So, in a recent debate, that old Edenic Ideal argument came up again. I'm the sort who likes to look at what is there and that isn't.
So, as it commonly is, it was insisted that if God wanted us to be polygamists, he would have made Eve, Mary, and Sue as wives for Adam.
I then asked if that had happened, would it be fair in such a world for people to insist that since God had made three wives for Adam, monogamy was not living up to God's ideal?
I think the thought has potential for further development, but what do y'all think?
So, as it commonly is, it was insisted that if God wanted us to be polygamists, he would have made Eve, Mary, and Sue as wives for Adam.
I then asked if that had happened, would it be fair in such a world for people to insist that since God had made three wives for Adam, monogamy was not living up to God's ideal?
I think the thought has potential for further development, but what do y'all think?