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It's about more than just polygyny


Seasoned Member
For some of us, this all goes deeper than merely desiring polygyny. I'm sure others can relate in their own way. A few recent conversations have motivated me to share just how special discovering plural marriage was for me. I'm hoping others will share their stories in this thread or start their own ❤️

I wouldn't say I really grew up in the church or in a religious household. My parents would occasionally take us to a Baptist church, but that was the extent of it. When I was around seven years old, I moved in mostly full-time with my grandmother, who was not particularly religious. Other relatives lived there with us as well; they were super outspoken, confrontational atheists. So you can imagine their disapproval when, in my teens, I became best friends with a girl whose family was religious, and I began attending various church functions with them.

Shortly after attending church, we (my friend and I) realized that the majority of the church leaders had a laundry list of things they regarded as "sinful." Usually while participating in those very same things themselves. I wasn't being judgmental, and I certainly didn't expect perfection from anyone, at the same time, I grew tired of being treated harshly and having accusations thrown my way over minor teenage grievances such as clothing, music, and makeup choices. Especially while the people making these accusations were participating in far worse things themselves. Church became very unappealing to me, and I stopped attending. I wouldn't say I lost faith in God, but I lost faith in people. I became one of those "I don't need the church or the Bible to have a relationship with God" sort of people. It never occurred to me until later on just how wrong I was or how badly I needed scripture.

Going forward 10 years or so, I was in a dark, depressing place in my life. I was my grandmother's caregiver, she was slowly dying from cancer. I felt lost and hopeless because the woman who had raised me when she didn't have to, the woman I considered my mother, was going to be leaving me. I'd been so blessed to have her in my life; she took care of me when my parents couldn't, and I couldn't bear the thought that my baby niece would grow up without having a woman like my grandmother in her life. I was doubting God, I was angry, sad, and lost.

During this time my grandmother loved to watch TV, and one night she found this show called "Sister Wives" (with the Mormons from Utah). We began binge-watching it and gossiping about it (she couldn't speak well at the time, but we were still able to share some great moments and laughs). Prior to seeing the show, I don't think I'd ever even heard the term "polygamy," and I'd never once considered sharing a husband. I honestly expected myself to feel offended by the idea, but for some strange reason I didn't feel that way...I noticed that the husband wasn't some pervert like I expected. The wives weren't abused, and the children seemed happy and well adjusted. They were by no means the perfect family, but who is? I saw a lot of good in their family and the lifestyle they lived. I just couldn't bring myself to feel as outraged about their lifestyle as the people around me were insisting I should be.

My grandmother passed away not long after. Years went by, and I was basically ignoring God at this point. One night I happened to turn on the TV and see a Sister Wives rerun. In this episode, one of Kody's friends told him he was "going to hell for living plural marriage." One of Kody's wives responded, "Are you serious??? Do I need to get out my Bible?" This prompted me to research if polygamy was actually mentioned in the Bible to begin with. Was this family really going to hell? Up until this point, the only knowledge I had of the Bible or being a Christian had been taught to me by the church.

I began reading scripture for myself, and I soon realized that polygamy was just another one of the so-called "sins" I had been misinformed about by the church. In church, when I'd been told Bible stories, the plural wives part had been conveniently left out. I was actually shocked to read about polygamists in scripture. The moment when Hagar was told to return home, also promising to bless her. I realized just how ignorant I'd been all along. I slowly began the journey of unlearning and relearning nearly everything I'd been taught.

It was no longer just about being curious if polygyny was sinful. I learned the value of reading scripture for myself. I had the desire to learn more about what scripture really says. And for once I began to truly care about what God expected of me, not about what I expected from him. I felt a desire to be in submission to him. I felt the most at peace I'd ever felt in my life.

Several years ago, I had this forum recommended to me by a married couple I met online and also discovered some of Pete Rambo's videos. Despite me disagreeing with the majority of people here on various topics. This forum has truly been a blessing. I've never met a group of people who are more determined to seek biblical truth. That's very inspiring. I'm still learning, always will be, but I hope to one day have even a fraction of the knowledge that some of the people here have regarding scripture.

