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Poor guy

Yeah just what Indian culture needs, what with female infanticide, low female education and honour killings, is more Patriarchy!

Nice tunes though!! :D

B - Bollywood fan

What an excellent tutorial -- in how NOT to do PM. :lol:
Isabella, your reply shows how much we've let the meaning of the word Patriarchy be abused by our culture. You clearly take it to mean "abuse of women by men".

From our perspective, true, loving Biblical patriarchy (along with the Gospel) is EXACTLY what India needs. In properly functioning patriarchal societies (and yes, I don't have a modern example, at least of an entire country), those ills of India that you refer to, do not exist. Don't point to any Muslim countries either, those are NOT Biblically patriarchal societies.

BFer's, I think we need take this word back, and not give up on it. But to do so, we'll need to first demonstrate what it looks like, rather that attempt to redefine it (again).

I'd love to introduce you to the most loving patriarchal man in history, The God-Man Jesus Christ. Once you meet him for the first time and he comes alive in you you too will see why Christ like agape love that flows from the gospel is so essential for a well ordered society, including the homelife.
Nathan7 said:
Isabella, your reply shows how much we've let the meaning of the word Patriarchy .

I was only teasing anyway, there are plenty of good things about India, I happen to love the country. I was just joking because it is obviously a comedy segment.

Polygamy is not popular amongst Hindus, these women were Hindu judging from their dress, not Muslim, so as far as I can see, it was a bunch of Hindus having a pop at Islamic Polygamy.
