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Remembering the death and resurrection of our Lord


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Real Person
The most important event on the Christian calendar is the death and resurrection of our Lord.

Various different calendars are used to calculate the correct date - some follow the Catholic dating, some the Jewish, some the Orthodox, and others follow less well established versions of the calendar. This year the first one to occur is the Catholic calculation, which places the death and resurrection this weekend.

Some refer to this event as "Easter", others as "Passover", others as "Pascha". The details of how it is commemorated vary enormously between denominations, and between people on this forum - the variations being so wide that many people believe others are very wrong - heretical or even sinful.

But the fact remains that despite this diversity in terminology and practice, we all do whatever we do in order to remember the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ / Yeshua Hamashiach.

This year, I wish us all to respect everyone else's practices, and refrain from arguing. Let us come together as followers of Jesus / Yeshua, to remember His sacrifice for our sins.

To maintain the focus on the core of the matter, and not on peripheral practices, and to ensure that everyone feels welcome especially during the time they personally honour as sacred:
  • During Easter (Catholic dating 29-31 March), no criticism of Easter will be tolerated. All posts from now until the end of Easter Sunday, that criticise Easter, anywhere on the forum, will be deleted without warning.
  • During Passover and the feast of unleavened bread (Jewish dating 22-29 April), no criticism of Passover will be tolerated. All posts during that period that criticise this celebration, anywhere on the forum, will be deleted without warning.
  • Betweentimes and immediately afterwards we will be less rigorous about this but will still aim to ensure discussion is polite and does not risk turning poeple away from the forum. Remember too that the above dates are not the only dates our Lord's death and resurrection is commemorated on, just the most common ones. For example, Orthodox Pascha is May 3-5, and there are many alternative understandings of the Biblical / Hebrew calendar followed by Hebrew Roots believers.
Let us focus on remembering our Lord, each in our own way - and not on persuading each other to remember Him in the way we do.
Praise God it all actually happened!

It's the most shocking and most wonderful News that could ever be!

The Lamb of God took the righteous wrath of God that I really do deserve.

Christ was pierced for our transgressions. He was crushed for our iniquity. My transgressions are great, and my iniquity runs deep, but Christ took them.

He Himself has become the propitiation for our sins! The wrath of God has passed us over, and the Son has borne it in our place. He has paid our debt, the debt we could not pay. On that Cross our Savior completely drained the full cup of the infinite wrath of The Almighty.

Three days later, He rose again from the dead! Death is defeated. The grave could not keep Him. Christ's sacrifice was accepted. Our King has triumphed! He is the Resurrection and the Eternal Life! The One who raised Christ will also raise all those who belong to Him!

We who hope in Him really are saved! He has done it! Every curse has been removed! Every blessing is ours in Christ!
We have been adopted! We are loved by, and now reconciled with our Father in Heaven!

Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Praise and glory to God in the highest!
We have just returned home from a series of fantastic Resurrection Sunday celebrations at various locations, run by the local Baptist church but including people from three local congregations from two denominations, which we were privileged to be invited to be a part of in various roles. It was a very blessed time not only of remembering our Lord, but also of fellowship with the other believers in our area - and one which we would not have given ourselves any opportunity to be a part of if we were too dogmatic about the "right" way to commemorate it.

Now we're looking forward to our family Passover meal, and the feast of unleavened bread, which is the traditional way that we personally commemorate the death and resurrection as a family.

There is great value in both joining with others in the wider body of Christ, and doing things privately in the way you personally believe is most technically correct.

He is risen! Hallelujah!
We have just returned home from a series of fantastic Resurrection Sunday celebrations at various locations, run by the local Baptist church but including people from three local congregations from two denominations, which we were privileged to be invited to be a part of in various roles. It was a very blessed time not only of remembering our Lord, but also of fellowship with the other believers in our area - and one which we would not have given ourselves any opportunity to be a part of if we were too dogmatic about the "right" way to commemorate it.

Now we're looking forward to our family Passover meal, and the feast of unleavened bread, which is the traditional way that we personally commemorate the death and resurrection as a family.

There is great value in both joining with others in the wider body of Christ, and doing things privately in the way you personally believe is most technically correct.

He is risen! Hallelujah!
He is risen! Thank you for sharing this morning! Sounds like a wonderful day of celebration for Him.