What I learned as an educated evangelical monogamist was that polygamist were lustful corrupt perverts. Little did I know we were the pervs. Please allow me to explain, in my system, sexual morality was taught but it was very weak. You see if you failed in your sexual morality you could repent and move on, no consequence. In the polygyny system if you fail in your morality you have bound yourself to that person for life. The consequence being you become responsible for that person and answer to God for them some day. It gives serious weight to the phrase " their is no such thing as casual sex". In this system you cannot exploit without conseqence. When sex is realized as a covenant it is a sobering fact. Covenant sex does not allow for casual sex. I know this sounds serious, but God was serious about sexual purity. I am not saying if you are mogomous you are a pervert. what I am saying is that polygyny teaches us about true morality and the consequences if broken. Now I am an educated evangelical polygynist with a stronger sense of morality. Did this knowledge effect you the same way?