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False Prophets

I guess that's the thing for me is that if someone is a prophet then it's obvious that they're a prophet because they're always right.

The false prophets are obvious because they're rarely if ever right and anyone speaking for God is going to be right every single time.
One of my favorite passages. A despised prophet, a man who is willing to say the things that God tells him. And I love the ending!

1st Kings 22
19¶And he saith, 'Therefore, hear a word of Jehovah; I have seen Jehovah sitting on His throne, and all the host of the heavens standing by Him, on His right and on His left;

20and Jehovah saith, Who doth entice Ahab, and he doth go up and fall in Ramoth-Gilead? and this one saith thus, and that one is saying thus.

21'And the spirit goeth out, and standeth before Jehovah, and saith, I -- I do entice him; and Jehovah saith unto him, By what?

22and he saith, I go out, and have been a spirit of falsehood in the mouth of all his prophets; and He saith, Thou dost entice, and also thou art able; go out and do so.

23And now, lo, Jehovah hath put a spirit of falsehood in the mouth of all these thy prophets, and Jehovah hath spoken concerning thee -- evil.'

24¶And Zedekiah son of Chenaanah draweth nigh, and smiteth Micaiah on the cheek, and saith, 'Where is this -- he hath passed over -- the Spirit of Jehovah -- from me to speak with thee?'

25¶And Micaiah saith, 'Lo, thou art seeing on that day, when thou goest in to the innermost chamber to be hidden.'

26¶And the king of Israel saith, 'Take Micaiah, and turn him back unto Amon head of the city, and unto Joash son of the king,

27and thou hast said, Thus said the king, Place ye this one in the house of restraint, and cause him to eat bread of oppression, and water of oppression, till my coming in peace.'

28¶And Micaiah saith, 'If thou at all return in peace -- Jehovah hath not spoken by me;' and he saith, 'Hear, O peoples, all of them.'
So, for example, I have seen the Statue of Liberty falling. Do I think it's actually going to physically fall? No, I do not. I think it's symbolic of the loss of freedom.

Given how the America-haters keep tearing down statues I won't rule out the possibility that your vision is literally true.
Have you all heard of the Kaduri Prophesy? Steve Fletcher on YouTube has posted it in the last couple of hours. 🤔 I am hesitant as you all and all we can do is pray and ask for decernment when someone says this or that. I have been guilty in the past of having dreams and declaring them but I have never said that I was a prophet. As I have said in my latest posts, I have become very humble in all things. Discernment is very important.
Have you all heard of the Kaduri Prophesy? Steve Fletcher on YouTube has posted it in the last couple of hours.
This was the first I've heard of this. I just did 5 mins of research, but without watching several 20 min videos I'm not really sure exactly what he said, only how people are interpreting it.
Did he say that Jesus is coming back by Christmas/New Years eve? It seems that is what most people are saying. We've got 2 days left basically, and I am still not seeing the signs in the world that Jesus is coming back now (soon, yes, but a long soon :) ). Also, if anyone has a literal date then they are wrong. Even Jesus does not know the date. The bible is very clear on this.
Watch us get into the new year without anything happening at all.
Also, if Jesus is going to come back, I don't know why he would find Christmas day or new years eve/day in any way important days for him to return. Both of them are made up and not in the bible.
I believe that is what he is saying. Something to the affect that once the Israeli has a contract/agreement under the prime minister and the forming of a government, the messiah will come on the following sabbath. Steve also mentioned the Rabbi who had this vision and wrote it on a note which was supposedly deciphered as the Messiah and it is Jesus. Steve is saying that it is December 31. He has been wrong on so many occasions though. I am like you though 😊. I just don’t see it. I think more things need to come.
I believe that is what he is saying. Something to the affect that once the Israeli has a contract/agreement under the prime minister and the forming of a government, the messiah will come on the following sabbath. Steve also mentioned the Rabbi who had this vision and wrote it on a note which was supposedly deciphered as the Messiah and it is Jesus. Steve is saying that it is December 31. He has been wrong on so many occasions though. I am like you though 😊. I just don’t see it. I think more things need to come.
Matthew 24:36-39 But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only. But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.
Yes, but it's important to know that people can be wrong with what they think themselves. People often attack people who've had dreams etc because they've said something wrong, but they've said what they think is going to happen and not what God said was going to happen. It's important to keep these two things seperate, and many people do that perfectly fine.

