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Is Trump Soviet/Russian agent?

3. The United States of America, the Russian Fed-
eration, and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland, reaffirm their commitment to
Ukraine, in accordance with the principles of the CSCE Final Act, to refrain from economic coercion designed
to subordinate to their own interest the exercise by
Ukraine of the rights inherent in its sovereignty and
thus to secure advantages of any kind. (From Budapest memorandum of 1994).

Why trust again?

Simply let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No.’ Anything more comes from the evil one.
I absolutely understand where you’re coming from and I’m the idiot who vociferously defended the Patriot Act once upon a time. I’ve been very wrong before and I could be very wrong again.

But I am very confident that Putin is about to do a very dramatic pivot and suddenly get very concerned with other matters. Trump is going to give him a role in the Iran nuclear negotiations (giving Putin the international credit that is the only thing he values) and suddenly Ukraine is going to take a back seat for Russia.

There will be a few years of stasis and then a very good deal for Ukraine will be cut.

Unfortunately there just isn’t a scenario where military victory can be achieved at anything approaching a price anyone is willing to pay. I’m sorry. I can only imagine how that sounds to a Ukrainian patriot.
This thread is for me to track the claims that Mango Mussolini is Soviet/KGB agent who was recruited in 1980's. I came across the following video from expelled Independent russian journalist. If true this is the greatest operation to have hostile nation implementing it's agent to serve as the president. I do not intend to get into debate, (if someone wishes to debate it is fine), I mostly want the claims from the movie to be verified or disproven. Perhaps someone has time or desire to examine those claims that would be great.

At this point I will not rule it out.

Breaking news today is that Trump ordered the F-16's that had been supplied to Ukraine disabled. The planes have a "kill switch" in them that has now rendered them useless.

Utterly justifiable suspicions are now being discussed that the obscenely expensive F-35 can likewise be disabled if the US wants them disabled.

Here's what that kind of betrayal means for Ukrainian and European defense:

Perhaps someone knows why defender of Edward Snowden Tulsi Gabbard would be most qualified to lead National Intelligence of the US. What makes her so qualified for such position? Is this not her defense of Putin and past friendship with Asad? Could KGB asset in white house be instructed to appoint her for such an important position?

Why defense Secretary Pete Hegseth orders a halt to offensive cyber operations against Russia? Do we know that Russia did the same thing for USA? How is this step necessary in creating peace in Ukraine? Even if there was no war in Ukraine, why would USA volunteer such action unless KGB agent in the white house was instructed to make that happen?

Why Pam Bondi ends FBI effort to combat foreign influence in U.S. politics? Is this not because KGB agent in the white house made this happen?

Why "pro life" President of USA stops information that would give Ukraine time to prepare to hide from ballistic weapons on civilians? Is this not because Kremlin curators want to cause as much pain to force Ukraine to capitulate? And why did American President prohibited sharing of satellite images from private company when it does not cost US taxpayers anything, but no such restriction placed for Russians to buy those images? The U. S. President who is KGB/FSB asset would place such sanction on its supposedly an ally.

He definitely quacks like a duck.

USA gets taken over by foreign government but at least there will be two genders, so who cares? May be at the end of his presidency we will make Russian 2nd official language in USA.
how about the idea that the main reason that Russia did not have a deal with Ukraine early on was because the US administration told Zelensky to NOT do a deal.

It feels like we have been fighting a proxy war from nearly the beginning. So, if that is the case, then Trump backing off of Russia is a prelude to them ending the war altogether. Zelenski needs to come to grips with this. If the war continues or not is more up to Trump and Putin than anything Zelenski has to say...
When you quote Rachel Mad-cow, your credibility goes from zero to Major Negative.
Broken clocks are accurate two times a day.
Do you have any IDEA what actually happened in Butler, PA?

Hint: It was NOT a 'lone gunman.' Some crap just defies credibility.
I know we have whole thread on this. I will revisit it again. So, you are admitting that there are anomalies at that event.
Unfortunately there just isn’t a scenario where military victory can be achieved at anything approaching a price anyone is willing to pay. I’m sorry. I can only imagine how that sounds to a Ukrainian patriot.
Thank you for understanding. But for this thread the question remains if Mango Mussolini making America great again or russia. By the way the rest of the world responding, and how America intends to trade aluminum with russia, and vetos certain sanctions regarding shadow fleet against russia it seems the agent in the white house is on the path to make russia great.
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I know we have whole thread on this. I will revisit it again. So, you are admitting that there are anomalies at that event.
Admitting? OBSERVING that you're 180 degrees back-assward. We know at least a bit more now than we did then. (Doug Hagmann, NY Post, recently.)

