I was reading @MeganC s blog and was inspired by what their organization does for the incoming SW. Apparently, there is a quick process for committing and covenanting although the consumation could be postponed for a while. The interesting thing to me was that the new SW coming in was immediately vested in the Family estate in an equal share. This is done apparently, to give a sense of security to the new wife and enable her to feel more secure in this big decision.
While I applaud this way of thinking, I couldn't help but notice as I continued through the blog that as the household grew with additional wives, at a point in their lives, some of the women left taking their portion with them. I noted that when times and finances were tight, the women stayed. When the accounts were flush, the least happy of the wives would make the decision to leave - - with the majority of said liquid assets. Obviously, this resulted in the family being placed back in tight financial status while one made out like a Queen!
Now, the point of this post is not to denigrate anyone. In fact, I think I'm a little in awe of how far their system has progressed and seems to try to be fair. However, I think their system is a bit skewed toward the leaving spouse. I know Biblically there was always a way for the covenanted wife or handmaiden to leave the house. I know that's the way God set it up and thats good. However, I also have seen that there were certain restrictions on the woman who left. She left without the kids, she must return to her fathers household, she may not remarry unless she has been given a writing of divorcement, and she may leave with all her possessions (or at the minimum what she entered the marriage with, her dowry) and it was typically an enormous shame and dishonor for the remainder of her life or at least until another man would take her under covenant.
I have also heard of stories where a woman leaves her home and familiar surroundings to join another home, and within 6 months or so given the left foot. While I realize there may be good reasons for this, I can't help but wonder, with all the single women out there who are looking, and all the couples out there who are wanting, I wonder if the issue of security for both parties were solved if that wouldn't connect people more quickly.
Anybody have any ideas on how to establish this aspect of covenant securely? Maybe a legal limited partnership? Maybe just a private covenant/contract spelling out the details and responsibilities for both parties including conditions for the dissolution of said partnership? Also, perhaps language protecting both parties from a no fault separation situation?
While I applaud this way of thinking, I couldn't help but notice as I continued through the blog that as the household grew with additional wives, at a point in their lives, some of the women left taking their portion with them. I noted that when times and finances were tight, the women stayed. When the accounts were flush, the least happy of the wives would make the decision to leave - - with the majority of said liquid assets. Obviously, this resulted in the family being placed back in tight financial status while one made out like a Queen!
Now, the point of this post is not to denigrate anyone. In fact, I think I'm a little in awe of how far their system has progressed and seems to try to be fair. However, I think their system is a bit skewed toward the leaving spouse. I know Biblically there was always a way for the covenanted wife or handmaiden to leave the house. I know that's the way God set it up and thats good. However, I also have seen that there were certain restrictions on the woman who left. She left without the kids, she must return to her fathers household, she may not remarry unless she has been given a writing of divorcement, and she may leave with all her possessions (or at the minimum what she entered the marriage with, her dowry) and it was typically an enormous shame and dishonor for the remainder of her life or at least until another man would take her under covenant.
I have also heard of stories where a woman leaves her home and familiar surroundings to join another home, and within 6 months or so given the left foot. While I realize there may be good reasons for this, I can't help but wonder, with all the single women out there who are looking, and all the couples out there who are wanting, I wonder if the issue of security for both parties were solved if that wouldn't connect people more quickly.
Anybody have any ideas on how to establish this aspect of covenant securely? Maybe a legal limited partnership? Maybe just a private covenant/contract spelling out the details and responsibilities for both parties including conditions for the dissolution of said partnership? Also, perhaps language protecting both parties from a no fault separation situation?