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Polygamous poetry


Staff member
Real Person
I thought I'd start an archive of polygamous poetry, for a bit of light-hearted relief. It's amazing how much polygamy is mentioned in our own culture, it just pops up when you least expect it. Please add whatever poems you find!

There once was an old man of Lyme.
Who married three wives at a time;
When asked, "Why a third?"
He replied, "One's absurd!
And bigamy, sir, is a crime."

William Cosmo Monkhouse
As I was going to St Ives
I met a man with seven wives
Every wife had seven sacks
Every sack had seven cats
Every cat had seven kits
Kits, cats, sacks, wives
How many were going to St Ives?


I don't think anyone knows where this one came from. Wikipedia (which is terrible for many topics but good for this sort of trivia) states the first known version of this dates from 1730, but in that copy the man has 9 wives. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/As_I_was_going_to_St_Ives
Now this one is by an Islamic author, so the religious views in it are certainly not supported by us. However, the emotions expressed are exactly those that are expressed by polygamous Christians - righteous polygamy is about freedom for women, not abuse of women, and although we will be opposed by society we must follow God, not man, and He will support and protect us. I post it here because it is well worded and expresses this emotional perspective very well, even though the religious basis for it differs.

Polygamy – it's not about you and me,
It's about setting people free,
Freedom for the worried single woman;
Freedom for the pious, caring man,
Allah's desire for us to follow,
His agenda for humans here below.
A Sunnah being strangled now,
Because to Allah, we do not bow.
It's difficult, I'm well aware!
Emotions sometimes hurt and temper flare!
But when we feel most hounded,
We should know Allah has us surrounded.
With angels and his blessing fast,
So others objections, we get past.
As scary, as it may sometimes seem,
We have only to stay together as a team.
Trust in Allah to east the way.
Inshallah, reward will come on Judgment Day!

Source: http://oumabdulaziz.arabblogs.com/polythoughts9.htm
Translation of Arabic words: "Sunnah" = Islamic way of life as prescribed by the Quran; "Inshallah" = "God willing".
One is too few,
Two will fight.
Three will take sides,
But four's just right.

When I first saw this, it was attributed to a Rabbi's wife. Beyond that I've no idea as to it's origin.

As to its validity? Just the observation of one polygamously married man that the happiest time in his family had been a 6 month period when 2 additional women had stayed with his family. He said that although they were not wives in any sense of the word, the family atmosphere between the women had been amazing.
This one isn't exactly a poem, but it's a short fable that is well known. Might even have a good lesson in it for the men here! :D

The Man and His Two Wives

IN THE DAYS when a man was allowed more wives than one, a middle-aged bachelor, who could be called neither young nor old, and whose hair was just beginning to turn gray, fell in love with two women at once, and married them both. The one was young and blooming, and wished her husband to appear as youthful as herself; the other was somewhat more advanced in age, and was anxious that her husband should appear a suitable match for her. So, the young one seized every opportunity of pulling out the good man's gray hairs, the old one was as industrious in plucking out every black hair she could find, till he found that, between one and the other, he had not a hair left.

He that submits his principles to the influences and caprices of opposite parties will end in having no principles at all.

This one is quite interesting, it is the earliest known Korean poem. The story behind it and the English translations of names vary a bit between sources, but the gist of it appears to be that King Yuri of the Goguryeo Kingdom had two wives, Hwahi, who was Korean, and Chihi, who was Chinese. While King Yuri was off on a hunting trip, his wives fought, and Chihi fled back to her family in China. When King Yuri returned, inspired by a pair of mating birds, he composed this poem.

I have no idea if the poem was to send to Chihi to persuade her to return, or just an expression of the emotions he was feeling. However it illustrates beautifully the understandable confusion and torn emotions of a man with two wives, when one wife has left. Various translations into English exist, this was the most poetic I could find:

Golden orioles are flitting around
Male and female enjoying each other
Left alone to myself in solitude
Who shall I return home with?

King Yuri, 17BC
This one I can't really make any sense of, it's weird. And a terrible example of marriage. But strangely amusing at the same time.

Three Wives Of A Mandarin

Lawful wife.

There is still some wine left in the chalice,
And the plate that's served is nests of the swallows.
Since the birth of time, the legal spouse
Is respected by her mandarin-husband.


There is still some wine left in the chalice,
And the plate is served - duck: fat and heavy;
Should a mandarin be deprived of children -
Concubine is needed for a mandarin.


There is still some wine left in the chalice,
And the plate is served - preserves and marmalade.
Why the two of you are in his house?
Every night a new woman he desires.


There is no more wine left in the chalice,
And the plate that's served is hot red pepper.
Silence! O you: bunch of silly blabbers,
Dare you laughing at the poor old mandarin.

Nikolai Stepanovich Gumilev
Ninth poem, and I'm starting to really scrape the bottom of the barrel now, as the quality of these poems is degrading rapidly! Evidence below:

The Man with Three Wives...

you ask,
how can did he manage to
have three wives?

well, he always buys things
in three sets:

three kilos of sugar
three bags of rice
three pieces of fish
three pinches of salt
three sachets of native coffee
three coffee mugs
three dresses with same design

and so everyone is happy
ever after.

