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Profane Relationships

Moses (in Exodus 22:16) said:
And if a man entice a maid that is not betrothed
"Maid" here means virgin, right? (Yep — see next verse.)

In which case it's not talking about prostitutes.

My paraphrasing of it: "Hey, guy, this girl hadn't been claimed by another fellow, but that doesn't mean she was free for you to use without obligation. You're going to pay, and maybe you don't even get to keep her."
I think what becomes undeniable the more you look into it though is that there is no such thing as "casual sex". A powerful bond is formed every time we lie with a new person.

The wonderful thing is that if we've screwed it up in the past as I have done, we can get redemption. There is mo need to wallow or beat ourselves up if we repent and move forward in knowledge and righteousness.

Anyway, I have been preachy enough. I love this forum and am constantly humbled by the scholarship and integrity that is displayed here.
That's just it ZecAustin, to repent means to turn away from the sin you are in, not just feel bad about what you did in the past and shrug your shoulders and continue to wallow in your vomit and filth, right? If I believe worshipping idols is a sin, and I repent of worship of all idols except one, and continue to worship that one idol, am I forgiven? Am I cleansed from sin? Do I claim the blood of Yahusha has cleansed me and keep sinning so that His grace may abound?
When George Washington was a young man he wrote a book of prayers. I don't remember much about it except that one of them asks God to forgive him for his sins and then asked Him to forgive him for his repentance because even that was beyond our ability to do without sinning.

It had a profound impact on me because it highlighted three things all at once; first the true humility of a great man, the utter hopelessness of achieving righteousness on our own if even our repentance was sinful and the extravagant grace God extends to us through Christ Jesus.

Now obviously George Washington isn't scripture and I'm not saying that there isn't a need to repent earnestly with a determination to sin no more. But there is redemption and if we've fallen down in any area we can get back up. So no, you shouldn't sin so that grace may abound. But you have sinned and you will sin again so you can't let it define you.

In my youth I was very honored to be a Marine. When we were at our base and not in the field training there was a great emphasis placed on showing honor to the Corps by the respect with which we wore the uniform. Our hair was always freshly cut. Our uniforms were clean, pressed, and in good repair. Usually they were starched with in an inch of their lives. Frequently we would wear elastic straps underneath our pants to keep our shirts tucked tight and our socks up. Our ribbons and medals were meticulously arranged with the help of a seamstress's caliper, leveled and within a certain fraction of an inch above the pocket. If anything had a hint of dirt or wear it was immediately replaced. Every article of the uniform was gone over minutely to make sure that there were no threads hanging loose. Even the buttons had to be turned a certain way so that the emblem embossed on them was facing up and level with the ground. Our belt buckles were aligned just so with the flap on our trousers and the loose end of the belt had to fall so that the brass tab poked just passed the first belt loop but didn't expose any belt, and yes that brass tab had better be polished. And that went doubly for your footwear.

When we were deployed though there was a palpable difference. Suddenly there was no call to iron your uniform. Medals and embossed buttons might not even be packed. Boots were polished just enough to keep them in good repair and nothing shiny was allowed anywhere near a tactical situation. Its not that we respected the Corps any less or that we were letting our hair down while we were away from all the upper brass (in fact haircuts were the one standard that were never relaxed unless you were actually in the field away from electricity), its just that when you were on a mission or in the field there was an understanding that things that didn't directly relate to combat or tactical skills were pushed to the side.

I realize that I am torturing this metaphor but I'm getting old and I really like to relive those glory days. My point is this. If you're looking to be perfect or sinless then you're not in the fight. And even then you're not going to achieve perfection. Of course we're called to strive for it but also acknowledge that we can't attain it. If someone has sinned in the area of sex they are not unique. If you're in the trenches, and everyone involved in this website is in serious trench warfare, fighting tooth and nail to reclaim precious ground that should have never been lost, then you're going to get dirty. You're going to have some wounds. Don't be too hard on yourself. Keep fighting. That's all that matters. Be humble and keep fighting.
For if thou altogether holdest thy peace at this time, then shall there enlargement and deliverance arise to the Jews from another place; but thou and thy father's house shall be destroyed: and who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?
ZecAustin said:
I think what becomes undeniable the more you look into it though is that there is no such thing as "casual sex". A powerful bond is formed every time we lie with a new person.

