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Honoring Your Husband


Real Person
Hi Ladies,

Recently, I was having a discussion with a supposed Christian Woman who is a cousin of mine. She literally was trying to tell me that I am brainwashed because I love honoring my husband so in the spirit of honoring my husband I thought I would ask you ladies for some examples of how you honor your husband?
Hi Ladies,

Recently, I was having a discussion with a supposed Christian Woman who is a cousin of mine. She literally was trying to tell me that I am brainwashed because I love honoring my husband so in the spirit of honoring my husband I thought I would ask you ladies for some examples of how you honor your husband?
Not that I always manage to be on the honoring end of things, it is Paramount importance to me to try and honor my husband in as many ways as I can by reading scripture, fellowshipping with other women, and God. It is amazing how fast my house got put in order once I straightened myself out! When I started putting God first and my husband second my life became a whole lot easier and better. It became possible to more easily honor my husband by simply making him happy!

First thing that comes to my mind is that I want him to stay in the house with me rather than going to occupy a a shingle on the roof! The only way to do that is to treat him with respect, love, not criticize, and certainly not nag him.

To the best of my ability I try to pull myself together and look reasonably well upon his return from work. That means taking care of myself as well as staying in shape. And even though we are seniors now, it's still important for me to be there and available for his unfettered access to my body..

God got a hold of me about 4 years ago with a message that if I didn't honor my husband somebody else would! That felt like a shot through The eyes of a wake-up call. Since then I have grown immensely in my walk with Christ and my husband.

If you do nothing else, just make him happy, I'm sure he will feel quite honored.
Thank you for sharing! Simple changes can make such a difference in our marriages. Good for you to have ears to hear God's prompting, and act on it.
Simple changes can make such a difference in our marriages.

Just me but I found that the small things are usually bigger than the big things. ;)

Like just put your hand on his arm or shoulder. Just do this.

Bring him a thermos of coffee when he's a mile away from the house. And just chat for a while about what he's doing.

Notice the small things he does for you and the family.

Bake the cookies he likes. Even if you don't. (Coconut macaroons...:eek:)

Things like that.
Hi Ladies,

Recently, I was having a discussion with a supposed Christian Woman who is a cousin of mine. She literally was trying to tell me that I am brainwashed because I love honoring my husband so in the spirit of honoring my husband I thought I would ask you ladies for some examples of how you honor your husband?
I honor my husband by obeying the Word, which commands wives to submit to their husbands as unto the Lord. As it is written:

"Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord."Ephesians 5:22 (KJV)

I often reflect on how I would conduct myself if I were in the presence of The Most High, and I strive to extend that same reverence to my husband. I realize that before The Father, I would bow in humility, call Him Adonai, Master, Lord, or King—any title He deems honorable. I would seek to keep His laws and diligently learn what is pleasing and displeasing to Him. I would serve with zeal, striving to be the best I can be in my walk.

Likewise, I seek to show my husband that same reverence, as we are commanded:

"Even as Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him lord: whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do well, and are not afraid with any amazement."1 Peter 3:6 (KJV)

I joyfully call my husband "my lord", and lovingly bow to him, yet I acknowledge that I am far from perfect. This has been a journey—one of continual learning and growing in true reverence. Year after year, I see how much I have changed, and I now understand reverence on a much deeper level than when I first began.

Scripture makes it clear that reverencing our husbands is not optional for us as wives:

"Let the wife see that she reverence her husband."Ephesians 5:33 (KJV)

Women in the faith who reject this truth are rejecting the order of Yah—and ultimately, their own salvation. If we cannot honor and reverence our husbands here on earth, how can we claim to do so for The Most High? Our submission and obedience are a form of practice for the Kingdom.

However, this world is ruled by Satan, who promotes the rebellious doctrine of “Do as thou wilt.” Because of this, many women reject Yah’s Word, embrace feminism, and seek equality with men—showing little regard for their husbands' ordained rulership. Yet the Word is clear:

"Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee."Genesis 3:16 (KJV)

There is no compromise in Yah’s order. As daughters of Sarah, we are called to walk in obedience, forsaking the lies of this world and embracing the role Yah has given us with joy and reverence. This is what I strive to do everyday.

-- RT Pink