One way to tell a false prophet is to see them intertwine the two of these things so it sounds like it's all God speaking, but later on when it doesn't happen they can pull it out and say it was just them suggesting that, not God saying it.

Also, dream, visions etc, can be symbolic. So, for example, I have seen the Statue of Liberty falling. Do I think it's actually going to physically fall? No, I do not. I think it's symbolic of the loss of freedom.
I hear what you’re saying, but did the real prophets in Scripture have that problem? I don’t see them having that issue. A prophet who is right, only some of the time, is no better than a broken clock... even a broken clock is right twice a day, but it’s still useless.
I hear what you’re saying, but did the real prophets in Scripture have that problem? I don’t see them having that issue. A prophet who is right, only some of the time, is no better than a broken clock... even a broken clock is right twice a day, but it’s still useless.
There is a difference between being a prophet and having prophetic dreams and visions occasionally. Like I said, I have not met anyone who claims to be a prophet now and actually holds to the same standards as scripture dictates.
Nobody is perfect, people get it wrong. If anyone, prophet or not, says that God says something, and it doesn't happen, then they are false. No ifs, buts, or maybes.
But I'm talking about someone having a general conversation about something they've seen in a dream, and getting something wrong in their interpretation of it. it doesn't mean the dream was wrong. It doesn't mean it wasn't from God. It doesn't mean they're a false prophet. They made a mistake and read too much into something they shouldn't have.
There is a difference between being a prophet and having prophetic dreams and visions occasionally. Like I said, I have not met anyone who claims to be a prophet now and actually holds to the same standards as scripture dictates.
Nobody is perfect, people get it wrong. If anyone, prophet or not, says that God says something, and it doesn't happen, then they are false. No ifs, buts, or maybes.
But I'm talking about someone having a general conversation about something they've seen in a dream, and getting something wrong in their interpretation of it. it doesn't mean the dream was wrong. It doesn't mean it wasn't from God. It doesn't mean they're a false prophet. They made a mistake and read too much into something they shouldn't have.
Thanks for the added info. I better understand where you are coming from. Probably all of us have discussed a dream or two which we've had and wondered about. That is vastly different to someone claiming their dream has come from God and has a specific prophetic interpretation - which then doesn't come to pass. False prophecy is always condemned in the Bible.
There is a difference between being a prophet and having prophetic dreams and visions occasionally. Like I said, I have not met anyone who claims to be a prophet now and actually holds to the same standards as scripture dictates.
Nobody is perfect, people get it wrong. If anyone, prophet or not, says that God says something, and it doesn't happen, then they are false. No ifs, buts, or maybes.
But I'm talking about someone having a general conversation about something they've seen in a dream, and getting something wrong in their interpretation of it. it doesn't mean the dream was wrong. It doesn't mean it wasn't from God. It doesn't mean they're a false prophet. They made a mistake and read too much into something they shouldn't have.
In a nut shell, and correct me if I’m wrong, you’re saying it’s ok to wonder about a strange dream that one has had, but it becomes false prophesy when one starts insinuating that God is the author of their dream or their interpretation of it? If so, I could agree with that. Certainly people have strange and interesting and intense dreams, and it is ok to ponder or discuss them, but one should never begin to insinuate that the dream or it’s interpretation are from God unless one is 100% sure... at which point it becomes you speaking for God. I’ve never found a prophecy given in Scripture where the prophet said something to the effect of “I think God is saying such and such”. If there is one please show me.
Two years ago, I had to separate dreams that did come true. One was of a bridge that was made for people to walk over a main highway. It was not made for cars. I had a dream that it was collapsing. I woke up and told my husband because he was on that bridge in the dream. 2 days later, the bridge did collapse and killed 4 people. Around the same time, I had a dream of staying in little white homes in Sweden or someplace like that and I witnessed an avalanche. 2 days later, it did happen. This year, I had a dream that there would be a lock down by the Biden administration on July 7 which did not happen. This is why I am very hesitant to share my dreams and I only do so with my close family. I don’t and can’t discern whether it is from the Lord or not until it happens but with devastation dreams, I do send up a prayer to the Father just in case just because of those past dreams that did occur. I can’t say that they are from Him but again, it doesn’t hurt to pray to Him incase they are warning dreams.
I can’t say that they are from Him but again, it doesn’t hurt to pray to Him incase they are warning dreams.
Amen. The prophets and people we read about in the Bible, who received prophetic visions and dreams from God, were in no doubt about where those visions or dreams came from. And praying about everything is certainly a good point to stand on. Couldn't agree more.
Matthew 24:36-39 But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only. But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.
Have you considered that Yeshua knows the time of the return now? I always wonder because there was a book, a Revelation that was given to Him.
Have you considered that Yeshua knows the time of the return now?