This was almost certainly a Deep State hit.


This one, Samuel, lock if you feel like it. "Waste of time" is too kind.
This is the nonsense one gets when Trump derangement syndrome is combined with Russia derangement syndrome.

Trump is probably the best US president since Andrew Jackson (Jackson being great because he fought the central bankers). If Trump succeeds in beating back team Globohomo, then he might even surpass Jackson (moving up into the Washington and Jefferson ballpark).

I realize @Transformator Reformator has strong feelings on the matter due to being Ukrainian. I wonder if his emotions are clouding his judgement.

I think his emotions also clouded his judgement on his recent Calvinism post.

(@FollowingHim or @The Revolting Man revoltingman please feel free to remove my comment if you believe it too confrontational or otherwise unproductive)
how about the idea that the main reason that Russia did not have a deal with Ukraine early on was because the US administration told Zelensky to NOT do a deal.

Sarah Palin correctly saw that Russia would invade Ukraine back in 2007/2008. That was before any serious talk of Ukraine joining NATO or the EU. This was also well before the Maidan, the Color Revolution, and well before the advent of Russia's boogeyman Victoria Nuland.

Palin correctly and clearly saw that Russia under Putin is an expansionist and imperialistic power. Mitt Romney after her (even though I do not at all like him) was also correct in that Russia was the biggest threat to world peace going into 2012 and he likewise foresaw Russian aggression.

I realize @Transformator Reformator has strong feelings on the matter due to being Ukrainian. I wonder if his emotions are clouding his judgement.
One does not need to be Ukrainian to observe the things I am posting. I gave plenty of examples where American born citizens making same assertions.

This is the nonsense one gets when Trump derangement syndrome is combined with Russia derangement syndrome.
Never heard of Russian derangement syndrome. But regarding Trump derangement, how does one get that when a person does not vote for him in primary, then in love with him in two general elections (2016 & 2020)

Going back to thread do you want to make an argument how Trump cannot be a Russian agent or asset?

Palin correctly and clearly saw that Russia under Putin is an expansionist and imperialistic power. Mitt Romney after her (even though I do not at all like him) was also correct in that Russia was the biggest threat to world peace going into 2012 and he likewise foresaw Russian aggression.
This is quite amazing prediction. To have pulse on world events like that. I wish that more Ukrainians would heed her warning back then.
One does not need to be Ukrainian to observe the things I am posting. I gave plenty of examples where American born citizens making same assertions.
All one needs to do is drink the WasteStream Media Kool-Aid.

To many "AmeriKans" already have. And they damn near destroyed the country, and the world.
Sarah Palin correctly saw that Russia would invade Ukraine back in 2007/2008. That was before any serious talk of Ukraine joining NATO or the EU. This was also well before the Maidan, the Color Revolution, and well before the advent of Russia's boogeyman Victoria Nuland.

Palin correctly and clearly saw that Russia under Putin is an expansionist and imperialistic power. Mitt Romney after her (even though I do not at all like him) was also correct in that Russia was the biggest threat to world peace going into 2012 and he likewise foresaw Russian aggression.

I very much disagree with this sentiment. I believe that the existing governments of this world are in the process of restoring back their old boundaries as we near the great war that is coming. I do not believe that Putin desires to take Europe or really expand into other regions not formerly their empire(however he sees it), but I do believe that he will be dragged into a war with Israel against his will. He will still fight though and will get what comes to those that do.

Ukraine does not have any intrinsic right to be an independent people any more than the USA did from Great Britain. Their ability to garner so much support so far is due to the world leaders wanting to weaken Putin more than anything they feel for the Ukrainian people's desire to be independent. Just as the French supported us in our independence so as to weaken Great Britain, the world has rallied with Zelenski to weaken Putin.

We need to ask ourselves, why are we there?
We need to ask ourselves, why are we there?
It sure as #@ll doesn't have anything to do with "defending" the USA. But, as DOGE has made abundantly clear, it had BILLION$$$ to do with the biggest money laundering operation in US history.

So - who was getting paid for what?
I very much disagree with this sentiment. I believe that the existing governments of this world are in the process of restoring back their old boundaries as we near the great war that is coming. I do not believe that Putin desires to take Europe or really expand into other regions not formerly their empire(however he sees it), but I do believe that he will be dragged into a war with Israel against his will. He will still fight though and will get what comes to those that do.

