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Stand firm or stick to the shadows?


As a believer in Polygyny, and somebody who sees the way society views polygyny, I have began trying to reach out to the world in my own way. I have brought it up multiple times in Torah, etc Facebook groups, with the intent of normalization and education, but of course have been shouted down and personally (verbally) attacked by many. I also created a Reddit group for Biblical polygyny, in order to give those seeking it a place to learn more and discuss various related topics. Lastly, I decided to post my beliefs on the secular dating apps I am on.

Currently I’m not sure if it’s worth the headache. I’ve been praying about what the right move is, going forward. I feel that it is best to be up front with any potential matches (hiding my beliefs seems dishonest), and we do need to broaden the discussion with the world, but maybe I should just back off and keep it to more personal settings and environments where people already share the same beliefs. I’m curious if anyone else has been through any of this, and what your thoughts are for how to proceed. Thanks everyone.
I think that a personal private relationship issue should probably stay personal and private.

As with all things dating and getting to know someone, you don't bring up all the hardest topics at the get-go and expect to make friends, let alone find a wife.

Don't treat women like they're men.
Don't treat women like they're men.
I was only laughing at this line....honest.

I’m curious if anyone else has been through any of this, and what your thoughts are for how to proceed. Thanks everyone.
The subject came up for us over 22 years ago. My hubby's old gf decided she wasn't interested....and I decided I liked the idea. For over 20 years I talked about it with friends, family, neighbors, strangers....

2 years ago things changed between my hubby and his sweet single mom secretary..... she accepted a permanent position in the family.

Talking about it all those years did nothing to help acceptance with his side of the family. On my side I called everyone a week before the family reunion and told them we were bringing two new members of our family. ...so they could decide what to tell their kids....and they were welcomed with open arms (literally hugs)

One sis had a funny comment the night we arrived. Hubby sw and I were visiting with one of my sisters and her hubby when other of my sisters walked up and said "That's two things this year I never thought would happen. We got a dog and you got a sisterwife."

As far as our small town community goes...we still have friends. One woman who has been very sweet and accepting said she has been thinking about polygyny herself. Her hubby is a pilot and gone a lot. She thinks it would make sense for them.
I'm a gonna have to ask her hubby what HE thinks about marrying another. Lol

I'd suggest you let God lead you in who you share with. Maybe don't bring it up....but if it comes up don't avoid it. You never know who might be open to this truth.
We've all been through this @PaulP. When you first figure it out you have the enthusiasm of a new convert, and want to tell the world. It just causes strife and gets you kicked out of fellowship. This is the right approach:
Maybe don't bring it up....but if it comes up don't avoid it.
If you keep talking about polygamy to everyone, then you come across as not only a weirdo, but one who is obsessed with sex. That's completely unfair, but it's the perception people take. And it's the exact wrong impression you want anyone to have of you.

Rather, demonstrate wisdom in conversations on every topic, so people respect what you have to say about things. Then when this actually comes up in conversation in a setting when it is relevant - and it will - you won't be rejected out of hand.

Your role in life is not to bring everyone to accept polygamy. It's to bring them to accept Jesus. Polygamy is just one of thousands of theological details on which diversity of opinion is able to be accommodated within the Kingdom. It doesn't matter if they reject polygamy if it's not relevant to their life anyway, it only matters when it is relevant.
I concluded long ago that what mattered was His Word. All of it, as Written.

So I stick with that, and there are plenty of opportunities to talk about all the various elements.

I don't believe most will accept polygyny without accepting all of it. And once they realize it ALL matters, it is unavoidable.
As a believer in Polygyny, and somebody who sees the way society views polygyny, I have began trying to reach out to the world in my own way. I have brought it up multiple times in Torah, etc Facebook groups, with the intent of normalization and education, but of course have been shouted down and personally (verbally) attacked by many. I also created a Reddit group for Biblical polygyny, in order to give those seeking it a place to learn more and discuss various related topics. Lastly, I decided to post my beliefs on the secular dating apps I am on.

Currently I’m not sure if it’s worth the headache. I’ve been praying about what the right move is, going forward. I feel that it is best to be up front with any potential matches (hiding my beliefs seems dishonest), and we do need to broaden the discussion with the world, but maybe I should just back off and keep it to more personal settings and environments where people already share the same beliefs. I’m curious if anyone else has been through any of this, and what your thoughts are for how to proceed. Thanks everyone.
How does the adversary normalize things like homosexuality and transgenderism? They put it out there. Shows. Schooling. Movies. Politics. Social media. It desensitizes the public to be more accepting of it.

Same thing with aspects of the Torah. Let your light shine. And if people see the light - it may lead them to dig deeper into the Scriptures themselves. Many people never even considered such a thing. Babylon doesn’t like talking about it - unless it’s in a negative way. Case in point - shows like game of thrones - they will show every possible sexual practice - from incest, to pedophilia, homosexuality, hints of beastiality, lesbian, orgies, prostitution, brothels, but they won’t ever show or mention polygyny. Babylon will promote Babylon.

Edit: Sometimes Hollywood does depict polygyny. But the person that’s polygynous is almost always portrayed as evil. It’s the same when it’s talked about on the news. So when people think of polygyny - they don’t think of the Perfect Torah; or righteous men like Abraham, Jacob, Gideon, Moses, David, and even Yahushua, who described himself marrying 5 virgins in a parable.

