Recently came across a YouTuber that hosts a balloon pop dating game. It's somewhat of a twist on blind speed dating. Potentials of one sex are lined up and given a balloon. Then the opposite sex is brought in one at a time. Questions are asked by either side, led by the host, and a Balloon pop means not interested.
The balloon can be popped at any time, and the last one standing matches up, or if none are left there is no match up. Each match up pulls one person out of the line up, reducing the pool for the next person. The host also does follows up on the matches later on.
I am curious if this would work as an alternative for dating apps. Think something similiar but with a biblical marriage twist. A line up of single and married men, or single ladies, with the qualified opposite sex being brought in to ask questions to the line up.
What do you think the participation rate would be, and do you think posting on the web the recorded event would be beneficial or detrimental? In my mind it is more personal then a dating site or chat, and anyone who doesn't match is broadcasting also to the viewers, of which their may be a potential. Perhaps brining the unmatched back on for a new line up of viewer potentials?
Here's the channel. It is interesting to see the dynamic and interactions.
The balloon can be popped at any time, and the last one standing matches up, or if none are left there is no match up. Each match up pulls one person out of the line up, reducing the pool for the next person. The host also does follows up on the matches later on.
I am curious if this would work as an alternative for dating apps. Think something similiar but with a biblical marriage twist. A line up of single and married men, or single ladies, with the qualified opposite sex being brought in to ask questions to the line up.
What do you think the participation rate would be, and do you think posting on the web the recorded event would be beneficial or detrimental? In my mind it is more personal then a dating site or chat, and anyone who doesn't match is broadcasting also to the viewers, of which their may be a potential. Perhaps brining the unmatched back on for a new line up of viewer potentials?
Here's the channel. It is interesting to see the dynamic and interactions.