I'm so thankful that polygyny opened the door for me to have the true, deep, and meaningful relationship with Christ that I'd always wanted.
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For some of us, this all goes deeper than merely desiring polygyny. I'm sure others can relate in their own way. A few recent conversations have motivated me to share just how special discovering plural marriage was for me. I'm hoping others will share their stories in this thread or start their own ❤️

I wouldn't say I really grew up in the church or in a religious household. My parents would occasionally take us to a Baptist church, but that was the extent of it. When I was around seven years old, I moved in mostly full-time with my grandmother, who was not particularly religious. Other relatives lived there with us as well; they were super outspoken, confrontational atheists. So you can imagine their disapproval when, in my teens, I became best friends with a girl whose family was religious, and I began attending various church functions with them.

Shortly after attending church, we (my friend and I) realized that the majority of the church leaders had a laundry list of things they regarded as "sinful." Usually while participating in those very same things themselves. I wasn't being judgmental, and I certainly didn't expect perfection from anyone, at the same time, I grew tired of being treated harshly and having accusations thrown my way over minor teenage grievances such as clothing, music, and makeup choices. Especially while the people making these accusations were participating in far worse things themselves. Church became very unappealing to me, and I stopped attending. I wouldn't say I lost faith in God, but I lost faith in people. I became one of those "I don't need the church or the Bible to have a relationship with God" sort of people. It never occurred to me until later on just how wrong I was or how badly I needed scripture.

Going forward 10 years or so, I was in a dark, depressing place in my life. I was my grandmother's caregiver, she was slowly dying from cancer. I felt lost and hopeless because the woman who had raised me when she didn't have to, the woman I considered my mother, was going to be leaving me. I'd been so blessed to have her in my life; she took care of me when my parents couldn't, and I couldn't bear the thought that my baby niece would grow up without having a woman like my grandmother in her life. I was doubting God, I was angry, sad, and lost.

During this time my grandmother loved to watch TV, and one night she found this show called "Sister Wives" (with the Mormons from Utah). We began binge-watching it and gossiping about it (she couldn't speak well at the time, but we were still able to share some great moments and laughs). Prior to seeing the show, I don't think I'd ever even heard the term "polygamy," and I'd never once considered sharing a husband. I honestly expected myself to feel offended by the idea, but for some strange reason I wasn't... I noticed that the husband wasn't some pervert like I expected. The wives weren't abused, and the children seemed happy and well adjusted. They were by no means the perfect family, but who is? I saw a lot of good in their family and the lifestyle they lived. I just couldn't bring myself to feel as outraged about their lifestyle as the people around me were insisting I should be. My grandmother passed away not long after.

Years went by, and I was basically ignoring God at this point. One night I happened to turn on the TV and see a Sister Wives rerun. In this episode, one of Kody's friends told him he was "going to hell for living plural marriage." One of Kody's wives responded, "Are you serious??? Do I need to get out my Bible?" This prompted me to research if polygamy was actually mentioned in the Bible to begin with. Was this family really going to hell? Up until this point, the only knowledge I had of the Bible or being a Christian had been taught to me by the church.

I began reading scripture for myself, and I soon realized that polygamy was just another one of the so-called "sins" I had been misinformed about by the church. In church, when I'd been told Bible stories, the plural wives part had been conveniently left out. I was actually shocked to read about polygamists in scripture. The moment when Hagar was told to return home, also promising to bless her. I realized just how ignorant I'd been all along. I slowly began the journey of unlearning and relearning nearly everything I'd been taught.

It was no longer just about being curious if polygyny was sinful. I learned the value of reading scripture for myself. I had the desire to learn more about what scripture really says. And for once I began to truly care about what God expected of me, not about what I expected from him. I felt a desire to be in submission to him. I felt the most at peace I'd ever felt in my life.

Several years ago, I had this forum recommended to me by a married couple I met online and also discovered some of Pete Rambo's videos. Despite me disagreeing with the majority of people here on various topics. This forum has truly been a blessing. I've never met a group of people who are more determined to seek biblical truth. That's very inspiring. I'm still learning, always will be, but I hope to one day have even a fraction of the knowledge that some of the people here have regarding scripture.

I'm so thankful that polygyny opened the door for me to have the true, deep, and meaningful relationship with Christ that I'd always wanted.
That's a blessing to read, thanks @theleastofthese. May God continue to open your eyes to the Truth of His Word. Shalom
Thank you for the blessing of this glimpse into your journey.
I realized just how ignorant I'd been all along. I slowly began the journey of unlearning and relearning nearly everything I'd been taught.

Thanks for sharing the back story.

