Requesting help. FYI: My father passed away on 9 Dec., not quite reaching his 99th Birthday (21 Dec.). His church pastor, recently promoted to Chancellor of First Baptist Church , Tempe, had insisted in an email several years ago that I am an apostate regarding polygamy and threatened to inform the deacon board to bar me from ever setting foot on that campus if I continued to encourage "his" flock to seriously consider polygyny instead of divorce.
Several years ago, one BF leader (older than me) offered to bring his two wives to visit a different church (Grace Community Church, Tempe) which excommunicated and "defrocked" me simply because of my belief that godly polygynists in Africa are not forbidden by the Bible to become pastors or leaders in a church. I regret that I did not agree for him to attend there with me.
But I am now welcoming any of you with multiple wives in the Phoenix Metro area to attend my father's memorial service on January 4 at 10:30 AM. I have 7 surviving brothers, some of whom realize that they are consecutive polygamists (due to one or more divorces). They all know what I believe and would still accept me if two godly women chose to join me in the house I have inherited from our father. I have not seen many of you since the Phoenix retreat in Feb, and others since 2015 or earlier. I miss you all and hope to fellowship again. My latest printed book (updated and upgraded from my first one several of you may have seen and is in the Dallas Seminary library) came out in June "Adultery, Porn and Nudity: Why you justify these" (available on Amazon and a few other outlets). I have submitted this newer book to the Phoenix Seminary library (where I got my Doctorate in Ministry). It may or may not accept it - we will see. But they were impressed that my first one was in the Dallas library since the head librarian (in 2015) admitted that they welcome some books which oppose what they teach. I need to know how many of you may attend so we can reserve a room large enough. Thanks!
Several years ago, one BF leader (older than me) offered to bring his two wives to visit a different church (Grace Community Church, Tempe) which excommunicated and "defrocked" me simply because of my belief that godly polygynists in Africa are not forbidden by the Bible to become pastors or leaders in a church. I regret that I did not agree for him to attend there with me.
But I am now welcoming any of you with multiple wives in the Phoenix Metro area to attend my father's memorial service on January 4 at 10:30 AM. I have 7 surviving brothers, some of whom realize that they are consecutive polygamists (due to one or more divorces). They all know what I believe and would still accept me if two godly women chose to join me in the house I have inherited from our father. I have not seen many of you since the Phoenix retreat in Feb, and others since 2015 or earlier. I miss you all and hope to fellowship again. My latest printed book (updated and upgraded from my first one several of you may have seen and is in the Dallas Seminary library) came out in June "Adultery, Porn and Nudity: Why you justify these" (available on Amazon and a few other outlets). I have submitted this newer book to the Phoenix Seminary library (where I got my Doctorate in Ministry). It may or may not accept it - we will see. But they were impressed that my first one was in the Dallas library since the head librarian (in 2015) admitted that they welcome some books which oppose what they teach. I need to know how many of you may attend so we can reserve a room large enough. Thanks!