The wonderful thing is that if we've screwed it up in the past as I have done, we can get redemption. There is mo need to wallow or beat ourselves up if we repent and move forward in knowledge and righteousness.

Anyway, I have been preachy enough. I love this forum and am constantly humbled by the scholarship and integrity that is displayed here.
I understand there is no such thing as casual sex .I had just borrowed that phrase from the secular world. :evil:

Thanks for clarification. :)
ZecAustin, I appreciate your passion for this, and we are in full agreement about what is right to do.

I am splitting hairs about whether something is wrong because it is "sin", or wrong because although it's not technically sin it's still a stupid thing to do. Like pouring petrol on your shoes and lighting it on fire. It's not a sin. But don't do it... There is certainly a risk that someone might read this and think that it is a good idea to do something stupid because someone said it wasn't technically sinful. I'm trying to qualify what I say very carefully to avoid that, but if someone wants to do something stupid they'll find a justification somewhere for it, I can't entirely prevent that.

The reason I draw this line is so that when people look back on their past, full of the many stupid things they have done, they don't see an entire sea of sin that is too overwhelming to deal with so they don't even look for Biblical advice on it. Rather, I would like to encourage people to examine their past more carefully from the Bible, to find out exactly what out of all that was actually sinful. This narrows down the list and clarifies things. Then they can work out whether the Bible has anything to say about what they should do about these specific things.

For instance, if someone's slept with a pile of women in the past, that was certainly wrong, never recommend anyone doing that. But if they look at it with a more discerning viewpoint, they may think:
"10 were non-virgin promiscuous women I have no more obligation to than any other man they slept with. It was wrong to sleep with them but I can't change that."
"5 were prostitutes, I have no further obligation to them either. It was wrong to sleep with them but I can't change that."
"1 was a virgin. It was wrong to ABANDON her, but I CAN change that. I think she's still single. Do I have obligations to her that I should be fulfilling, as part of repenting from this sin?"
Suddenly a past that looked a completely irredeemable mess is now clarified, and a path to move forward on has become clear, guided by scripture.

I hope this clarifies where I'm coming from a bit better.
Certainly and I understand and even mostly agree with you. When I talk about that idea I use meth as the example. I can think of a half dozen reasons why its bad, immoral and violates a plethora of verses, but it is never forbidden. I think our only disagreement was on whether or not a commitment was needed to make a marriage of simply sex. Some questionable conclusions could have been drawn from some of the conversation that sex without commitment was not something to worry about. I know that was never your intention and I agree a hundred percent that we have to frame these moral questions solely with scripture because if we're just going to make it up then we should make up something fun like the Raelians did. Let's face it, Christianity is a lot of work and self sacrifice on the front end.
Ok, after several days of fasting and prayer and agreement to abstain from marital relations until we received more clarification on this matter, it is with much relief that I can now very strongly stand much more confidently on the rock our my Messiah Yahusha HaMashiach and say, Sex before marriage is fornication, and not marriage. It IS a sin, and is called porneia in the Greek. We read in 1 Corinthians 6 a statement that seems on the surface to say that sex with a prostitute makes a man married to her. However, one can't marry another man's wife. A prostitute is one who has MANY lovers, and not a virgin. So if the first man to lie with her is married to her, any man who has sex with her after that is committing adultery with her, not marrying her. The law does not allow a woman to have many heads, many husbands. One cannot serve two masters. The fact is, scripture states that every matter must be established with at least 2 or 3 witnesses. We cannot take ONE verse and nail that as law (1 Corinthians 6:16), lest we twist or misinterpret the scriptures. Many take Isaac's taking Rebecca into his mother's tent and lying with her and her becoming his wife to understand no covenant was made, therefore, sex equals marriage. Not so, as the father had his servant choose a wife who was chosen by YHUH for the union, then the servant made the agreement with the bride's family, had a covenant meal with them on behalf of the father, paid the bride price, made sure the bride was willing, and then took the bride to her husband, who was veiled for marriage (Gen 24:65-notice she veiled herself for her husband, and not Eliezer, the man she was travelling with) even as is custom today, for a marriage ceremony. Just because they don't mention the ceremony or exchange of vows, doesn't mean it didn't happen. Scripture does not give us every single detail of everyone's life. Just because it doesn't say Sarah brushed her hair doesn't mean Sarah didn't brush her hair. Does that mean a ceremony is required for marriage? I don't think so, though we do see weddings spoken of in scripture complete with guests. Yahusha changed the water to wine at a wedding celebration. As Following Him stated, marriage is vows consummated by sex. However, Samuel, I hope the following verses clears up for you and others about whether sex with someone you are not married to is fornication, sexual immorality, profanity, and sin. Thankfully, if we keep reading into Chapter 7 of 1 Corinthians, we see this in the first 2 verses:

"Now concerning the things whereof ye wrote unto me: It is good for a man not to touch a woman. Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband."
Also keep reading to verse 9,
"But if they cannot contain, let them marry: for it is better to marry than to burn."

Two verses, two witnesses, CLEARLY saying that touching a woman one is not married to IS FORNICATION and leads to "burning". Burning is not usually a good thing in this context and usually alludes to some sort of punishment from lustful, sexual sin. The context of the mentioned chapters, 6 and 7, are saying that if you marry them, you are not in sin, if don't marry them, you are in sin. Even if you lie with a widow, a non-virgin, and don't marry her, you are in sin, as it does not specify this only applies to virgins, as it says it is good to not touch a woman, and the way to avoid fornication is to marry her, whether a virgin or not. Obviously, if you lie with a prostitute or harlot or immoral woman who already has a husband, you are not married to her, because if you were, it would be okay for you to lie with her, because she is your wife. WE KNOW THIS IS NOT THE CASE. SO 1 Corinthians 6:16 is one of those verses we have to understand is giving a spiritual analogy, not literal, physical union and marriage, just a spiritual analogy. It is only one scripture and has no other witness anywhere in scripture saying that one is married if they have sex, whether it's with a virgin or not. You CANNOT marry someone else's wife, the law does not allow it. It is adultery, not marriage. Hope this is clear now, it is for us, and if it's not clear, I recommend fasting, praying, abstaining, and wrestling with YHUH until you get clarification on this, because we do not want to be guilty of causing our brother to sin, leading them astray, offending a little one:

But I have this against you, that you tolerate the woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess, and she teaches and leads My bond-servants astray so that they commit acts of immorality and eat things sacrificed to idols. 'I gave her time to repent, and she does not want to repent of her immorality.…Revelation 2:20-21
That was a lot of words again but there are only two you need to focus on, porneia and fornication. I believe that you will find neither of those words defined in scripture as sex before marriage but rather as forbidden sex acts. The only lists of forbidden sex acts you will find is in the Old Testament law with the exception of Paul's admonition against male homosexuality.

You are completely right that a woman can't have two husbands and that a married woman having sex outside of her marriage is committing adultery. This situation is untenable and is precisely why God proscribed death for it. It is a rending of the first marriage and the establishment of a twisted caricature of a second one.

I won't keep beating this drum any longer. I will admit that there comes a point when the sex probably no longer constitutes a marital bond, the woman at the well would suggest that. I maintain though that in normal circumstances that if you lay with a woman you are committing to be her husband.
ZecAustin, you said:
"That was a lot of words again but there are only two you need to focus on, porneia and fornication. I believe that you will find neither of those words defined in scripture as sex before marriage but rather as forbidden sex acts. The only lists of forbidden sex acts you will find is in the Old Testament law with the exception of Paul's admonition against male homosexuality."

Those two words ARE what I was focusing on. The scripture I quoted uses the word fornication, when speaking of sex without marriage, and that word, fornication, in the Greek, is porneia. Just because you won't find sex outside of marriage listed along with other forms of fornication in Leviticus 18, that doesn't mean it isn't. Might I point out that Leviticus 18 also doesn't state that two women having sex is fornication, either, but that doesn't mean it isn't so. It doesn't say a woman can't lie with her sister or her mother or her daughter, but that doesn't mean that it isn't so. It doesn't say that masturbation is fornication, but that doesn't mean it isn't so. It doesn't say it is fornication to think upon a woman with lust in your eye, but that doesn't mean it isn't so.

You seem to have ignored the verses I mentioned in 1 Corinthians 7, or would you argue that Paul is not in line with the law of Moses here and is therefore a false prophet? I hope not.

