• Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.

BibFam gets the shoutout... from the pulpit! 😂😂

The command to love our wives, especially when they are violating the command to respect us, can be a very tough one to deal with.
I wonder how long I am to continue to be married under these circumstances. one year three forever? Living with you woman while she thinks you crazy and disapproves of you teaching and leading doesn't seem something Longterm I could deal with. Thoughts
It's the times we're living in, brother.

1 Timothy 2:11-15
11 Women should learn quietly and submissively. 12 I do not let women teach men or have authority over them. Let them listen quietly. 13 For God made Adam first, and afterward he made Eve. 14 And it was not Adam who was deceived by Satan. The woman was deceived, and sin was the result. 15 But women will be saved through childbearing, assuming they continue to live in faith, love, holiness, and modesty.

We live in a time that the state has given women an insane amount of power and authority, and the churches are completely lukewarm to call out their wickedness and abuse of power.

Many women have taken advantage of the power/authority granted to them by the state. The state rewards women for rebellion. For example:
1. The state allows them to file a divorce for any reason
2. The state allows women to murder their own children (how many millions of abortions have occurred?)
3. The state gives them Child Custody
4. Raping a man financially after the divorce

Continue to be righteous. "Blessed are those that are persecuted for righteousness sake - for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven."

This wicked system won't be around forever. It too shall pass, and a return to Righteousness will prevail.

You remove the state's power and authority it gives to women - so no child custody, no financial benefits for divorce, no ability to re-marry, and I promise you most women would be singing a different tune. They would be much more submissive and respectful of their husbands. All these feminized men (betrayals to the faith), and rebellious women deserve to go crashing down along the state when it collapses; and faces judgement (unless they repent and come back to the light - come out of her my people lest you face her plagues).
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So, are you saying this is a highly unattractive Jolene Saint teaching here?
I actually completely agree with the concept presented in the scripture.
If we were all together, in person, it would be gross and inappropriate for me to teach or speak to men...or speak while my husband was silent and listening to me like I am pretending to know something.

I have participated here because this is NOT in person, or even, "real time" where anyone has to wait for me to shut up to say something, and because anyone can also choose to skip any or all of my posts (just hit the ignore button and I go away) but also because some seem to appreciate my perspective on some subjects.

I'm not easily offended....by strangers that type words...for or against me.

And I had to laugh at the words highly unnatractive.. .."cause I don't look in mirrors before breakfast anymore! LOL
OH NO! I wasn't speaking of @Joleneakamama but of the paster in the video. His name is Joel Saint. He makes an ugly woman.
Now that's a real funny! Gotta love auto correct!

Some in the past have suggested... or seemed to think.....that ladies should stay in the ladies section. I guess I jumped to confusions when I saw my name. Busy/distracted out running errands today (and waiting for someone at the dentist)
First reference is in the first couple of minutes - and it's immediately an uninformed personal attack against Andrew just criticising his photo on the front page. Low blow. I don't have time to watch and find if there are other references right now. But we might get a few visitors from that shoutout to the web address in the first couple of minutes!

Will listen to the rest later. Only got as far as his fiction about a bail of hay.
The beginning tells me he is a manipulative narcissistic type very used to lying by structure, omission and implication.
Maybe my mind will be changed later but the start is something that doesn't give me any hope.
Regardless of the topic, if I encountered this type of transparent manipulative language and framing in a sermon I would simply get up and leave.
Got no time for liars.
I am the Dad he was referencing. Matthew is my 10 year old son who needs a little understanding that Women find their roles and you just can't designate them lol

Sounded like a joke to me. A kids joke. But if you say he just misunderstood then I will take your word for it
I don’t know how you managed to listen to that idiot
I stopped it after I forced myself to listen for 15min, I would have walked out if I was there.
So muddled and no argument that stands under any real scrutiny
He just reinforces why I don’t like church.
And they wonder why people don’t want anything to do with church and numbers are falling.
I don’t know how you managed to listen to that idiot
I stopped it after I forced myself to listen for 15min, I would have walked out if I was there.
So muddled and no argument that stands under any real scrutiny
He just reinforces why I don’t like church.
And they wonder why people don’t want anything to do with church and numbers are falling.
He was at the top of the cringe-factor scale all the way through. The worst thing was hearing him misuse Holy Scripture to reinforce his stupidity. Sad case.
What court system is accepting fodder as bail?


Take it up with Samsung
Bloody love looking brain dead from autocorrect. Thst at least sounds like what I typed unlike the seeming majority

PS I just noted it can't correct a fat finger mistake above. Even better
Unfortunately there is an army of likeminded ministers.
I won’t even click on it, because it would just get me upset (the extreme twisting of scripture).

I don’t think these people truly believe. If their faith was truly legitimate - would they honestly do violence to the Word? I don’t think so. Which tells me they are there for other reasons.