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Ridicule on forum


Seasoned Member
People, we have a problem on this forum.

Amount of ridicule and disrespect is way too much here.

I know this may sound strange coming from me, since I was once defending both as method of communication.

First, I don't mind applying both to our political enemies (Fauci etc..). Have you maybe noticed this is for people not on this forum?

Second, on this forum we should treat each other brotherly. I know I'm not exactly a example to follow. I can be very direct which easily comes as abrasive. And writing somebody's post is nonsense or stupid. But guys, I only use fine dosage.

How about stopping firehosing each other with uncivility? And yes, communication between @Mark C and @The Revolting Man is best negative example.
I have said - will say again: the solution is to hit "ignore" on their profile. People are welcome to do that with me if they choose.

But you can NOT do it to Zec; I would have. Problem solved. Oops - except when the Gestapo make the rules.
I see braggadocio as nonsense and silly, but I certainly agree with the rest of your points.
Thank you for writing it.
How about stopping firehosing each other with uncivility? And yes, communication between @Mark C and @The Revolting Man is best negative example.
Actually, Revolting "RULES" are the best example, written and enforced for one specific purpose, which exposes a level of hypocrisy that goes far beyond "sneering."

-Excessively sneering or vitriolic posts will be deleted. If you can’t say something nice then don’t say anything at all.
...unless you are a "Moderator."

Many here know that, but are cowed into submission because they don't dare speak up. And that is just plain...well, pick an adjective. Since the "Rules" primarily apply only to the Ghetto, and have to do with preventing discussion of Certain Aspects of the Bible...there are a set that come to mind.
People, we have a problem on this forum.

Amount of ridicule and disrespect is way too much here.

I know this may sound strange coming from me, since I was once defending both as method of communication.

First, I don't mind applying both to our political enemies (Fauci etc..). Have you maybe noticed this is for people not on this forum?

Second, on this forum we should treat each other brotherly. I know I'm not exactly a example to follow. I can be very direct which easily comes as abrasive. And writing somebody's post is nonsense or stupid. But guys, I only use fine dosage.

How about stopping firehosing each other with uncivility? And yes, communication between @Mark C and @The Revolting Man is best negative example.
I think we should treat even democrats like they were real people!!! (that - people, is a joke. I hope it is respected as such. But that is the thought that came to me as I was reading the above.)
If I had to pick my biblical family fantasy team , I would want both @The Revolting Man and @Mark C on it.
The problem would then be that they would spend most of the time looking for opportunities to have a go at each other.

It be like mom taking the twins shopping and every time they end up rolling in the isles fighting.
Meanwhile everyone trying to do shopping pretends not to see….. it’s hard not to.

I’d pay money for them to go somewhere and sort it out
But then
Not my monkey not my circus.
Actually, Revolting "RULES" are the best example, written and enforced for one specific purpose, which exposes a level of hypocrisy that goes far beyond "sneering."

...unless you are a "Moderator."

Many here know that, but are cowed into submission because they don't dare speak up. And that is just plain...well, pick an adjective. Since the "Rules" primarily apply only to the Ghetto, and have to do with preventing discussion of Certain Aspects of the Bible...there are a set that come to mind.
I totally understand you. I get you.

You can tone vitriol down. Then it's his issue.
Did you see the story where Zukerberg wrote a letter admitting that he and Two-Facedbook were coerced by the Deep State Regime into censoring the Laptop from Hell? And all kinds of information about the Zyklon-B and COVID plandemic?

They killed millions. And stole an election.

THAT is why the ghetto, censorship, and people that have the attitude that THEY KNOW BETTER THAN YOU what you are allowed to say, or see, or read,

BF should be able to do better than a regime which hates the Bill of Rights.
If I had to pick my biblical family fantasy team , I would want both @The Revolting Man and @Mark C on it.
Thanks, but you miss the point. You don't get to pick the team.

The problem would then be that they would spend most of the time looking for opportunities to have a go at each other.
No, given the choice I'd simply ignore him. And he could go at himself. And we'd all be better off without the censorship, or the hypocrisy.
Did you see the story where Zukerberg wrote a letter admitting that he and Two-Facedbook were coerced by the Deep State Regime into censoring the Laptop from Hell? And all kinds of information about the Zyklon-B and COVID plandemic?

They killed millions. And stole an election.

THAT is why the ghetto, censorship, and people that have the attitude that THEY KNOW BETTER THAN YOU what you are allowed to say, or see, or read,

BF should be able to do better than a regime which hates the Bill of Rights.
He blamed the Biden people for "making him do it". But what about everything up to that point - before Biden was "president"? Zuckerberg's people were falsely editing anything said by the good people throughout the entire span of years before that. Getting really bad and staying that way 4 years before Biden. Let's see, can't remember who might have been president then. To be properly repentant, Zuckerberg needed to confess his sins from back preceding Biden Administration (which is no administration at all - but a dangerous comedy of errors.)
I'm not excusing the Zuck-traitor. He was, and remains, scum. But what he did was admit that they stole an election, killed millions with an EUA that was the result of deadly lies about safe alternatives (HCQ, invermectin) and commited outright treason.

I do not expect it, of course. But there should be trials, en masse.
I sure hope one day I am able to become a Real Person. Every time I see where someone I am talking to is a Real Person i feel around my body to assure myself that I am real. Now, I can tell you I am, because what I feel is skin and bones and mustache and short beard and shaved head and/oh the clothing I am wearing. One day perhaps I will attain Real Personage.
I sure hope one day I am able to become a Real Person. Every time I see where someone I am talking to is a Real Person i feel around my body to assure myself that I am real. Now, I can tell you I am, because what I feel is skin and bones and mustache and short beard and shaved head and/oh the clothing I am wearing. One day perhaps I will attain Real Personage.
That’s pretty much what I would expect an AI bot to say…..

I sure hope one day I am able to become a Real Person. Every time I see where someone I am talking to is a Real Person i feel around my body to assure myself that I am real. Now, I can tell you I am, because what I feel is skin and bones and mustache and short beard and shaved head and/oh the clothing I am wearing. One day perhaps I will attain Real Personage.
There's a retreat happening right now, still time for you to gatecrash it and show that you're real, if you hurry... :)
You all have freedom to speak. Get your soapbox and go out onto the street, shout your message, and gather your followers. But this is Biblical Families, a biblical ministry with the objective of encouraging and helping people to have biblical families.

The personal attacks and childish bickering between some who post on this ministry site are anything but biblically encouraging and helpful. So go somewhere else!
You all have freedom to speak.
Would that that were true. It certainly SHOULD be. Especially:

But this is Biblical Families, a biblical ministry with the objective of encouraging and helping people to have biblical families.

But even in the Special Ghetto, set up to allow that SOMETIMES, it's not exactly true.

And THAT is reprehensible.

We should be able to ask questions, answer questions, cite Scripture - EVEN WHEN some don't like it! - and let "iron sharpen iron." Which might even mean disagreement. But some here just MIGHT be able to handle MEAT.

Wouldn't it be nice if that were actually allowed?

All I am trying to do is hold Biblical Families to His Word! Without being told what either He, or WE, are allowed to say about it.
There's a retreat happening right now, still time for you to gatecrash it and show that you're real, if you hurry... :)
There's a retreat happening right now, still time for you to gatecrash it and show that you're real, if you hurry... :)
Thank you. I had not known about the part where you need to personally meet a person to know he/she is real until just the last day or so. I never did see exactly where the retreat was, but being in Missouri, could not have been far from me. But now realizing it, it is too late for me to do anything about it. I guess I will just have to spend my life being a non-entity. But thank you anyway.