Nevertheless, to avoid porneia, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband. 1 Corinthians 7:2

But if they cannot contain, let them marry: for it is better to marry than to burn. 1 Corinthians 7:9

Why would Paul advise people to marry, lest they burn or commit porneia/fornication, if they could just have sex and then they would be married? If sex meant they were committed, there would be no danger of porneia or sin, no need to urge them to marry. I assure you my ex beau had no intention of marriage. That was about 15 years ago and he is still not married and is still living with his parents, and I was not the first he deceived and I was not the last. His words, "We will probably get married eventually anyway", were not vows of a commitment. Probably is not a promise. But I was hopeful he that if I made him happy, he would want to marry me. He led me on to believe that he might want to settle down one day, but he never promised me anything. Sounds a bit like this,

And if a man entice a maid that is not betrothed, and lie with her, he shall surely endow her to be his wife. Exodus 22:16

That word entice, is the Hebrew word, pathah, which is also translated as seduce, persuade, deceive, flatter, allure. To deceive or seduce never implies honesty, integrity, or commitment. This is just like satan tempting Eve here. The man is to pay the bride price, whether the Father gives her to be the man's wife or not. The reason is because the bride price for a virgin is more than the price of a non-virgin. The guy took her virginity, he needs to pay that, because the father cannot get that price for her now. He is to accept her as his wife, because the father may not find a husband for her willing to take a non-virgin. If the man who took her virginity will not obey the commandment to take her as a wife or pay the bride price, it doesn't state that she cannot be given to someone else who is willing to pay a bride price and take a non-virgin. The man did not value her, he did not pay for her, he did not accept her, but someone else did. You said that sex means commitment, but it is now obvious to me that if a man has sex before marriage, meaning he is not willing to make her any promises or commitments, he wants the milk for free and doesn't care to buy the cow, he's not a moral man. He is sexually immoral, does not fear YHUH, and is not likely to obey the command to pay the bride price and take her as a wife, in YHUH. A moral man who fears YaH, who respects her, her father, and his own parents, can and will wait until vows are made.
ZecAustin, you can keep commenting on people's lengthy posts, but keep in mind that Yahusha, Moses, and Paul were all very wordy individuals, but it's worth the read, lol. Please read this post and my last post, as after I posted the last one I realized that I failed to repost the entirety of a certain verse, which brings more clarity to what is being discussed. You said that fornication is a man lying with a man, not sex with a woman outside of marriage, okay, not those exact words, but pretty much what you have been saying, right? But notice here, Paul says that it is good for a man to not touch a woman, not that it is good for a man to not touch a man:

Now concerning the things whereof ye wrote unto me: It is good for a man not to touch a woman. 1 Corinthians 7:1

Why is it good for a man NOT to touch a woman? Going on to the next verse for the explanation:

Nevertheless, to avoid porneia, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband. 1 Corinthians 7:2

I.illicit sexual intercourse
A.adultery, fornication, homosexuality, lesbianism, intercourse with animals etc.
B.sexual intercourse with close relatives; Lev. 18
C.sexual intercourse with a divorced man or woman; Mk. 10:11,12
II.metaph. the worship of idols
A.of the defilement of idolatry, as incurred by eating the sacrifices offered to idols

But if they cannot contain, let them marry: for it is better to marry than to burn. 1 Corinthians 7:9

The context of Chapters 6 and 7 are discussing marriage and sex, and saying that being single is good because you can devote yourself more fully to YHUH, but also explaining that if one has sexual desires for the opposite sex, that it is better to marry than to burn/sin. It is not a sin if you marry, according to these chapters, but it is a sin if you lie with the opposite sex when you are not married. Homosexuality is not the focus of the discussion here, marriage and sex with the opposite gender IS. It states that marriage causes one to avoid porneia. Saying that Paul must be ignored here or that he is adding to the law because Lev 18 doesn't specifically state that sex does not equal marriage is like saying that Yahusha added to the law when He stated that looking upon a woman with lust in your eye is adultery just because Moses didn't mention it in Lev 18. Are you suggesting that what Yahusha and Paul are saying is not true? Also, Leviticus 18 does not specifically state that lying with your neighbor's wife is adultery, a specific type of fornication having to do with breaking one's marriage vows. It just states not to defile yourself with her. Just because Lev 18 does not call it out for what it is, does that mean that lying with your neighbor's wife is not adultery? No, as we read about it in other parts of scripture. Scripture states that there are some things that are hidden that have to be revealed to people. Yahusha's statement that lusting upon a woman is adultery could fall into that category, but to some that might be obvious, maybe this is something they read between the lines in what Moses said. I see VERBAL vows equaling a covenant for marriage, and sex consummating those marriage vows throughout the Bible. You are trying to leave the verbal vows out of it, down playing their importance, even making them not necessary, when the Bible doesn't. Throughout the Bible, they are necessary to understand what is being agreed upon exactly and so that people can be held accountable for breaking that covenant.
Alright Enlargeourtents, I'm going to be a little harsh here so put on your big girl pants. First off, God always clearly defines His laws. He is a righteous judge and He will not hold us to an unclear standard.