It is always rewarding learning of someone having the veil of inculcation from false ideas being removed from their eyes.
Thank you for posting this! It brightened my day and was refreshing to read :)

Shortly after attending church, we (my friend and I) realized that the majority of the church leaders had a laundry list of things they regarded as "sinful." Usually while participating in those very same things themselves. I wasn't being judgmental, and I certainly didn't expect perfection from anyone, at the same time, I grew tired of being treated harshly and having accusations thrown my way over minor teenage grievances such as clothing, music, and makeup choices. Especially while the people making these accusations were participating in far worse things themselves. Church became very unappealing to me, and I stopped attending. I wouldn't say I lost faith in God, but I lost faith in people. I became one of those "I don't need the church or the Bible to have a relationship with God" sort of people. It never occurred to me until later on just how wrong I was or how badly I needed scripture.
This I think is something most christians and even those of other faiths can relate to. I always meet people who say in regards to any church or religion that "Just because God is perfect it doesn't mean the people are."
Welcome, again - and blessings.
Thank you ❤️
Thank you for posting this! It brightened my day and was refreshing to read :)

This I think is something most christians and even those of other faiths can relate to. I always meet people who say in regards to any church or religion that "Just because God is perfect it doesn't mean the people are."
Thank you, girl ❤️

That's so true. At that age, it turned me away from church completely. I was under the impression that God was everything the church told me was, and if he acted anything like some of them did, I didn't want to be apart of that. It's crazy that a small-time reality show about polygamy is what encouraged me to research a deeper understanding. As I've gotten older, I've realized I can fellowship with people in church even if our beliefs don't align, that none of us are perfect, and to not be so sensitive. When you're a teenager, everything is a big deal, lol
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Thank you ❤️

Thank you, girl ❤️

That's so true. At that age, it turned me away from church completely. I was under the impression that God was everything the church told me was, and if he acted anything like some of them did, I didn't want to be apart of that.
You may enjoy this. I hope so...
I found it years ago and modified it a bit to correct some errors but this is what I shared with the assembly this weekend....

Father's Love Letter

An Intimate Message From Yeshua To You.

My Child, You may not know me, but I know everything about you.(a) I know when you sit down and when you rise up.(b) I am familiar with all your ways.(c) Even the very hairs on your head are numbered.(d) For you were made in my image.(e)

In me you live and move and have your being.(f) For you are my offspring.(g) I knew you even before you were conceived.(h) I chose you when I planned creation.(i) You were not a mistake, for all your days are written in my book.(j) I determined the exact time of your birth and where you would live.(k) You are fearfully and wonderfully made.(l) I knit you together in your mother's womb.(m) And brought you forth on the day you were born.(n)

I have been misrepresented by those who don't know me.(o) I am not distant and angry, but am the complete expression of love.(p) And it is my desire to lavish my love on you.(q) Simply because you are my child and I am your Father.(r) I offer you more than your earthly father ever could.(s) For I am the perfect father.(t) Every good gift that you receive comes from my hand.(u) For I am your provider and I meet all your needs.(v) My plan for your future has always been filled with hope.(w) Because I love you with an everlasting love.(x)

My thoughts toward you are countless as the sand on the seashore.(y) And I rejoice over you with singing.(z) I will never stop doing good to you.(1a) For you are my treasured possession.(1b) I desire to establish you with all my heart and all my soul.(1c) And I want to show you great and marvelous things.(1d) If you seek me with all your heart, you will find me.(1e) Delight in me and I will give you the desires of your heart.(1f) For it is I who gave you those desires.(1g) I am able to do more for you than you could possibly imagine.(1h) For I am your greatest encourager.(1i)

I am also the Father who comforts you in all your troubles.(1j) When you are brokenhearted, I am close to you.(1k) As a shepherd carries a lamb, I have carried you close to my heart.(1l) One day I will wipe away every tear from your eyes.(1m) And I'll take away all the pain you have suffered on this earth.(1n) I am your Father, and I love you.(1o)

My death was the ultimate expression of my love for you.(1p) And one day, nothing will ever separate you from my love again.(1q) Turn from wickedness and come back to me the heavens will be filled with joy.(1r) Remain in me and endure until my return and you will forever be with me.(1s)

My question is… Will you be my child? I am waiting for you.(1t)