Ric S Bastasa
As I was going to St Ives
I met a man with seven wives
Every wife had seven sacks
Every sack had seven cats
Every cat had seven kits
Kits, cats, sacks, wives
How many were going to St Ives?
i mean, impotency stinks, but come on, cats???
Fading Footsteps
by Verlan LeBaron

You inspire a glow within me that sets my heart aflame,
In the lonely hours of darkness, I softly call your name.
In dreams I feel you hold me in your sweet and tender way.
Sweetheart, I am so lonely, as your footsteps fade away.

You say that if I love you I will somehow let you go.
If to love you is to lose you and what you said is so -
I want you to be happy, don’t mind the tears I shed,
You’re free to go my darling and forget the vows we said.

In dreams please hold me in your sweet and tender way
Awake, I am so lonely, as your footsteps fade away.
As your footsteps fade away.

Not technically a polygamous poem, but written by infamous polygamist Verlan LeBaron. It's so sweet and sad. This was written to Susan Ray Schmidt, his "favorite" wife.
Good one.
Double Time

Double the trouble
Double the fun

Double the web
My spiders have spun

Double the maybe’s
Is she a nun?

Double the babies
Daughter or son?

Double the dinner
Food by the ton

Double the dishes
Dry till all done

Double the in-laws
Me they will shun?

Double the faux pas
I apologize, hon…

Double the delight
Double the pain

Double the blessings
I’d do it again
OK...I don't want to overload anyone here...but I do like poetry. :)
I didn't take time to go over all the punctuation and such...but poetry is personal, and can be liked .... or not, without having to be perfect.
It isn't all polygamous poetry, but some of it is from a poly minded mom. :D

I liked this, and thought I would share it.
I found it in a book The Best Loved Poems of the American People.


Do you know you have asked for the costliest thing
ever made by the Hand above?
A woman's heart, and a woman's life-
and a woman's wonderful love.

Do you know you have asked for this priceless thing
as a child might ask for a toy?
Demanding what others have died to win,
With the reckless dash of a boy.

You have written my lesson of duty out;
Manlike, you have questioned me.
Now stand at the bar of my woman's soul
Until I shall question thee.

You require your mutton shall always be hot,
Your socks and your shirts be whole;
I require you heart to be true as God's stars
And as pure as His heaven your soul.

You require a cook for your mutton and beef,
I require a far greater thing;
A seamstress you're wanting for socks and shirts-
I look for a man and a king.

A king for this beautiful realm called home,
And a man that his maker, God,
Shall look upon as He did the first
And say: "It is very good."

I am fair and young, but the rose may fade
From my soft young cheek one day;
Will you love me then 'mid the falling leaves,
As you did 'mong the blossoms of may?

Is your heart an ocean so strong and deep,
I may launch my all on its tide?
A loving woman finds heaven or hell
On the day she is made a bride.

I require all things that are grand and true,
All things that a man should be;
If you give this all, I would stake my life
To be all you demand of me.

If you cannot be this, a laundress and cook
You can hire and little to pay;
But a woman's heart and a woman's life
Are not to be won that way.

Lena Lathrop

and then there are mine .....

I wonder sometimes as I think over the events of a day...in that quiet time
before I fall asleep, how it can be that someone as much a part of
everything that matters in my life, used to be someone I had never met?
I wonder too if I will ever look back and wonder in the same way about
someone else?

Could there be someone out there in this world so wide
that would like to travel through life side by side,
with a couple of people as unique as we two,
and share in the everyday things that we do?

Could she enjoy just staying at home,
watching the kids grow, being never alone?
Or would she need a job and a break from home life
to keep her perspective and avoid undue strife?

Could there be someone out there who'd give life a whirl
with this sweet country boy that calls me 'his girl'?
Or am I the only one who'll choose him and be blessed
by the wonderful qualities that he does posses?

I know he's not perfect but he's perfect for me,
and our love helps us see what each other can be.
So we both look ahead as we live day by day,
teaching our children as we go on our way,
not knowing exactly what tomorrow may bring,
but sure we can make it through anything,
along with our maker who knows what's in store,
and will bring us through as He has many times before.

I don't wonder about her appearance, but if she exists!
Is this space in my heart here because she is missed?
Can you miss someone that you've never met?
Or is she someone real, we just haven't met yet?

I wonder sometimes when the work day is through
a lot of things like this, I'll bet you do too
if your reading this poem 'cause this site's "poly friendly",
and here's where I'll stop 'cause I'm no good at endings.

This is for all the wonderfully neat single gals I have met over the years, who have been a huge encouragement to me. I hope you know who you are. :)

Could it be?

Could you love me,
not as a lover but as a friend?
Would you be there
through thick and thin 'till the end?

Would you let me
share your life as you share mine
could you like that
and be glad we have each other for a time?

Would you tire of me
wish you hadn't said you would
stay here with our family
for times bad and good?

Would you mean what you said
(if you did say 'I do')
or would we someday find out
those words were untrue?

