I have to tell that this forum is getting less valuable. I don't think I'm only one with this feeling. I remember time when missing one day resulted in 60+ unread posts, especially on weekend.
So what did you liked then or like now? We should bring back liked things and do them more.
This forum used to be way more fun. Even infamous Ukraine thread has good memories for me. Do you remember gopher termination section? Still bring laughter in my heart.
One reason is because threads usually never sticked to topic, so it was easier for somebody to write something funny. Additional reason are nuggets, some interesting info which enabled new avenues of exploration (off course, the reason for thread derailement).
Topics used to be more diverse. Current news and Internet findings were sources of much disscusion. How society finished in current situation had generated significant engagement. There was always way to learn something new.
Even fighting used to be better. Going against whole forum (like in 12 wives idea) and standing for what you consider right was interesting. I miss intelectual clashes and testing ideas on 2000+ Celsius.
Pure marriage simply doesn't generate enough value. Learning nuggets are rare, meetings are too far from me and can be better solved over email.
This forum used to be more fun, interesting and had possibility to learn something new. Now it's just visit, nothing happens.
And we need way to deal with political topics.
I do accept I could be part of problem. I have hard time accepting "losing idea conflict".
I have to tell that this forum is getting less valuable. I don't think I'm only one with this feeling. I remember time when missing one day resulted in 60+ unread posts, especially on weekend.
So what did you liked then or like now? We should bring back liked things and do them more.
This forum used to be way more fun. Even infamous Ukraine thread has good memories for me. Do you remember gopher termination section? Still bring laughter in my heart.
One reason is because threads usually never sticked to topic, so it was easier for somebody to write something funny. Additional reason are nuggets, some interesting info which enabled new avenues of exploration (off course, the reason for thread derailement).
Topics used to be more diverse. Current news and Internet findings were sources of much disscusion. How society finished in current situation had generated significant engagement. There was always way to learn something new.
Even fighting used to be better. Going against whole forum (like in 12 wives idea) and standing for what you consider right was interesting. I miss intelectual clashes and testing ideas on 2000+ Celsius.
Pure marriage simply doesn't generate enough value. Learning nuggets are rare, meetings are too far from me and can be better solved over email.
This forum used to be more fun, interesting and had possibility to learn something new. Now it's just visit, nothing happens.
And we need way to deal with political topics.
I do accept I could be part of problem. I have hard time accepting "losing idea conflict"
There are many issues but the most important issues I'm seeing are, there are too many compartmentalized groups with their own greater goods and mindsets set in stone. This is a Christian ministry yet there are non Christians wanting to change it into something else. I'm not saying this group should bar or restrict people. One of the main points is to create and convert others into scripture based Christians.
We have Christians who mean well and have great ideas yet they are not as loud as the non Christian elements. I have no ill will towards any of the many groups that call biblical families home. However if they do not wish to convert or assimilate why are they here? Why do non Christians desire to be involved within a Christian ministry if they have no desire to convert or learn? Instead I see people trying to convert others into fear based mindsets or the Hebrew roots movement.
From my observations and time here at biblical families I've noticed we are compartmentalized into:
Christians desiring a community and church bond, wishing for a theocratic tribal/clan based mindset (which I'm in favor for). Patriarchal and plural minded. Hard core scripture based leaders. Alpha mindset. Those dreaming of being Builders of families and nations. Yet are not as loud as the non Christian elements.
Christians desiring to appease everyone with honeyed words , pascifists, borderline non Patriarchal and I would even go on to say they are desiring to be under a matriarchal system. Beta mindset. Those dreaming of the end goal of having more than one wife...when some don't even have one or have a string of divorces. Those who are louder than the Patriarchal Christian element. Some even trying to preach ideals based on pacifist and feminist mindsets. Ruled by their vices and addictions of the flesh.
The Hebrew roots umbrella with its many sects (who have that tribal/clan mindset). I've seen in the comments from Facebook to this forum some of those seem to look down on Christians and think their version of faith is better or more true...etc. there are even comments saying they will not marry Christian men nor convert to their husband's faith. I will admit I do enjoy alot of the discussions and debates. Alot of the Hebrew roots community puts out some interesting information. Yet, I go back to this is a Christian ministry. If the Hebrew roots goal is to convert more into their fold, is this a Christian ministry or a Hebrew roots ministry? the two will have a hard time existing together when both argue salvation and gospel messages and covenants and definitions of righteousness. One will always drown out the other and there would be too much competition for the souls and attention of men/women instead of striving to appease the almighty with unity and worship and building biblical families.
Multicultural organizations usually stangnat and lose their identity.
There also seems to be an agnostic borderline atheist, conspiracy theorist homesteader element. More geared towards the worship of the fear of big government/big pharma (Hey im on board with distrusting the great merchants. But without organization we are easily picked off). Those who are more anarchist minded than communal/tribal. Those who dislike the idea of order, unity and community. Lone wolf's waiting for the end times alone in there dens. Hating the idea of "church" yet yearn for it.
I do think this community should allow open discussions and dialog. I dislike censorship. However there needs to be order amongst the chaos. There needs to be a plan/goal strict bylaws and a culture. Not a collection of wandering tribes arguing theology in the desert. Competing for women and the attention of new members. I was attracted to this community for the idea of community, it is there it just needs to be called out dusted off and put on the mantel as an example and order.
If my words upset you just know, I dont care. I identity as a Crusader Christian. If you don't like what I have to say that's fine ill hear your words and even give you time to debate, but if your goals are to attack the Christian identity and movement and try to impede its growth... well don't be surprised if I draw my sword.
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