Anything... Could be living on a farm in the country, or adding a wife and more children. They rarely imagine the unpleasant aspects... like pulling a well pump in the snow, or battling fowl ticks in the chicken coop, or dealing with soremouth on your goats teats because you didn't quarenteen those cute little lambs you bought at the auction.
Yesterday I got the yuckiest of gross jobs. I had a ewe due in a week that was doing poor, and it became obvious she was trying to lamb/abort. I expected the lamb to be dead. I did not expect it/them to be so rotted it looked like a stewed thing falling apart. The two children that helped me did a good job. We all were gagging. Today, she is doing better and I am hopeful she will come into milk and recover.
My point is fot always rosey. Some jobs you never want to do. Some things you don't expect.....cannot anticipate because you are going to be in new territory. What you do then is what tells the real story.....
It's nice to imagine green pastures and frisky lambs.... but sometimes you have to deal with rotten save the ewe.
Yesterday I got the yuckiest of gross jobs. I had a ewe due in a week that was doing poor, and it became obvious she was trying to lamb/abort. I expected the lamb to be dead. I did not expect it/them to be so rotted it looked like a stewed thing falling apart. The two children that helped me did a good job. We all were gagging. Today, she is doing better and I am hopeful she will come into milk and recover.
My point is fot always rosey. Some jobs you never want to do. Some things you don't expect.....cannot anticipate because you are going to be in new territory. What you do then is what tells the real story.....
It's nice to imagine green pastures and frisky lambs.... but sometimes you have to deal with rotten save the ewe.
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