Could you handle adjusting to family life
with the sick days and scraped knees
kid quarrels and strife?
It isn't all rosy...some days can be rough
but the ups do make up for the times that are tough

The first look at your baby
holding him too
when you realize
he's the best gift anyone ever gave you,

and you cry just a bit
and just soak in the love
of this precious little bundle
sent from God above

The joy of a lover that knows you so well
that he hears the thoughts you'd rather not tell
and you can't hide a thing from him
(not that you would)
it's amazing when someone knows you that good...

and still loves you!
that's the part that makes me amazed
at the blessings I have
and the joy in my days

Could it be God would bless us with someone like you?
I've hoped many times that was something He'd do.
I'm sure that I couldn't deserve all of this
still I wish everyone could have such happiness

And this is the last one...not sure I'm quite finished with it...but you
can see what you think.

A True Love
People search for “true love” as if it’s a kind or brand,
of love you “find” or “fall into” instead of a kind of man.

They sometimes end up with someone who proves to be a cad,
and when time has changed their new love, they don’t like the one they have.

So they sever the ties that bind them because they are so sure,
that the one they were with was not “the one” since their love did not

Each continues to search for “true love” with what they have left of a
the sad thing is some love completely, but their lover still wants to part.

So be cautious in who you trust, with your heart and your future life,
not everyone out there understands what makes a good husband or wife.

Though most desire a “true love” that will last their whole life through,
not many understand that a true love is something you must DO!

And more then that a true love is something each of us can be,
but it’s about what is inside us, not about what we can see.

So you ask “what makes a true love?” I can tell you what I know,
that it isn’t a fleeting feeling, it’s more like a seed that grows.

It’s a seed that is made of pure love, the kind the Good Book defines,
it’s caring for someone like God does and it’s not about ‘me’ and ‘mine.’

When you start with a seed of that sort then the passing of days and life,
the trials you face together, and the ever present strife
that we face in this world cannot hurt your love it only makes it grow
and get stronger ‘cause true love is God’s love! that’s a secret I wish
more could know.

So if you want a true love, first get from God that seed,
then share it with everyone you can find, so many out there need
to hear about His mercy and his love and what He does,
to change our lives for the better, when in Him we learn to trust.

And the miracle of His love is that you never can run out,
the more you share it with others the less you fear and doubt,
and the more love you end up with, the kind of love that’s sure!
And you end up with the kind of friends and friendships that endure.

You’ll find when you learn about life from the source of all that’s true,
you also learn what true love is from the one who created you.

Unless you understand and believe this you’re unlikely to have
the kind of love you search for, the kind that will outlast
anything you can fathom and go on and on through time,
unlike this little poem I wrote that has now run out of rhyme
Okay, my turn...

There once was a man from Nantucket....

oops, not that one lol,



Better to marry a man whose love
will meet your demands
Though wives he may have more than you,
If he is faithful to God
and Heaven's whispered commands
For your life he will be faithful to you.

Though all of earth's proud wealth
he thus can claim not,
Don't fear if his heart's only true,
That the riches of earth can
in no way compare not
With affection for a lifetime for you.


The poets emerge! I'm very impressed Doc, Jolene and Ylop. Particularly like Jolene's "Could it be" and Ylop's poem, as both speak from the heart directly from experience of different aspects of polygamy - the search, and the finding (well done Ylop, good luck Jolene :D ).
I'm a poet!
Don't you know it?
Just look at my feet....
they are LONG FELLOWS!!


DOC :ugeek:
We'll dedicate this to all the men and women who don't know the truth of polygyny and yet are called to it without understanding why.

Stay (sung by Sugarland)
Lyrics by Jennifer Nettles

I’ve been sitting here staring at the clock on the wall
And I’ve been laying here praying, praying she won’t call
It’s just another call from home
And you’ll get it and be gone and I’ll be crying

And I’ll be begging you, baby, beg you not to leave
But I’ll be left here waiting with my heart on my sleeve
Oh, for the next time we’ll be here
Seems like a million years and I think I’m dying
What do I have to do to make you see she can’t love you like me?

Why don’t you stay? I’m down on my knees
I’m so tired of being lonely, don’t I give you what you need?
When she calls you to go, there is one thing you should know
We don’t have to live this way, baby, why don’t you stay? Yeah

You keep telling me, baby there will come a time
When you will leave her arms and forever be in mine
But I don’t think that’s the truth
And I don’t like being used and I’m tired of waiting
It’s too much pain to have to bear to love a man you have to share

Why don’t you stay? I’m down on my knees
I’m so tired of being lonely, don’t I give you what you need?
When she calls you to go, there is one thing you should know
We don’t have to live this way, baby, why don’t you stay?

I can’t take it any longer but my will is getting stronger
And I think I know just what I have to do
I can’t waste another minute after all that I’ve put in it
I’ve given you my best, why does she get the best of you?
So next time you find you wanna leave her bed for mine

Why don’t you stay? I’m up off my knees
I’m so tired of being lonely, you can’t give me what I need
When she begs you not to go, there is one thing you should know
I don’t have to live this way, baby, why don’t you stay? Yeah, oh