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How Important is it for a Family Head to be in Submission?

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Re: How Important is it for a Family Head to be in Submissio

13:7 Remember your leaders, who spoke God’s message to you; reflect on the outcome of their lives and imitate their faith

13:17 Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they keep watch over your souls and will give an account for their work. Let them do this with joy and not with complaints, for this would be no advantage for you.

Please brothers, stop this madness. The man is simply asking how to practically apply this scripture I have just posted above in light of our current understanding. After all, we are Christians and this does apply to us. Why one would be appalled at the idea when scripture itself teaches this I do not know. I do not find it offensive for some one to ask about the practical application of scripture at all. We must treat all in the scriptures and not pick and choose. If any should know this, it should be us. Please quit reading more into post than what is there. Do not get caught up in the lynch mob mentality over a legit question. We all agree concerning the truth of marriage, we all understand the roles and functions of husband and wife/wives. What is so terrible about finding where this passage and many others fit in light of this? There is a beautiful harmony in scripture and this command does not pose a threat to the headship of a husband neither does his question. If you do not believe in the concept of the church, or of elders then simply state that. No need to personally attack a man. I firmly believe in the church (Gods called out people) and I believe God does want Elders to be appointed, to deny this I would have to remove almost every book in the New Testament and the Old as well. So, I see nothing offensive about trying to understand how it all fits together. Last thing, I have spent 8 yrs and many thousands of dollars on education not to be superior but to serve better. When I was a child my mother was involved in a cult. We were slaves and were beat with leather straps if we weren’t obedient; I still have scars on me to this day at 31 yrs old from this. I detested God for this but through his grace I was saved. When I was called to ministry I decided I wanted to be educated so I wasn’t ever at the mercy of a man to tell me what the bible said. So, I spent 8 yrs and a lot of money so that the people I minister to are not at the arbitrary dictates of men’s passions and preferences concerning the scripture. It is out of humbleness and service that I pursued education not pride. As I see this man being attacked I wonder could his motive be similar. I have been called a self proclaimed scholar on here but I have my degree to prove it and I bare the scars to prove my motive. I would suggest you talk to a man and get to know him before you accuse him of pride. So, I am going to post my real name with the title I worked hard for in order to best serve the people. I write this with tears flowing from my eyes!

Dr. Corey
Re: How Important is it for a Family Head to be in Submissio

The original question had to do with submission to "godly Biblical leadership".

If you do not believe in the concept of the church, or of elders then simply state that.


I do not believe that an incorporated 501c(3) State-licensed 'church', under the 'authority' of those who have contractually bound themselves to serve 'another master', in exchange for the blessings of Caesar (from tax exemptions to the 'veil' of corporate liability protection, and so on) could possibly constitute "Biblical leadership" before YHVH.

To begin to actually read, and perhaps even TEACH, what the Written Word says about marriage is a start. But it is only a start. There is a reason He warned us to "come out of her". Those who claim to lead, and who may appear to be more focused on titles than following Him, must remain teachable as well, and make sure that they understand what it means to "choose this day Whom you will serve", because He has told us repeatedly that we cannot serve two masters.
Re: How Important is it for a Family Head to be in Submissio

Hey all,

Well, I am not a real doctor, just have the nickname.... :D

I am locking this thread for the time being, and will unlock it later, after everyone has had a chance to digest the information already presented.

Someone said to me once, "I don't understand how we can be on the same page, but in two completely different books."

You know, it is God and God alone who understands the thoughts, motives and intents of the heart. I gave up a long time ago at trying to figure out the 'why', and instead deal with the words and actions of those I interact with.

For those that don't know, I know both Dr. Keith and Dr. Corey. Having conversed with both one and one in a 'non-forum' format, I can tell you that their conversation and their actions speak volumes about their faith in Christ, and their desire to follow Him. Both have invested years in studying the Scriptures, seeking the truth to be found in God's Word. Both have recently come into the truth of Biblical Marriage, and both face tremendous obstacles from their faith groups in continuing to pursue additional knowledge about the subject (hint: the left foot of fellowship). And yes, both have earned their doctorates from nationally recognized institutions.

I would ask that anytime that we have a discussion on the forums, that we please keep in mind that not everyone is at the same place on every issue as you are. I, for one, am still learning, and hope to continue to progress in knowledge and truth as I dig deeper in the Word. I know that is the heart of everyone on the forum here as well...we seek Truth .

I get stuck on self-reflection at times. I am constantly asking myself, "Are my words or my actions causing someone to stumble, or someone to be lifted up?" I always, always, ALWAYS, want my words and my actions to reflect the redemption that Christ performed in my heart. I miss the mark a lot, I hate to say, but I keep coming back, over and over again, to the foot of the cross of Christ and say, "Please, Lord, change me...make me like YOU!" There are times where I had animosity in my heart, and God has prompted me to humble myself, and seek the forgiveness of someone who didn't even know they were offended!

This whole thread is about submission. Do we really, REALLY comprehend what it means to be submitted to Christ? I know when this thread first started, the question I asked myself was, "Do I submit to Christ as my head?" Each day I deal with this issue in my own heart, because my flesh refuses to submit to His leading. My flesh wants to be angry when someone cuts in line in front of me at Golden Corral. My flesh hungers to have the riches and ease of others I see around me. My flesh is offended when I read something I don't agree with, and feels the need to "straighten someone out".

Thank God I do not fight alone. First, I have Christ Himself, who by His spirit helps me to overcome the flesh, and indeed, helps me to die daily, and be a living sacrifice. The problem with being a living sacrifice, is that it has a tendency to crawl off the altar! :D

So that's where you, my brothers in Christ, come in. I need you in my life. I need you to tell me when I am drifiting. I need you to point out to me those things that may be of offence to others. I need you to love me, warts and all. I want to pursue Christ with all my heart, but I need you with me to fulfill that pursuit. Please don't beat me down. Please don't tell me how badly I failed. I already know that. But I beg you, please, put your arms under mine, and lift me up, and help me to keep on keeping on. I make this promise and commitment to you....if you will do that for me, I will be there for you as well. I will submit to you in love as brothers in the Lord.

Now, there will probably be someone who reads this and will say, "He's talking about me!" You're right, I am. But more importantly, I am talking about ME!

I will leave you with this verse:

Psalms 133:1 - "Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!"

Koinonia and Maranatha.....
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