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Prayer request Prayer for My Dad who has ALS


Good evening, brothers and sisters. I’m going to post this on a few platforms, after bringing it up at the retreat recently.

I would like prayer for my father, who has been battling ALS for multiple years now. After meeting someone at the retreat who was healed from this disease, I have renewed hope. It was spoken over him prophetically by an unnamed source that “YHWH told them he would be healed,” but I’m not sure if this source is even trustworthy. For those who don’t know, ALS is a terminal disease with no treatments, where the body basically eats its own muscle tissue and wastes away. They’ve tried numerous diets and alternative treatments, but nothing has been able to stop its progression yet.

When my dad first began to get sick, there was numerous ongoing prayers given for him at their church fellowship (they are Torah Observant), but there was no apparent healing at the time. Because of this, I knew that his sickness had been brought on for a purpose, but I have yet to discover what purpose that is. If that purpose was to bring about healing through the actions of his son (me) who just “went off the deep-end” into believing polygyny, I would think that could be a powerful testimony to the power of YHWH’s Truth. May it be so!

Please pray for complete healing in a powerful way, and for the fullness of Yah’s Will in this affliction to be revealed. Thank you!
Prayers for your father and for you and your family in this very difficult time.