Love, Your Dad Yeshua, the Christ(1u)


a - Psalm 139:1, b - Psalm 139:2, c - Psalm 139:3, d - Matthew 10:29-31, e - Genesis 1:27, f - Acts 17:28, g - Acts 17:28, h - Jeremiah 1:4-5,
i - Ephesians 1:11-12, j - Psalm 139:15-16, k - Acts 17:26, l - Psalm 139:14, m - Psalm 139:13, n - Psalm 71:6, o - John 8:41-47, p - 1 John 4:16,
q - 1 John 3:1, r - 1 John 3:1, s - Matthew 7:11, t - Matthew 5:48, u - James 1:17, v - Matthew 6:31-33, w - Jeremiah 29:11, x - Jeremiah 31:3,
y - Psalms 139:17-18, z - Zephaniah 3:17, 1a - Jeremiah 32:40, 1b - Exodus 19:5, 1c - Jeremiah 32:41, 1d - Jeremiah 33:3, 1e - Deuteronomy 4:29, 1f - Psalm 37:4, 1g - Philippians 2:13, 1h - Ephesians 3:20, 1i - 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17, 1j - 2 Corinthians 1:3-4, 1k - Psalm 34:18,
1l - Isaiah 40:11, 1m - Revelation 21:3-4, 1n - Revelation 21:3-4, 1o - 1John 4:19, 1p - 1 John 4:10, 1q - Romans 8:38-39, 1r - Luke 15:7,
1s – Mark 13:13, 1t - John 1:12-13, 1u - Luke 15:11-32
You may enjoy this. I hope so...
I found it years ago and modified it a bit to correct some errors but this is what I shared with the assembly this weekend....

Father's Love Letter

An Intimate Message From Yeshua To You.

My Child, You may not know me, but I know everything about you.(a) I know when you sit down and when you rise up.(b) I am familiar with all your ways.(c) Even the very hairs on your head are numbered.(d) For you were made in my image.(e)

In me you live and move and have your being.(f) For you are my offspring.(g) I knew you even before you were conceived.(h) I chose you when I planned creation.(i) You were not a mistake, for all your days are written in my book.(j) I determined the exact time of your birth and where you would live.(k) You are fearfully and wonderfully made.(l) I knit you together in your mother's womb.(m) And brought you forth on the day you were born.(n)

I have been misrepresented by those who don't know me.(o) I am not distant and angry, but am the complete expression of love.(p) And it is my desire to lavish my love on you.(q) Simply because you are my child and I am your Father.(r) I offer you more than your earthly father ever could.(s) For I am the perfect father.(t) Every good gift that you receive comes from my hand.(u) For I am your provider and I meet all your needs.(v) My plan for your future has always been filled with hope.(w) Because I love you with an everlasting love.(x)

My thoughts toward you are countless as the sand on the seashore.(y) And I rejoice over you with singing.(z) I will never stop doing good to you.(1a) For you are my treasured possession.(1b) I desire to establish you with all my heart and all my soul.(1c) And I want to show you great and marvelous things.(1d) If you seek me with all your heart, you will find me.(1e) Delight in me and I will give you the desires of your heart.(1f) For it is I who gave you those desires.(1g) I am able to do more for you than you could possibly imagine.(1h) For I am your greatest encourager.(1i)

I am also the Father who comforts you in all your troubles.(1j) When you are brokenhearted, I am close to you.(1k) As a shepherd carries a lamb, I have carried you close to my heart.(1l) One day I will wipe away every tear from your eyes.(1m) And I'll take away all the pain you have suffered on this earth.(1n) I am your Father, and I love you.(1o)

My death was the ultimate expression of my love for you.(1p) And one day, nothing will ever separate you from my love again.(1q) Turn from wickedness and come back to me the heavens will be filled with joy.(1r) Remain in me and endure until my return and you will forever be with me.(1s)

My question is… Will you be my child? I am waiting for you.(1t)

Love, Your Dad Yeshua, the Christ(1u)


