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Texans Unite 9/12/2009


Real Person
I just got an email telling me that some likeminded believers will be in our area in early September. I think this is as good a reason as any to try to get together. So I am asking any interested believers to set aside 9/12 for this purpose. I don't have any details yet but I post details as they become available.

If you are interested in me sending personal emails, just let me know and give me your email address. I don't want to forget anyone.

We have narrowed it down to dinner, in Dallas. We don't know time or location yet. What I want to do is find a restaurant that will allow us to use a private room so that we can all be a little more private and comfortable.

Knowing how many will be there will help me to make a reservation. So anyone who is going to make it to our little gathering please either post here or send me a private message. This is going to be our first DFW gathering and I am very excited.

Hey, Texans

For a year now I have been seeing posts asking when we are going to do something in Texas. Well, I am putting it together and I have given lots of notice, but I am not hearing from any of the Texans about this gathering I am planning. Come on people, are we going to let the Floridians have all the fun??????

Lets hear it in TEXAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We really wish we could be there Lissa but our situation won't allow that. Don't give up on us we will get to Texas!
That would be a blessing. But I totally understand. I was directing my comments to the several Texans who have specifically asked for a gathering. I would at least like to see some posts so I know that there are still others out there? Did everyone move out of Texas?

Okay, I am getting closer

We seem to have a total of 7 for sures and 1 maybe. I am trying to find a restaurant that will let us use their private room for dinner. The only guideline I have so far is that our guest from the West Coast aren't thrilled with Chinese.

Re: Come have dinner with us

We are having dinner together on 9/12. So far we have about 10 adults and 7 children coming. I made the reservations at Golden Corral to try to respect everyone's budget. They are going to set aside a private place for us.

PM me for details.

We are going to begin sometime between 6:30 and 7 pm.
I wish I was in Texas right now and if things work out I am considering moving to the Dallas area. If in the future If I end up living there I would love to get to know others in the area.
You can get to know me now, then if you get to move here you will already have one friend.

I would love too.. I am scared to move to Dallas area but if it meant being with the one I love I would move.
There is nothing to fear here. It is like any other city. Consider me your friend.

Okay, the count down is here. We have people coming from all over the midwest and one special couple who came all the way from the West Coast. I am so excited about this dinner. I sure wish we could turn it into a retreat.

Anyone desiring more information please let me know.

And a wonderful time was had...

Well, here it is, September 12 and we Texans have had our first gathering. I believe we had 12 adults and 7 kids, including the youngest of the Biblical Families Family, little Ethan. Yep, the Richards family was here with all the kids and even Dad in tow. Welltan and his wife and daughter showed up and it was lovely to meet Curtis and his beautiful wife. We had a couple from the West Coast and even our friend Blitziod joined us. What a time it was! We closed the place down and still we didn't want to leave. We laughed, joked, told stories, prayed and of course, we ate.

And praise God I made it home alive and I pray that everyone else does too. I had a very very near miss at 60 mph in the rain, on the toll road, headed toward home and feel very blessed to be alive, without a scratch on my body or my car. Jesus certainly took the wheel for me tonight. I was certain that I would never see my beloved family again.

I am glad your ok.. Still is scary when something like that happens.

Bless you Sis for all your hard work in Texas! I am glad that you were finally able to get all those folks connected. I am sorry that we couldn't have done more to support your effort this time, but I want you to know that we are working toward being able to provide more support for such gatherings in the future.

Great job, and I am sure that you were blessed!

Your brother in Christ,