Ukraine does not have any intrinsic right to be an independent people any more than the USA did from Great Britain. Their ability to garner so much support so far is due to the world leaders wanting to weaken Putin more than anything they feel for the Ukrainian people's desire to be independent. Just as the French supported us in our independence so as to weaken Great Britain, the world has rallied with Zelenski to weaken Putin.

We need to ask ourselves, why are we there?

With US involvement in NATO the three major nations of Western Europe being France, Germany, and the UK have been at peace for eighty years.

This is the longest period of prolonged peace between these countries ever.

If the US departs NATO and withdraws into isolationism again the EU will unify and focus outward. It is currently unlikely that it will fracture and focus inward. US withdrawal of support will force the EU to militarize. They'll have no choice.

War with Russia would be a probability. The Russians see a unified EU as a threat and they are likely to attack first to see what they can get.

At some point the EU will turn its eyes towards the UK and compel them to rejoin the EU or be invaded by it.

In any case the absence of America from Europe will likely end with American forces having to go fight in Europe again.

It is much cheaper for us to maintain a modest presence there to deter war. Had we done that in Ukraine after Russia's aggression in 2014 the current phase of Russia's war to conquer Ukraine would not be happening.

Of course I could be wrong and the EU collapses, Russia invades the Baltics, and the Continent descends into regional wars culminating in a world war.

In any case Poland and now Hungary are taking concrete steps towards being able to conduct a general mobilization for their own defense.

Take that as you will.
It is much cheaper for us to maintain a modest presence there to deter war. Had we done that in Ukraine after Russia's aggression in 2014 the current phase of Russia's war to conquer Ukraine would not be happening.
Had US troops entered Ukraine in 2014, the war would have probably started then instead of in 2022. Trump is the main reason the war didn't start until 2022. I'm pretty sure the neocons (including Obama, and Hillary) wanted a war with Russia back in 15
With US involvement in NATO the three major nations of Western Europe being France, Germany, and the UK have been at peace for eighty years.

This is the longest period of prolonged peace between these countries ever.

If the US departs NATO and withdraws into isolationism again the EU will unify and focus outward. It is currently unlikely that it will fracture and focus inward. US withdrawal of support will force the EU to militarize. They'll have no choice.
No way EU stays together.

Heard that Hungary will have referendum about staying in EU. Don't know will result be advisory or mandatory for government.

Whole EU is in populist revolt (early phase probably). No way USA leaving will unify EU (except ruling class which everybody is looking to get rid off).
With US involvement in NATO the three major nations of Western Europe being France, Germany, and the UK have been at peace for eighty years.

This is the longest period of prolonged peace between these countries ever.

If the US departs NATO and withdraws into isolationism again the EU will unify and focus outward. It is currently unlikely that it will fracture and focus inward. US withdrawal of support will force the EU to militarize. They'll have no choice.

War with Russia would be a probability. The Russians see a unified EU as a threat and they are likely to attack first to see what they can get.

At some point the EU will turn its eyes towards the UK and compel them to rejoin the EU or be invaded by it.

In any case the absence of America from Europe will likely end with American forces having to go fight in Europe again.

It is much cheaper for us to maintain a modest presence there to deter war. Had we done that in Ukraine after Russia's aggression in 2014 the current phase of Russia's war to conquer Ukraine would not be happening.

Of course I could be wrong and the EU collapses, Russia invades the Baltics, and the Continent descends into regional wars culminating in a world war.

In any case Poland and now Hungary are taking concrete steps towards being able to conduct a general mobilization for their own defense.

Take that as you will.
now there may be some foreshadowing in what you say. I sometimes speak out of my understanding of future events according to my understanding of prophecy and sometimes I speak of how I think things should go ideally. I also see Trump pulling away from NATO as a cause for a major re-militarization of the EU and it's neighbors. I believe, prophetically speaking, that this is in accord with a huge war that is coming soon against Israel. Culminating in the return of our Messiah and establishing the earthly kingdom.

That is the putting all his enemies under his foot scriptures... Rod of iron and all that.
I think the timing is close. Real close. A decade or less. likely less....

This Jeremiah though... <--- Not a prophet. :-) Just an observer of the news and a reader of Yah's word...
At this point I will not rule it out.

Breaking news today is that Trump ordered the F-16's that had been supplied to Ukraine disabled. The planes have a "kill switch" in them that has now rendered them useless.

Utterly justifiable suspicions are now being discussed that the obscenely expensive F-35 can likewise be disabled if the US wants them disabled.

Here's what that kind of betrayal means for Ukrainian and European defense:

I work on airplanes, I have never heard of a "kill switch". Source?