You misread several of my statements and made some egregious assumptions about some others. I did not say that Paul was defining porneia as only male homosexuality. That is absurd. I was saying that by using the word porneia Paul was referencing back to the Old Testament laws for sex. Paul felt no need to redefine or relist them because they old ones were still in effect.

I don't know why you think I Corinthians chapter 7 can only refer to sex before marriage as the definition you listed for porneia gives an entire litany of sins that fall underneath the term. It would make much more sense to say that Paul was referring to marriage as an antidote for all of the sexual sins, hence the use of the word porneia. Otherwise you have to throw out its meaning as used all the other times in scripture and accept your new definition of only sex before marriage. The problem is that you need this verse to prove there is sex before marriage. So you get a little circular in your reasoning.

You provide the most damning evidence against your position with Exodus reference. Therein you have a dishonorable man seducing a maid and with no vow or commitment making her his wife. Certainly her father can nullify it but as far as the man and the woman are concerned their consent was given when they laid together. You have to throw out a lot of scripture and ignore a lot more to get where you want to go.

Now here comes the harshness. Reading into your posts it sounds like you are trying to justify your decision to leave a man you previously considered your husband. For your own justification you need your relationship with him to have not been marriage.

You implied that I needed to fast and pray to make sure I wasn't leading my brothers astray. Well look at how your posts appear from the outside. You want to make up a ceremony and a vow that appears no where in scripture and give it the weight of the Word of God. But scripture tells us there is only one Lawgiver and one Judge and He didn't anywhere define sex as being able to be before marriage. You bring up a lot of other supposed sins that aren't defined in scripture as proof that you can make up sins on your own but I submit that if God didn't define them as sin then they are not sin. God curses those who add to or take away from His Word. We don't get to add to scripture which is what a "marriage ceremony" and a vow would be, because they are not in there.

Here is what is in there, it is a shame for a woman to teach a man, which is what you have been trying to do here. Your approach to this whole issue is an excellent example of why He made that rule. You have contradicted yourself, you have twisted words to achieve a desired result and you have put forth false teachings.

I will not respond to you again. If you have more to say on this subject to me then have your husband broach it.
ZecAustin, you said to me in your last post, "I will not respond to you again."

You have bound yourself by your own word, and according to scripture, you must do what you said. I, however, am free to address you as I please, whether or not you keep your word to not respond. I do not have to obey you, as you are not my head. My husband has no desire to address you, and I don't blame him.

It sounded like in your last post that you believe I was saying that 1 Corinthians 7 is saying that porneia can only refer to sex before marriage. However, I never said that. Since I came to the understanding of PM, for over a year now, I have understood that porneia includes all sexual sin outside of lawful marriage. That's why I posted the Strong's definition of porneia which defines porneia as including homosexuality, lesbianism, sex with animals, etc...I understand porneia to include these things as well as sex before marriage, as well as adultery, all sexual sin outside of lawful marriage. Sometimes porneia is used to describe adultery as one of many sexual sins, sometimes it is called out in the Greek specifically with the word, moicheuo, which not used loosely to define other types of fornication. Let me state it again, eventhough porneia CAN mean ANY of these things, the context of 1 Corinthians 6 and 7 is are discussing marriage and sex, and saying that being single is good because you can devote yourself more fully to YHUH, but also explaining that if one has sexual desires for the opposite sex, that it is better to marry than to burn/sin. It is not a sin if you marry, according to these chapters, but it is a sin if you lie with the opposite sex when you are not married. Homosexuality is not the focus of the discussion here, marriage and sex with the opposite gender IS. It states that marriage causes one to avoid porneia:

Now concerning the things whereof ye wrote unto me: It is good for a man not to touch a woman. 1 Corinthians 7:1
Nevertheless, to avoid porneia, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband. 1 Corinthians 7:2
But if they cannot contain, let them marry: for it is better to marry than to burn. 1 Corinthians 7:9

So Paul is stating that it is good for a man to not touch a WOMAN unless he is married to her. Of course sex with a man is also porneia, but sex between two men is not what Paul is discussing in Chapters 6 and 7. If sex made a man and a woman married, why would he need to tell them to marry and why would he say it's not good if they are already married when they have sex? Why would they be in danger of burning or guilty of porneia if sex made them married?

Scripture does not state that it is a shame for a woman to teach a man. If you think it is a shame, that is your opinion, which means nothing to me. There is no chapter and verse stating such a thing. You may be twisting some of Paul's words to say that, such as when Paul says that he doesn't allow a woman to teach or have authority over men, and I do not claim to hold an office of teacher nor do I claim to have authority over you, nor do I exercise authority over you. Or maybe you are referring to Paul stating that women should remain quiet in the assembly, but we are not in an assembly. If so, my husband and I weren't informed, and this assembly is not set up in the required biblical structure. Even if this were an assembly, which it's not, according to scripture, I am free and even commanded to share scripture with others. Women are free to quote scriptures. Women can be prophets and judges. Deborah, Miriam, Mary, Elizabeth, Hannah, Anna, and many more, all of these women have prophesies recorded in the scriptures, and their words are to be taught to all of Israel, men or women, as all scripture, even the words of women recorded there, are useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness. I find it interesting that if a woman agrees with a man and sings his praises then she is treated respectfully and often encouraged to speak, but if she uses the word of YHUH to correct him or defend herself when she is falsely accused by him, all of a sudden she's told to shut up. Scripture does state that Israel is rebellious and often tells the prophets to shut up. Even you stated just yesterday in your post about headcoverings: "I wish she would post on this thread. Anyone fortunate to hear her opinion is very lucky. She doesn't speak often but when she does it's always worth hearing. Hint hint, long dramatic pause leaving room for someone to chime in." Here, you are saying that ANYONE, which implies even men, fortunate enough to hear her, a woman's opinion, is very lucky. You say she is ALWAYS worth hearing. You state this in a thread in which women are discussing scriptures regarding headcoverings. You seem to take no issue with the fact that women are discussing scripture, and you engage in the conversation and seem to welcome their comments, opinions, and the scriptural reasons they give for wearing a headcovering. You are very inconsistent and you seem to be one of those men who just like to twist the scriptures to oppress women who speak truth to you when you don't want to hear it. This thread we are in now, is not in a men only forum. I am free to post here and discuss scripture with other women and men alike.

I won't be bullied by you and I am not afraid of you. I've had my big girl pants on since we opened an account on this website, but you are the one acting like a little girl when you refuse to respond and hide behind my husband. There is no need for you to be hiding behind my husband, because I was not attacking you. I was simply using the sword/word against my attacker-you, who were falsely accusing me, and others, of adultery, simply because we had sex with someone else before marriage, which my husband and I both repented of before we entered a romantic relationship. You claimed I am looking to justify leaving the man I once considered to be my husband. I never left ANY man. I never LIVED with any man other than the one I am living with now, my husband. How can I leave a man I was never living with? I never considered any man to be my husband other than the one I am married to and living with now. I have never been married to any other man. It would never have dawned on me back then to consider the man who took my virginity to be my husband, as I had never heard of such a twisting of scripture until recently. I have always understood marriage to be binding because of one's vows. He never made vows to me, and I never made vows to him. I briefly, for a few days, considered the possibility that maybe what you were saying was true, but after fasting, prayer, and abstaining with my husband, we were led to more scriptures and understanding that vows ARE required for marriage and that sex does not make two people married.

In fact, YHUH revealed to me yesterday but another reason why sex can't make people married. If sex did make people married, then they would not have at least 2 witnesses, as scripture requires, that testify that the two are married, therefore no judgement could be made against Suzie if Suzie commits adultery, and no judgement could be brought against the man who slept with her because there are not at least 2 witnesses that can testify she was married to John. It's his word against hers. Suzie could have sex with John, then she could sleep with Matt, pulling a Bill Clinton, and claiming, "I did NOT have sex with that man!" (speaking of the first guy, John), and nobody could provide proof that John was telling the truth, that they had sex and that she was his wife.