But instead - they may remember the new mad max movie - where this man was shown with several wives:


Or they remember that polygynous cult that was on the news - who were involved in some type of lawlessness. Most people will follow the crowd. Just look at the Covid vaccine as proof. And that’s why you had large crowds calling for the crucification of Yahushua - the Messiah. Scripture says - many believed he was the Messiah - but didn’t want to be kicked out of the synagogue. Because that’s what the Pharisees were telling the people.

Same today - most Christians will be against it - for one reason or another - thereby - putting them against the Creator’s own Perfect Torah. Either they know it or not.
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I remember seeing you in one of the Facebook groups I joined but I left for the similar reasons. Even the admins of the biblical polygamy groups on FB have absolutely no idea what they're talking about most times. It's rough in the Facebook streets 🤣

I don't think hiding your beliefs is necessarily dishonest in social settings. Dating wise, I absolutely agree that you should be upfront about your interest in polygyny. Handsome as you are, I don't see why you'd have any problem finding women who would be willing to share.
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I remember seeing you in one of the Facebook groups I joined but I left for the similar reasons. Even the admins of the biblical polygamy groups on FB have absolutely no idea what they're talking about most times. It's rough in the Facebook streets 🤣

I don't think hiding your beliefs is necessarily dishonest in social settings. Dating wise, I absolutely agree that you should be upfront about your interest in polygyny. Handsome as you are, I don't see why you'd have any problem finding women who would be willing to share.
Way to leave me hanging!😂😂 I agree though, it’s hard to find good places to actually discuss and meet people in the polygyny scene. Especially on Facebook. It seems like it’s either filled with bots, or a bunch of people who are just looking for a loophole to fulfill their kinks.

Thanks for the compliment! I just don’t think I have really been in the right circles yet. Hence why I started the Reddit group, and why I’m here. Fellowship, knowledge, and maybe God will choose to provide (a guy can pray).
Edit: Sometimes Hollywood does depict polygyny. But the person that’s polygynous is almost always portrayed as evil. It’s the same when it’s talked about on the news. So when people think of polygyny - they don’t think of the Perfect Torah; or righteous men like Abraham, Jacob, Gideon, Moses, David, and even Yahushua, who described himself marrying 5 virgins in a parable.

But instead - they may remember the new mad max movie - where this man was shown with several wives:

View attachment 7602

Or they remember that polygynous cult that was on the news - who were involved in some type of lawlessness.

In your mention of Hollywood's depictions of polygamy you left out the times they tacitly endorsed it.

Like with Charlie Sheen and the multiple women he lived with at the same time or like Hugh Hefner and the multiple women he lived with at the same time.
In your mention of Hollywood's depictions of polygamy you left out the times they tacitly endorsed it.

Like with Charlie Sheen and the multiple women he lived with at the same time or like Hugh Hefner and the multiple women he lived with at the same time.
Exactly!!! As long as they didn't call them wives!
About Hefner...

"Hugh Hefner's three girlfriends, Holly Madison, Bridget Marquardt, and Kendra Wilkinson, talk about how they came into Hef's life and their lives at the Playboy Mansion, and accompany Hef to a tribute to George Lucas."

This Fox News article dances around the poly label...

Charlie Sheen was right up front about it:

Charlie Sheen has described his relationship with his two live-in girlfriends as a 'polygamy story'.
About Hefner...

"Hugh Hefner's three girlfriends, Holly Madison, Bridget Marquardt, and Kendra Wilkinson, talk about how they came into Hef's life and their lives at the Playboy Mansion, and accompany Hef to a tribute to George Lucas."

This Fox News article dances around the poly label...

Charlie Sheen was right up front about it:

Charlie Sheen has described his relationship with his two live-in girlfriends as a 'polygamy story'.
Well that's interesting! So celebrities can do it but not normal everyday people?
In your mention of Hollywood's depictions of polygamy you left out the times they tacitly endorsed it.

Like with Charlie Sheen and the multiple women he lived with at the same time or like Hugh Hefner and the multiple women he lived with at the same time.
Of course - the bachelor lifestyle that every boy wants to copy. Because they see it on the big screen and all their idols are practicing that type of lifestyle. Sleep with as many women as you can. Even sleeping with them at the same time. As long as you don’t marry them. But toss them out when you’re done with them.

Then once you get older - consider marriage and children. But if she gets boring - get a divorce - and find a younger woman. So hypocritical Babylon is already practicing polygyny - but it’s their own sinful and destructive version of it. Not the Holy, Righteous, and Good version from the Creator’s own Instructions.
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In your mention of Hollywood's depictions of polygamy you left out the times they tacitly endorsed it.

Like with Charlie Sheen and the multiple women he lived with at the same time or like Hugh Hefner and the multiple women he lived with at the same time.
I seem to recall one of Sheen's women commenting afterwards (when she left LA for a more simple life in her home state) that she liked the idea of having a sister wife and sharing the same man.
I seem to recall one of Sheen's women commenting afterwards (when she left LA for a more simple life in her home state) that she liked the idea of having a sister wife and sharing the same man.

It's always a surprise when women discover something pleasing to their true and wholesome nature. I also think some of these women are surprised to discover they had a wholesome side at all.