Statistically, women in general have a natural inclination toward older men. Considering their primary desires out of a husband is to know that there will be stability, longevity, security, and good breeding abilities. An older man has stood the test of time, has proven his strength and vitality over the years and the battles of life. He's beaten, or killed the younger men around him in some aspect and stayed standing. His business and financials are more likely in order and far outstrip the average youngster. He's able to show if his underlying health has any notable disease from genetic defect.
Considering the studies from last year that showed 80% of high school girls aged 18 had already had sexual activity, and the percentage of those that are married was not able to be determined with statistical significance? I think the idea of older men taking younger brides would actually be of severe benefit to the ladies. Because from 15-18 that number jumped from about 10% to 80%. The girls today are already ran-through by somebody, so pick 'em at 15 so you can save them from the 5% of guys in highschool who are seducing them all.
So for the women who have the inclination "fine for me, but not for thee." Recognize that thought pattern is ingrained from a desire to manipulate the average man out of the gene pool, and to subtly shift the prime mating opportunities toward yourself. It's perfectly fine to desire prime mates, by all means do so! But there really is no need to dissuade those primes from taking other women also. Afterall. The most attractive man in the world to a woman, is a man with a woman or two hanging off his arm. The peer review on that guy proves his ladies think him a catch worth keeping.
I say this as a youngster, with few to no chances of acquiring a mate any time soon because of the above in-built biological and psychological norms, even beyond the societal norms which prohibit my desirability as a spouse, including, but not limited to the fact that I follow a scriptural diet, am unlikely to be "wealthy" according to the world's external metrics, and am ostracised from polite society both as a prior soldier and as a "heretic" for holding the testimony of the Messiah as well as obeying the commands of Abba. By all standard measures... I'm destined for the junk drawer of non-reproduction.
Screw the stats though!