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BibFam gets the shoutout... from the pulpit! 😂😂

He is basically calling everyone a liar, who does not "admit" that the REAL REASON we want polygyny, is for more SEX, as if having more sex is somehow wrong. It is the "Argument from Motive" fallacy.
He talks about how bad he supposes things might get if there are not enough wives to go around for everyone, and then he brings China into the mix. Can you imagine how bad the female to male ratio would be, if China had NOT killed off so many baby girls? Of course he thinks things would be much worse here, if we did not have monogamy. He must have forgotten about CHAZ and all the George Floyd riots. He presupposes everyone who wants more than one wife, would want 300! "Argument from Extreme" fallacy. Even if we wanted that many wives, it seems very unlikely to happen for any of us.
Her attitude was extremely desirable.
Then David sent word to Abigail, asking her to become his wife. 40 His servants went to Carmel and said to Abigail, “David has sent us to you to take you to become his wife.”

41 She bowed down with her face to the ground and said, “I am your servant and am ready to serve you and wash the feet of my lord’s servants.” 42 Abigail quickly got on a donkey and, attended by her five female servants, went with David’s messengers and became his wife. 43 David had also married Ahinoam of Jezreel, and they both were his wives.
Yes, you and I know she was very desirable. However, Mr Joel read-it-into-the-text Saint says only women you fight for are truly desirable. :)
What’s wrong with more sex? Did I miss the biblical command thou shalt not have more sex? How did biblical sexual relations between a husband wife become sinful?

By the way, you really don’t get much more sex, it’s just spread around between wives rather than just one wife. It’s not like you have double the amount of sex. It may increase some but not double.
He made a big deal out of the fact that Michal was the only wife that David fought for, as if that somehow implies that he didn't really want the other wives. I suppose this pastor went out himself and killed a bunch of Philistinians in order to get his wife...or perhaps he didn't want her in the first place.
I guess Joel missed this passage…
1 Samuel 30:17-18 KJV
And David smote them from the twilight even unto the evening of the next day: and there escaped not a man of them, save four hundred young men, which rode upon camels, and fled. [18] And David recovered all that the Amalekites had carried away: and David rescued his two wives.
Maybe Joel only married his wife for sex, perhaps that is the only reason he can think of for marrying a woman?
That is the argument that I have used, especially on women.
“So the only reason that your husband married you is for sex? Because that is what you are saying about him taking another wife.”
What’s wrong with more sex? Did I miss the biblical command thou shalt not have more sex? How did biblical sexual relations between a husband wife become sinful?
Then God blessed them and said, “Be fruitful and multiply.

- Genesis 1:28

God blessed them. He instructed them to have children. Sex is how that happens therefore sex is blessed by God when it is for God's purposes.
That is the argument that I have used, especially on women.
“So the only reason that your husband married you is for sex? Because that is what you are saying about him taking another wife.”
Because women often believe they only offer sex in marriage.

That's way polygyny is so hard on some women. C'mon, how can you take my monopoly on only thing I offer?
For some of us, myself included, that's what we have to offer at first.

For some women that never changes. This much is their choice whether they think so or not. We can always strive to be and do more.
A friend of myself and @cnystrom who has three wives, refers to those women as pillow princesses.
The guy’s neverending logical fallacy and twisting scripture as well as incessant well poisoning was brain numbing.
My criticism was likely the harshest and so I suppose I should take it down a notch....

NAAAAH.....doubling down. This guy is a dark triad pathological liar and it is transparent even to the non biblical studies set.
My criticism was likely the harshest and so I suppose I should take it down a notch....

NAAAAH.....doubling down. This guy is a dark triad pathological liar and it is transparent even to the non biblical studies set.
THIS is the kind of Church-for-sale crap that drove some of us OUT, many years ago. It is WHY some of us are so sympathetic to the 'anti-church' folk.
For some of us, myself included, that's what we have to offer at first.

For some women that never changes. This much is their choice whether they think so or not. We can always strive to be and do more.

Not gonna comment on the nookie thing publicly but I very much applaud the strive to be more part of the equation.

I can add an extra aspect for men...or perhaps it is just guys like me who are somewhat mentally and verbally hyperkenetic (or maybe spastic...hmmm)...it is so wonderful to have a new and hopefully smart woman to bounce ideas around with. To debate and analyze topics and share interests and discover things with her. Oh and to share stories and past experiences and interests.
Quick example. I am an intentional cultural luddite with soupçon of tech luddite (various reasons big enough for separate thread) so I enjoy antique malls, fleamarkets, steam shows especially if they have hit and miss engine category and lots of other activities where anachronistic objects or ideas are showcased.
Basically it is the amazing positive energy of sharing with a new partner....yeah yeah physically as well and that is amazing but not really a public topic...getting that exchange of energy as you mean about her fascination and you weave those new ties and strengthen bonds between you....it absolutely gives a new wife utility withing a family as we are speaking in practical terms. A new injection of her personal brand of energy and the print she makes upon the family. Ideally a super positive impact of course.

Early on I certainly recognize can be a struggle but in my own experience, both sides have to swing for the fences. The extant family needs to be warm and open as well as doing their best to not only get a new wife up to speed on how the family works but be open to ideas for the future. The new wife just has to put anxiety aside, roll up her sleeves and jump in. Learn about household routines and interpersonal dynamic and understand that this family may have Very different ways from whst you are used to.
Both sides need to remember this not about any of us personally but about the family and that there will be give and take, just it needs to be absolutely with good will towards each other.

This is not a new sort of arrangement for humans by the longest possible chalk. We have been living plyg-life since far before recorded time. It is natural for early issues but likeIi said... good eill and effort wins the day
Not gonna comment on the nookie thing publicly but I very much applaud the strive to be more part of the equation.

I can add an extra aspect for men...or perhaps it is just guys like me who are somewhat mentally and verbally hyperkenetic (or maybe spastic...hmmm)...it is so wonderful to have a new and hopefully smart woman to bounce ideas around with. To debate and analyze topics and share interests and discover things with her. Oh and to share stories and past experiences and interests.
Quick example. I am an intentional cultural luddite with soupçon of tech luddite (various reasons big enough for separate thread) so I enjoy antique malls, fleamarkets, steam shows especially if they have hit and miss engine category and lots of other activities where anachronistic objects or ideas are showcased.
Basically it is the amazing positive energy of sharing with a new partner....yeah yeah physically as well and that is amazing but not really a public topic...getting that exchange of energy as you mean about her fascination and you weave those new ties and strengthen bonds between you....it absolutely gives a new wife utility withing a family as we are speaking in practical terms. A new injection of her personal brand of energy and the print she makes upon the family. Ideally a super positive impact of course.

Early on I certainly recognize can be a struggle but in my own experience, both sides have to swing for the fences. The extant family needs to be warm and open as well as doing their best to not only get a new wife up to speed on how the family works but be open to ideas for the future. The new wife just has to put anxiety aside, roll up her sleeves and jump in. Learn about household routines and interpersonal dynamic and understand that this family may have Very different ways from whst you are used to.
Both sides need to remember this not about any of us personally but about the family and that there will be give and take, just it needs to be absolutely with good will towards each other.

This is not a new sort of arrangement for humans by the longest possible chalk. We have been living plyg-life since far before recorded time. It is natural for early issues but likeIi said... good eill and effort wins the day

Ugh...forgot which topic I was on. Can't believe I wrote a positive message about plural marriage where that nozzle might read it.