a - Psalm 139:1, b - Psalm 139:2, c - Psalm 139:3, d - Matthew 10:29-31, e - Genesis 1:27, f - Acts 17:28, g - Acts 17:28, h - Jeremiah 1:4-5,
i - Ephesians 1:11-12, j - Psalm 139:15-16, k - Acts 17:26, l - Psalm 139:14, m - Psalm 139:13, n - Psalm 71:6, o - John 8:41-47, p - 1 John 4:16,
q - 1 John 3:1, r - 1 John 3:1, s - Matthew 7:11, t - Matthew 5:48, u - James 1:17, v - Matthew 6:31-33, w - Jeremiah 29:11, x - Jeremiah 31:3,
y - Psalms 139:17-18, z - Zephaniah 3:17, 1a - Jeremiah 32:40, 1b - Exodus 19:5, 1c - Jeremiah 32:41, 1d - Jeremiah 33:3, 1e - Deuteronomy 4:29, 1f - Psalm 37:4, 1g - Philippians 2:13, 1h - Ephesians 3:20, 1i - 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17, 1j - 2 Corinthians 1:3-4, 1k - Psalm 34:18,
1l - Isaiah 40:11, 1m - Revelation 21:3-4, 1n - Revelation 21:3-4, 1o - 1John 4:19, 1p - 1 John 4:10, 1q - Romans 8:38-39, 1r - Luke 15:7,
1s – Mark 13:13, 1t - John 1:12-13, 1u - Luke 15:11-32
That's beautiful, thank you ❤️
Father's Love Letter

I hope you haven’t copyrighted this cause I’m stealing it!

An Intimate Message From Yeshua To You.

My Child, You may not know me, but I know everything about you.(a) I know when you sit down and when you rise up.(b) I am familiar with all your ways.(c) Even the very hairs on your head are numbered.(d) For you were made in my image.(e)

In me you live and move and have your being.(f) For you are my offspring.(g) I knew you even before you were conceived.(h) I chose you when I planned creation.(i) You were not a mistake, for all your days are written in my book.(j) I determined the exact time of your birth and where you would live.(k) You are fearfully and wonderfully made.(l) I knit you together in your mother's womb.(m) And brought you forth on the day you were born.(n)

I have been misrepresented by those who don't know me.(o) I am not distant and angry, but am the complete expression of love.(p) And it is my desire to lavish my love on you.(q) Simply because you are my child and I am your Father.(r) I offer you more than your earthly father ever could.(s) For I am the perfect father.(t) Every good gift that you receive comes from my hand.(u) For I am your provider and I meet all your needs.(v) My plan for your future has always been filled with hope.(w) Because I love you with an everlasting love.(x)

My thoughts toward you are countless as the sand on the seashore.(y) And I rejoice over you with singing.(z) I will never stop doing good to you.(1a) For you are my treasured possession.(1b) I desire to establish you with all my heart and all my soul.(1c) And I want to show you great and marvelous things.(1d) If you seek me with all your heart, you will find me.(1e) Delight in me and I will give you the desires of your heart.(1f) For it is I who gave you those desires.(1g) I am able to do more for you than you could possibly imagine.(1h) For I am your greatest encourager.(1i)

I am also the Father who comforts you in all your troubles.(1j) When you are brokenhearted, I am close to you.(1k) As a shepherd carries a lamb, I have carried you close to my heart.(1l) One day I will wipe away every tear from your eyes.(1m) And I'll take away all the pain you have suffered on this earth.(1n) I am your Father, and I love you.(1o)

My death was the ultimate expression of my love for you.(1p) And one day, nothing will ever separate you from my love again.(1q) Turn from wickedness and come back to me the heavens will be filled with joy.(1r) Remain in me and endure until my return and you will forever be with me.(1s)

My question is… Will you be my child? I am waiting for you.(1t)

Love, Your Dad Yeshua, the Christ(1u)


a - Psalm 139:1, b - Psalm 139:2, c - Psalm 139:3, d - Matthew 10:29-31, e - Genesis 1:27, f - Acts 17:28, g - Acts 17:28, h - Jeremiah 1:4-5,
i - Ephesians 1:11-12, j - Psalm 139:15-16, k - Acts 17:26, l - Psalm 139:14, m - Psalm 139:13, n - Psalm 71:6, o - John 8:41-47, p - 1 John 4:16,
q - 1 John 3:1, r - 1 John 3:1, s - Matthew 7:11, t - Matthew 5:48, u - James 1:17, v - Matthew 6:31-33, w - Jeremiah 29:11, x - Jeremiah 31:3,
y - Psalms 139:17-18, z - Zephaniah 3:17, 1a - Jeremiah 32:40, 1b - Exodus 19:5, 1c - Jeremiah 32:41, 1d - Jeremiah 33:3, 1e - Deuteronomy 4:29, 1f - Psalm 37:4, 1g - Philippians 2:13, 1h - Ephesians 3:20, 1i - 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17, 1j - 2 Corinthians 1:3-4, 1k - Psalm 34:18,
1l - Isaiah 40:11, 1m - Revelation 21:3-4, 1n - Revelation 21:3-4, 1o - 1John 4:19, 1p - 1 John 4:10, 1q - Romans 8:38-39, 1r - Luke 15:7,
1s – Mark 13:13, 1t - John 1:12-13, 1u - Luke 15:11-
For some of us, this all goes deeper than merely desiring polygyny. I'm sure others can relate in their own way. A few recent conversations have motivated me to share just how special discovering plural marriage was for me. I'm hoping others will share their stories in this thread or start their own ❤️

