I ran across a short book earlier on Biblical Gender Roles called 'Rebellious Wives and Slacker Husbands' by Dr. John R. Rice. I cannot speak for the original book, as this is a somewhat abridged reprint, but I felt like this was a good primer regarding man's headship over the home and the roles of men and women as defined in the Bible. The book addresses such topics as man as the head of the home, man's responsibility to God in this, even for his family's salvation, man's responsibility to call out the sins of those under his headship, wives responsibility to be obedient, that men should lead their homes like Christ leads the church, and a bit more.
I felt the book approached this from a well-balanced point of view, demonstrating that there is more to it than wives are to listen to their husbands because he is the head of the home, but also that husbands are to be Christ-like leaders.
I don't think there is much, if anything, new to the discussions we have here, but I did like the presentation of it in one single package.
I felt the book approached this from a well-balanced point of view, demonstrating that there is more to it than wives are to listen to their husbands because he is the head of the home, but also that husbands are to be Christ-like leaders.
I don't think there is much, if anything, new to the discussions we have here, but I did like the presentation of it in one single package.