansing wokes from government. Did wokes persecute Christians? Yes, they did. Therefore, it's most probable whole purpose of office is stopping existing members of government from existing habit of persecuting Christians.

Nothing more. For anything more why don't find real evidence instead of imagining worst. Imagining worst is good defense against enemies and people who hate you. Does Trump hates and/or is enemy of American Christians? No.

So, again, cool off.
Trump is absolutely an enemy of American Christians, he is closely tied to some of our biggest enemies, the modern nation Israel being one of them, you don't think they are also an enemy of "idolatrous Christians"? They would love to have the heads of Christians. (Please note I am not talking about all Jewish people as there and many that do not want to kill Christians and also many that are Christians )
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Trump is absolutely an enemy of American Christians...

Give it a rest already.

I'm one who continues to point out that "most of AmeriKan xtianity" is pagan to the core, and antithetical to the Written Word of YHVH. Polygyny is just one proof of that, among a Legion of others.

Trump is at least more "Biblically-inclined," than, say, a Rick Warren or Joel Osteen. And in his inaugural address he mentioned "God" more than the previous regime in four hellish years. He even seemed to know we were supposed to be a Republic.

Which we all should know proves little.

And my own ministry has ALWAYS cautioned, and will continue to, "come out of her, My people." Don't participate with the sin. Don't serve another master. Don't put faith in dishonest weights. (Trump can NOT save the fiat dollar!)

But I've seen more positive fruit in the last 20 days than, no exaggeration, the last 20 YEARS.

And more people starting to wake up to the fact of just how badly they have been SCREWED. Some are even starting to admit that they were petrified to even talk about it.

This will be interesting to watch.
He's a billionaire. Musk is a billionaire. All part of the club.
Most popular movements in all of history have been either led or backed by rich people who already have a public name for themselves. It's reality for many practical and psychological reasons - people will rally around a "somebody", they won't rally around a "nobody".

It's why everyone watches what Jeremy Clarkson says regarding farmer protests in the UK but doesn't care much about what ordinary farmers say - nobody is rallying around an ordinary farmer whatever they said, but if Clarkson announced he was leading a revolution people would follow for the simple reason that they would know others would listen and follow also.
Trump is absolutely an enemy of American Christians, he is closely tied to some of our biggest enemies, the modern nation Israel being one of them, you don't think they are also an enemy of "idolatrous Christians"? They would love to have the heads of Christians. (Please note I am not talking about all Jewish people as there and many that do not want to kill Christians and also many that are Christians )
This is an issue that is best not debated online, rather discussed in person, as extremely strong opinions are held and nobody is going to change them through an online debate. However, I will point out one thing that will put this into context.

Trump's views on Israel are essentially identical to that of the majority of American Evangelicals.

If this is wrong (note the "if", I'm not debating the point), and he is deceived, then so are millions of other serious Christians. So this is not evidence of Trump himself being personally corrupted, but rather evidence of Trump genuinely adopting the views that he is taught by the Christians around him, which happen to be wrong. He is far more likely to be genuine in his opinions, but mistaken, than to be consciously part of some Jewish anti-Christian conspiracy.

And his views on this matter have also been shared by most US presidents throughout history. So again, no evidence of him personally being corrupted, just going along with the cultural views of the country he has been raised in.

Israel is a problem for Trump, in that it is the one place he is most likely to be able to be dragged into war. He will promote peace everywhere else, aiming to bring troops home and focus on securing the borders of the USA itself, which is all very good - but the one exception to this principle will be Israel, and that is due to the fact that both the Jews and the Christians around him, for different reasons, all tell him that it is an exception and must be defended - and so do conservative voters in general, whom he wishes to please. If anyone wants war under Trump, that is the one place they can incite a war and know he will take the bait - any other country he may be happy to abandon, but not Israel. Rightly or wrongly, this is something to be aware of.
This is an issue that is best not debated online, rather discussed in person, as extremely strong opinions are held and nobody is going to change them through an online debate. However, I will point out one thing that will put this into context.

Trump's views on Israel are essentially identical to that of the majority of American Evangelicals.

If this is wrong (note the "if", I'm not debating the point), and he is deceived, then so are millions of other serious Christians. So this is not evidence of Trump himself being personally corrupted, but rather evidence of Trump genuinely adopting the views that he is taught by the Christians around him, which happen to be wrong. He is far more likely to be genuine in his opinions, but mistaken, than to be consciously part of some Jewish anti-Christian conspiracy.