Thankfully YHUH is smarter than man, and created the institution of marriage in a way that we can have witnesses testifying of our union by witnessing the exchange of our marriage vows. Scripture states that every matter, which would include marriage, MUST be established by the testimony of at least 2 or 3 witnesses. If a man and woman sleep together, it's not an established marriage according to scripture, because it has no witnesses. His word against hers, and that's not justice.

"If a damsel that is a virgin be betrothed unto an husband, and a man find her in the city, and lie with her; Then ye shall bring them both out unto the gate of that city, and ye shall stone them with stones that they die; the damsel, because she cried not, being in the city; and the man, because he hath humbled his neighbour's wife: so thou shalt put away evil from among you." Deut 22:23-24

Here we read in the scriptures that the woman was betrothed/engaged unto an HUSBAND, and a VIRGIN! The scripture goes on to call her his WIFE, and they are to be stoned because she did not cry out. He is to be stoned because he humbled his neighbor's WIFE, ie, they committed adultery. She was still a virgin, and had not consummated the marriage with sex, but the scripture treats this as adultery, and calls her her HUSBAND's wife. If she was a virgin, and they were betrothed/engaged/married, then what made her his wife, and what made him her husband, if they had not had sex yet? THEIR VOWS! You are trying to do away with the vows, but if it wasn't for the verbal agreement of marriage, there would be no betrothal here, and these two would not be stoned for adultery.

ZecAustin, you may be too proud to ever read this post see how it comes from a woman, however, this post isn't just for you, it's also for all those who are truly seeking this matter out, those who care what the Most High has to say about sex and marriage, and those who are not eager to falsely accuse and cast a stone at those not guilty of a sin according to Torah. I trust YHUH to be the true judge between you and I, and I trust those reading these posts to hear the whole matter and judge for themselves, whether they are men or women.
Okay folks, this appears to be between the two of you, so please take it to a PM.
Guys you're bordering on requiring moderator intervention here. Making posts that basically amount to "ha ha, now you can't talk" and even the "I'm done responding" but still talking are too juvenile for promoting discussion.
Funny how a lot of people say they became one flesh. ( meaning they had sex) that is not the way I have believed, they were joined and the two became one? Or they joined and had a child that is part of each of them, making the child one flesh with some from each parent. Because doesn't it say that we are to go forth and multiply ? So at least in my mind man and woman marry they are joined, now he can take her into his bed and she will give h a child that is part hers and part his . This is what would happen normally the didnt us birth control.
I would just point out that "It is good for a man not to touch a woman" just means it is good for a man to be single. It doesn't say anything about sex, marriage, what is fornication, or anything - just that it's good to be single. Which is good to know, but off-topic. A lot of the remaining argument above fundamentally also came back to reading a preconceived viewpoint into the scripture rather than reading the plain words.

When we believe something to be true and have done our entire lives we naturally read it into the scriptures whenever we read them, we never even consider that it mightn't be stated. If challenged we get defensive - and we get defensive purely because the scripture does NOT clearly state what we believe and this makes us uncomfortable, we are still convinced it means what we think it means so end up arguing even harder.

But we need to be willing to accept that sometimes our fundamental beliefs need to be challenged, and they can be wrong, however firmly we hold them.

And this is ok. It does NOT mean someone is attacking us. It does not mean someone is promoting heresy, or sin. It just means they have a different view. And when we can discuss such issues calmly and lovingly, concisely, listening to each other, then we can learn from each other. We don't have to agree if we can disagree calmly.

This is a great place to have calm disagreements.
I was sent this video by a friend. Because of this study into the Greek and Hebrew, We no longer consider it a sin for a woman to remarry if given a certificate of divorce by the 1st husband, if certain conditions are met (fornication), since he has made her vows to him void. Numbers 30:13. I obviously do not agree with Matthew Nolan on his views of plural marriage being fornication, but his study on divorce and remarriage is worth hearing, whether you believe in Torah, New Testament, or both, as I. Http://youtu.be/HobolExClil