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Specific Individual Curses

Post Flood we see several individual specific curses (Ham, David) and blessings (Jacob, 12 Tribes) as well as a covenant (Phineas) both from the most high as well as from patriarchs, i've included a few for context.

Has anyone ever put any thought into how these might propogate to the decendants? And should we? Is it only the direct male offspring of that line that are cursed? If a man was to have children with a woman from Ham's cursed line would his children inherit that curse? Like wise if a woman was to marry a man from a blessed lineage would it be benfeicial to her offspring (breaking of generational curses). Or in marrying with someone from a cursed lineage are dooming your offspring or maybe yourself?
Curses to me are something that the authors of the Bible misinterpreted.

I do not believe God really said that He would curse people for their wrongdoing.

Because the reality is that we do a perfectly fine job of cursing ourselves all on our own. God just needs to do nothing when we screw up.

It is when He is merciful to us despite our disobedience and stupidity that He has to intervene.

Drew Barrymore is a good example of someone suffering a generational curse. She is of the Barrymore family and their legacy is one of drugs, rape, debauchery, treachery, and who knows what else. And she bears the impact of sins untold committed even a century before she was born.

Despite the family wealth these people are often miserable.

We cannot undo the sins of our families but what we can do is unhitch from our family curses and choose to live a more Godly life. Embracing Jesus as our Lord and Savior erases all of our sins and no one and I mean no one can tell me that Jesus can forgive our sins and still allow a curse to persist against us.

And knowing we are saved in Jesus relieves our hearts of the pain that is caused by generational curses. Jesus is the Balm of Gilead who can heal things we might not even know about.

And I pray that Drew Barrymore will accept Jesus.
Post Flood we see several individual specific curses (Ham, David) and blessings (Jacob, 12 Tribes) as well as a covenant (Phineas) both from the most high as well as from patriarchs, i've included a few for context.
There was definitely something to the curses, blessings and lineage. There is definitely something to being a part of Israel. God did bless them above the gentiles and heathen and he was also more strict with them. The jews are special for a reason. Though I don't understand how it all works. I know Miriam and Aaron were upset when Moses married an Ethiopian. I know Ruth was a Moabite and yet Joseph who married Mary the mother of Christ, was her descendent. So although I believe there is something to curses and many men like Esau were warned away from marrying girls of certain descents or that were just not of Israel, I also believe that we can become good enough to obtain and seek our own blessings as many in the bible did. We often discount posterity and lineage but it was something that the most important men on this earth cared about. They really cared about and sought for blessings for their posterity and I believe that they received them.