And his views on this matter have also been shared by most US presidents throughout history. So again, no evidence of him personally being corrupted, just going along with the cultural views of the country he has been raised in.

Israel is a problem for Trump, in that it is the one place he is most likely to be able to be dragged into war. He will promote peace everywhere else, aiming to bring troops home and focus on securing the borders of the USA itself, which is all very good - but the one exception to this principle will be Israel, and that is due to the fact that both the Jews and the Christians around him, for different reasons, all tell him that it is an exception and must be defended - and so do conservative voters in general, whom he wishes to please. If anyone wants war under Trump, that is the one place they can incite a war and know he will take the bait - any other country he may be happy to abandon, but not Israel. Rightly or wrongly, this is something to be aware of.
It is true that most of what the world sees as Christianity is in apostasy, it has been lead astray by many false teachers. When others refuse to see that they also are part of that apostasy and have been blinded the god of this world, may the Lord open their eyes so they can come out of the bewitchment and into truth.
Trump is absolutely an enemy of American Christians, he is closely tied to some of our biggest enemies, the modern nation Israel being one of them, you don't think they are also an enemy of "idolatrous Christians"? They would love to have the heads of Christians. (Please note I am not talking about all Jewish people as there and many that do not want to kill Christians and also many that are Christians )
This is a claim that does not yet have the evidence required to justify its existence. Let's enjoy the wins and continue to watch and see.
If Trump begins to do evil, call it out. Being related to or doing business with people that you think are evil does not mean that the other person is.
Many people associate with the less scrupulous, without being that way themselves. I recall Yeshua was besmirched for the people he hung out with also...

You may be right in the end... Just wait until you have something to call out before making declarative statements of fact with no concrete evidence.
This is a claim that does not yet have the evidence required to justify its existence. Let's enjoy the wins and continue to watch and see.
If Trump begins to do evil, call it out. Being related to or doing business with people that you think are evil does not mean that the other person is.
Many people associate with the less scrupulous, without being that way themselves. I recall Yeshua was besmirched for the people he hung out with also...

You may be right in the end... Just wait until you have something to call out before making declarative statements of fact with no concrete evidence.
How about operation warp speed? Where they murdered hundreds of thousands of Americans and contaminated the human genome... Causing harm to millions..
How about operation warp speed? Where they murdered hundreds of thousands of Americans and contaminated the human genome... Causing harm to millions..
How many people were honesty duped by the lies and deceit of the few who knew the reality of what was happening with covid? Your President is a businessman, not a scientist, and he may have been fed the lies and BS like everyone else. Do you know if he made decisions based on lies he had been told? Do you know if your (then) President was deliberately misinformed so that those with murderous intent could accomplish their satanic agenda?

Do you know if Almighty God is providentially working through these events to accomplish His purposes in bringing judgement on your country for all the evil it has spread through its abortion, woke, and porn industries? I heard an American preacher once say, if God doesn't judge America soon He'll have to raise up Sodom and Gomhorrah and apologise. Looking from the outside, I tend to agree with the preacher.

Rather than ranting, weep and pray for your country and its leaders. Perhaps God will grant some a heart of repentance. It is written, Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. (1Tim. 2:1-4). Shalom
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How many people were honesty duped by the lies and deceit of the few who knew the reality of what was happening with covid? Your President is a businessman, not a scientist, and he may have been fed the lies and BS like everyone else. Do you know if he made decisions based on lies he had beed told? Do you know if your (then) President was deliberately misinformed so that those with murderous intent could accomplish their satanic agenda?

Do you know if Almighty God is providentially working through these events to accomplish His purposes in bringing judgement on your country for all the evil it has spread through its abortion, woke, and porn industries? I heard an American preacher once say, if God doesn't judge America soon He'll have to raise up Sodom and Gomhorrah and apologise. Looking from the outside, I tend to agree with the preacher.

Rather than ranting, weep and pray for your country and its leaders. Perhaps God will grant some a heart of repentance. It is written, Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. (1Tim. 2:1-4). Shalom
I absolutely believe that God has placed Trump in his position to accomplish his will. I don't stand against it. I do believe judgment is coming to this nation. It is possible that Trump does think he is doing good but he is very obviously bewitched. The Utopia that people are hoping for is not what's coming. He is very instrumental in carrying out things that have to happen.
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That's almost Trumps exact words when he hired his homosexual mobster lawyer mentor and friend Roy Cohn to defend him, according to his book, The Art of The Deal.

If you need to be defended from killers you hire a killer.

Watch to the end and catch what is said.