I wouldn't say I really grew up in the church or in a religious household. My parents would occasionally take us to a Baptist church, but that was the extent of it. When I was around seven years old, I moved in mostly full-time with my grandmother, who was not particularly religious. Other relatives lived there with us as well; they were super outspoken, confrontational atheists. So you can imagine their disapproval when, in my teens, I became best friends with a girl whose family was religious, and I began attending various church functions with them.

Shortly after attending church, we (my friend and I) realized that the majority of the church leaders had a laundry list of things they regarded as "sinful." Usually while participating in those very same things themselves. I wasn't being judgmental, and I certainly didn't expect perfection from anyone, at the same time, I grew tired of being treated harshly and having accusations thrown my way over minor teenage grievances such as clothing, music, and makeup choices. Especially while the people making these accusations were participating in far worse things themselves. Church became very unappealing to me, and I stopped attending. I wouldn't say I lost faith in God, but I lost faith in people. I became one of those "I don't need the church or the Bible to have a relationship with God" sort of people. It never occurred to me until later on just how wrong I was or how badly I needed scripture.

Going forward 10 years or so, I was in a dark, depressing place in my life. I was my grandmother's caregiver, she was slowly dying from cancer. I felt lost and hopeless because the woman who had raised me when she didn't have to, the woman I considered my mother, was going to be leaving me. I'd been so blessed to have her in my life; she took care of me when my parents couldn't, and I couldn't bear the thought that my baby niece would grow up without having a woman like my grandmother in her life. I was doubting God, I was angry, sad, and lost.

During this time my grandmother loved to watch TV, and one night she found this show called "Sister Wives" (with the Mormons from Utah). We began binge-watching it and gossiping about it (she couldn't speak well at the time, but we were still able to share some great moments and laughs). Prior to seeing the show, I don't think I'd ever even heard the term "polygamy," and I'd never once considered sharing a husband. I honestly expected myself to feel offended by the idea, but for some strange reason I didn't feel that way...I noticed that the husband wasn't some pervert like I expected. The wives weren't abused, and the children seemed happy and well adjusted. They were by no means the perfect family, but who is? I saw a lot of good in their family and the lifestyle they lived. I just couldn't bring myself to feel as outraged about their lifestyle as the people around me were insisting I should be.

My grandmother passed away not long after. Years went by, and I was basically ignoring God at this point. One night I happened to turn on the TV and see a Sister Wives rerun. In this episode, one of Kody's friends told him he was "going to hell for living plural marriage." One of Kody's wives responded, "Are you serious??? Do I need to get out my Bible?" This prompted me to research if polygamy was actually mentioned in the Bible to begin with. Was this family really going to hell? Up until this point, the only knowledge I had of the Bible or being a Christian had been taught to me by the church.

I began reading scripture for myself, and I soon realized that polygamy was just another one of the so-called "sins" I had been misinformed about by the church. In church, when I'd been told Bible stories, the plural wives part had been conveniently left out. I was actually shocked to read about polygamists in scripture. The moment when Hagar was told to return home, also promising to bless her. I realized just how ignorant I'd been all along. I slowly began the journey of unlearning and relearning nearly everything I'd been taught.

It was no longer just about being curious if polygyny was sinful. I learned the value of reading scripture for myself. I had the desire to learn more about what scripture really says. And for once I began to truly care about what God expected of me, not about what I expected from him. I felt a desire to be in submission to him. I felt the most at peace I'd ever felt in my life.

Several years ago, I had this forum recommended to me by a married couple I met online and also discovered some of Pete Rambo's videos. Despite me disagreeing with the majority of people here on various topics. This forum has truly been a blessing. I've never met a group of people who are more determined to seek biblical truth. That's very inspiring. I'm still learning, always will be, but I hope to one day have even a fraction of the knowledge that some of the people here have regarding scripture.

I'm so thankful that polygyny opened the door for me to have the true, deep, and meaningful relationship with Christ that I'd always wanted.
Thank you for sharing your story! I can't help but feel like you told my story too, minus your dear sweet grandmother.