This is something that is only known to God.

The only sure thing we can say is that if any man puts a date and time on the return of Jesus then we can rest assured that Jesus most certainly will not appear at that date and time.
In a nut shell, and correct me if I’m wrong, you’re saying it’s ok to wonder about a strange dream that one has had, but it becomes false prophesy when one starts insinuating that God is the author of their dream or their interpretation of it? If so, I could agree with that. Certainly people have strange and interesting and intense dreams, and it is ok to ponder or discuss them, but one should never begin to insinuate that the dream or it’s interpretation are from God unless one is 100% sure... at which point it becomes you speaking for God. I’ve never found a prophecy given in Scripture where the prophet said something to the effect of “I think God is saying such and such”. If there is one please show me.
Pretty much. I have had dreams that I am 100% sure are from God. I've shared a couple of them on here. And for some I have shared what I think my interpretation is for some of it. The dream and my interpretation are two different things. I try to make that clear.
I've also had plenty of crazy messed up dreams that have nothing to do with God that I've discussed with Samuel.
And yes, prophecy in the bible seems to be very different from what it is now. The prophets did not make mistakes, they were absolutely sure of what God said. Even when they argued with Him or disagreed with Him, they still were sure of what He said.
I feel like the Holy Spirit gift of prophecy is different to being a prophet. I don't quite understand what is going on behind all that, but I'm just noting what I see and have learned and have discerned over time.
Given how the America-haters keep tearing down statues I won't rule out the possibility that your vision is literally true.
Tear down an idol of a Greek goddess that was gifted by an atheistic nation?

Yeah... No. It's propaganda so they can keep pretending the country is free. They'll get rid of real freedom, but keep the symbols of it.
Tear down an idol of a Greek goddess that was gifted by an atheistic nation?

Yeah... No. It's propaganda so they can keep pretending the country is free. They'll get rid of real freedom, but keep the symbols of it.
Greek goddess? Do you mean French domestic goddess? You do know that the Frenchman who designed the Statue of Liberty, designed it to be a statue of his own mother, right?
Greek goddess? Do you mean French domestic goddess? You do know that the Frenchman who designed the Statue of Liberty, designed it to be a statue of his own mother, right?
It's a statue of the goddess Libertas, made to almost the same dimensions as the Colossus of Rhodes, which was itself a statue of the god Apollo.

Of course, as the artist couldn't get Libertas to pose for her portrait, he used his mother instead. Most artists pick a substitute model when depicting a historic or mythical character which they have no existing model for.
It's a statue of the goddess Libertas, made to almost the same dimensions as the Colossus of Rhodes, which was itself a statue of the god Apollo.

Of course, as the artist couldn't get Libertas to pose for her portrait, he used his mother instead. Most artists pick a substitute model when depicting a historic or mythical character which they have no existing model for.
I think you’re using a bit of poop stink theory logic on this one. If one thing once touched something with poop stink on it and that then touched something else, it gets the poop stink it from the first thing and everything that could possibly be linked to it in some round about way also has the poop stink on it.

Apollo was a Greek god... that’s why it had a Greek name. Libertas, on the other hand is the Latin word for liberty, so it’s not Greek at all. It’s Roman and more so a symbol of a virtue, in kind of a similar sense that Proverbs refers to wisdom as “she”. Veritas is another one... which obviously means that @Verifyveritas76 is a worshipper of Greek goddesses... that evil pagan 😒

If the Statue of Liberty is just a Greek idol, why did Sarah make it sound like it’s toppling was something ominous, shouldn’t she have sounded more celebratory? I think we all know it represents something different than Greek idolatry.